The Otherworldly Swordsmith’s Guide to Making Demonic Katana


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Lutz is an unsuccessful sword smith. One day he creates a bewitchingly beautiful katana.

He tries to sell it off to get money and fame, but on second thoughts he has no contacts to sell it.

Claudia, a female merchant he does business with, is wrongfully arrested and he gives up the sword in order to rescue her.

Lutz and Claudia were forced to start a new life .Due to Claudia, who has lost her house and possessions.

Meanwhile, the sword has drifted away and is in the hands of a magic grantor who is said to be the best in the county – …….


A Katana, that mesmerize people to the point of obsession.!!

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Another world swordsmith magic sword making diary
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Poly Animus
Poly Animus rated it
September 16, 2023
Status: c84
Not completely garbage, but not recommended.

Translation Quality: The story translation is readable. There are issues with confusing pov switches and character pronouns. Sometimes, a speaking character uses "I" or their own name.

Story Issues:

1) The main character's background does not make sense.

I thought Lutz created the first sword as a fluke (like he was possessed by the god of smithing), but it actually represents his baseline of expected quality.
Well why the f*ck is he still living in the middle of backwater nowhere?

2) The main character is a complete pushover in his business.


He makes a sword for someone, and the man pays him 1 gold. His usual commission is in the hundreds.

He creates a sword for a king for another country (barbarians?). A f*ckwit noble is rewarded with 5, 000 gold for the idea even after he completely f*cks up the diplomacy aspect, and he sends 1, 000 gold to the craftsmen of the sword. The MC has to split 1, 000 gold with three others, the decorator, the enchanter, and the dude who thought of using the large pink gem to enchant the sword. The only reason that dumbass noble didn't fail is because Lutz is able to make a good enough sword. Otherwise, the kingdom either had to give up a princess or four other swords that Lutz created.

Also, who the f*ck thought it's a good idea to give an enemy king a magic sword for the world's largest gem as a symbol of peace? That's the same as: "Please don't attack our country anymore, and in exchange for this unusually large piece of jewelry, we will craft the continent's most destructive nuclear warhead for you. The other side had more brains by presenting a very large pink gemstone. How deadly is a pink gemstone? About as deadly as a heavy rock if you throw it. How deadly is this sword? It harnesses the power of the sun and makes anyone within a radius bow down in reverence.


2) The story has no concept of money.

The story never explains what you can buy with x gold. Gold in this story isn't the basic currency. There are a few mentions of copper and silver, so a loaf of bread shouldn't cost 15 gold. The issue is the duo always receive large sums of gold for every commission, but are never shown to buy anything. You received 10, 000 gold? That's great except nobody gives a shit.

Later, the two move into a better house, but take a guess. The lord is building the house for them, and they didn't spend any money. The only time he spends money is when he buys a shard of a pink gem for 200 gold, and he doesn't even use it for his own sword.


3) The guild's restriction system is dogshit.


The explanation that a guild's weaponsmith can't work in a different city without first undergoing apprenticeship in that city is full of shit. Mr. Blacksmith is the best blacksmith in the continent. He lives in Town A. Suddenly, a dragon razes Town A and it no longer exists. Now, Mr. Blacksmith is f*cked because he needs to move to a different city and undergo an apprenticeship there before he can continue his trade.
This wouldn't be a problem if there was a standard certification test or a short program, but there isn't. The only reason this exists is for the author to cover his ass why Lutz begins in a horrible situation.


4) Shallow relationship with love interest.
I skimmed almost every part of the romance, but I think they all sound the same. She looks beautiful, nice butt, blah blah blah.

2.5/10 for casual readers and needs you to brain-OFF.

-1000000/10 for anyone who is annoyed by poor worldbuilding and plot-holes/hates brain-OFF.
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I your Father
I your Father rated it
April 30, 2023
Status: c45
Far more interesting than it seems. The chararcters are interesting, lively and somewhat fleshed out. The story is coherent and logical. The sword he creates are powerful but not overpowered.
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qwertyuhb rated it
February 1, 2023
Status: c14
Fascinating. Not sure I'd call it comedy myself, though there is humor; if anything perhaps a trace of Psychological or maybe even Eldritch Horror.

Very, very much worth a read, however.
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