The Opposite Of Indifference


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Millicent was accused of being a witch and burned at the stake.

She was brought back to life for some reason, but she kept her past a secret.

Then one day, a request from the Queen came in. She wanted her to kill the five ladies who were considered candidates for the King’s consort.

Millicent complied with her request out of personal vengeance.

Somehow, Millicent got terribly involved with the notorious king. Despite the advice that nothing good would come to attract his attention.

She even got a glimpse of his real face hidden under a nice mask….

“The opposite of indifference is obsession.”

The presence of the king who approached playfully was annoying and unsettling.

Millicent realized.

The fact that she had been moving on his chessboard for some time.

And she knew that the bloody number given to her was not five.

Associated Names
One entry per line
In The Grip Of Indifference
무관심의 역방향
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  5. my top-tier [k-novels]

Latest Release

Date Group Release
03/29/24 Salmon Latte Translations c16
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01/19/24 Salmon Latte Translations c8
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01/14/24 Salmon Latte Translations c4
01/14/24 Salmon Latte Translations c3
01/14/24 Salmon Latte Translations c2
01/14/24 Salmon Latte Translations c1
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