The New Gate (LN)


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“THE NEW GATE”, an online game that trapped its players and turned into a death game, was now releasing the thousands of players that had been dragged into it, thanks to the efforts of Shin, one of the most powerful players. But after having defeated the last boss and freed everyone, he was swallowed up by a strange light and found himself inside the game world 500 years in the future and unable to leave.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Related Series
The New Gate (WN) (Web Novel)
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Action - Adventure - Fantasy (JP On-Going)
  2. thesauce
  3. novels
  4. Novel's i've Read/Caught Up
  5. game-affiliated novels

Latest Release

Date Group Release
06/12/24 Shin Translations v20c3 part14
06/05/24 Shin Translations v20c3 part13
05/29/24 Shin Translations v20c3 part12
05/22/24 Shin Translations v20c3 part11
05/15/24 Shin Translations v20c3 part10
05/08/24 Shin Translations v20c3 part9
05/02/24 Shin Translations v20c3 part8
04/25/24 Shin Translations v20c3 part7
04/17/24 Shin Translations v20c3 part6
04/11/24 Shin Translations v20c3 part5
04/03/24 Shin Translations v20c3 part4
03/28/24 Shin Translations v20c3 part3
03/20/24 Shin Translations v20c3 part2
03/13/24 Shin Translations v20c3 part1
02/29/24 Shin Translations v20c2 part7
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109 Reviews sorted by

saphie0008 rated it
August 15, 2017
Status: v3c1 part1
This story has such potential, but it is oh sooo poorly written. It is too telling, repetitive and full of unnecesary information. My hands are just itching to rewrite this in a state that doesn't make it hurt to reread it, just for my own pleasure, but that would just take too much time.

The actual manga is a lot better, there, a lot of redundant information has been left out. The author feels like a beginner at writing and that this is a first draft of a first go at... more>> writing. I sincerely hope the author will find someone to look through his work with him, so he can improve his writing, there can be learned so much from a proofreader if you are willing to listen. <<less
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sjackson rated it
July 14, 2020
Status: v4c1 part1
Alright so let's start this pain train.

This novel is overall, very lackluster. I have a few critique's that I want to touch base on before giving a summarized review.

The first caveat I want to mention is the severe case of "Vanishing Subject Syndrome" that this novel has. This could be a problem with the translator, the editor, or the author. For some reason, during conversations you randomly lose the subject and the entire conversation is about a topic that isn't mentioned. It's very awkward and ruins the story greatly when... more>> it happens. Japanese conversations are already full of petty pretenses, but when this happens, not only is the conversation full of petty pretense, it's petty pretense that has no subject. So you basically get to see the characters acting pretentious over a topic that doesn't exist. It's just very ret*rded.

The second thing I'd like to mention is the overall feel of the story. It feels very slipshod and shoddy. The main character is a Japanese person, so he's already "laid back" naturally. Then on top of that he has a pretense heavy personality. However it's strange, usually these two traits are conflicting but in this story they seem to combine together to form a very unintelligible combination of "laid back pretense" that doesn't really match with the story's overall feel.

For instance...

When the main character first goes through "The New Gate" immediately after defeating "Origin" and being sent into an empty field of grass. He's very distraught, has a sort of mental breakdown in which he acts like a spoiled child and rolls around on the ground. Afterward he makes a big deal about finding out what's going on and decides to head to his old NPC housing. He goes so far as to sprint 60 'kemels' (km) at near top speed to get back there. However when he gets there and finds a bunch of random strangers inside what can be considered his home and workshop, not only is he not surprised, he's not interested either. It's almost as if his entire purpose for going there was merely to meet those people. He doesn't show any kind of reaction to finding strangers in his house, he doesn't ask why they are there, he doesn't identify himself as the homeowner, he does absolutely nothing that could be considered logical in that situation. Even after finding a complete stranger behind his counter, which is an even bigger nono than merely being inside his house. He shows complete apathy to the point of basically completely disregarding it. Instead he decides to strike up an almost completely pointless conversation with what can basically be considered home invaders and then proceeds to leave them entirely and stay in an inn instead of his own home.

All of this goes to show that his entire personality conflicts with the basic premise of the entire novel. Such an issue does absolutely nothing in the way of making the novel flow properly or giving it any semblance of entertainment value. Almost zero pressure is experienced by the reader. There's no drama, there's no excitement. The main character bleeds them both off with his complete apathy to anything and everything around him.

The third thing I want to cover is the pure and utter lack of skill that the author shows in writing. You can find examples of this spread sporadically throughout the novel but the main one I want to mention is...

The entirety of the interactions with the "Adventurer's Guild".


For those of you reading this review, I apologize. I was going to write another paragraph or two about the adventurer's guild and how it shows the authors lack of skill but after getting off the toilet I realized that I didn't care enough about this novel to write more than I already have.

Cheers! <<less
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Darkmaster72 rated it
March 3, 2020
Status: v3
I truly wished this to be better but here are it's shortfalls.

1. Very slow story: It rants on and on about most useless things like cooking, shoping, playing with children etc, there is literally 2 whole chapters on scnee cooking, and I'll tell you this, chapters are very big and have very little actual content.

2. The story revolves around MC, it's so focused on MC that its gets boring.

... more>> 3. Lack of logic.

4. Dull story, you expect something to happen but it never does, I was expecting some wars between country, some political issues. <<less
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jndnl rated it
April 24, 2018
Status: v1c1 part1
I dont understand the harshness people have in their reviews stating nothing ever happens besides stereotypical stuff. I mean over 90% of the top rated novels here dont have anything going on besides magical imagination training (aka cultivation) most of the time that if explained properly instead of being round about would cut most CN novels to 1/2 or 1/3. While this does suffer from the same prolonged battles scenes that add nothing to the story and repetitive explanations, so does almost every other novel in this site. With respect... more>> to most other novels here this is probably better imo. Worth a read if youre into xianxia without all the long ass explanations about getting stronger since the MC is strong by default. Though for a jp MC he's not as dense as most. <<less
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Deadmilkmen rated it
March 23, 2021
Status: v14c2
Garbage novel that almost seemed good. It just gets more boring as you go and eventually just frustrating.

MC is the strongest in a death game VRMMO, beats the game, the game world turns into a real world but 500 years later. MC is now the most powerful in the world by far.

Typical hide your power bullshit. Makes sense at first, don't wanna stand out and get involved in bullsh*t right? Sure. Volume 14 now. He's involved in non stop bullshit. Every. F*cking. Place. He. Goes. Bullshit. Yet he solves the... more>> problems one after the other and is already world famous. His followers lived in this world for 500+ years and are living Legends, respected by every country. It's just gotten absurd at this point. He deals with pointless bullsh*t non stop like your typical beta Japanese MC that can't just say "No, I don't want to do that"

Speaking of beta, he's pretty much a nothing character. His personality is a super nice Japanese guy who likes blacksmithing. That's it 😐. Hobbies, character quirks, opinions on things? There's none of those. Just your typical bland polite Japanese person.


He got edgy for awhile after his internet girlfriend (only knew each other in the game) got killed by other players in the death game. Now you know as much about him as I do


The fights are f*cking terrible. There's zero tension because he's so OP. Vol14 and he hasn't even been hurt yet. So they're pointless to read. You can skip every fight in this series so far, read the end results, and you'll have missed nothing.

The author is very over descriptive. Like he's filling a word count. Honestly, this could be like 5 volumes instead of the 14 I've read.

I strongly recommend not reading this. It feels like it was written by a teenager who watches sword Art online on repeat. <<less
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Miracle rated it
May 21, 2020
Status: v16
These are the things I want to point out:

    • The story has barely progressed, MC wanted to go home but there has almost never been any clues and character willingness to actually solve the problem. The story dragged on so much that the second clue was presented here in V16 (if I remember the first clue was presented between V1-3, when they were unlocking a new ability for the priestess, maybe I missed some but whatever.). Now with the new goal MC has the story litteraly has nowhere to go now

      the story drags and they keep giving powers to the weak 2nd heroine. she keeps getting this +100 stats on all attributes lol

    • Another problem I want to point out is the exaggeration in everything, how MC is so powerful, how his allies is so powerful, how 2nd heroine become so powerful. Every skill the MC uses is described and over glorified because the OP MC uses it. I always see something along this lines

      But with the MC using this skill. It becomes on a whole new level. 2nd Female Heroine has risen above the chosen ones. But with blabla using it..... so powerful......

      . I mean sure its nice to say this once in a while. Similar to how overlord has this catchy phrases " like a puppet with it strings cut". Problem is that every little thing that the MC do, the mentioned phrase in the spoiler is always tagged in every single f*** thing.
    • Overly long sentences because of the 2nd point this contributes no information or anything at all because we already know the MC is OP.
    • Last point is about the (MMO) RPG aspect every novel uses. Honestly as a gamer who likes to play RPG it irritates me so much when the story goes to show how their game was. In my opinion it disrespects the RPG genre itself because of how s*upid they described their story using this RPG format. I thought the MC was role playing a blacksmith/samurai character

      so why does he have the ability to wield every single weapon, and powerful spells, and obviously broken even stats (900 on all attributes) and this applies to the 1st heroine as well

      . He and his npcs are obviously role-playing GM accounts which explains this phenomenon. Another thing I hate, since spells and whatnot are not exactly establised in this story, the Author just pulls up spells after spells to give the MC to cater to predicament (if u wanna call it) they are in.
At this point im just reading the novel for the sake of knowing the ending, as this was one the first novels I read along with Mushoku Tensei, Sevens, Shield bro.
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cleesus rated it
June 22, 2019
Status: v9
This really did start off interesting, I started off with the manga which I now know is the better format for this story.

The first few volumes are pretty interesting but around 5/6 it really starts to go downhill and shows you that there is not much to the plot or main character. Honestly its a waste of time since the battle and travel scenes are so long for no reason. The author is overly detailed about the most useless of things and keeps repeating it even on the same page.

Just... more>> go ahead and do yourself a favor because up until I gave up this was mostly a kidmap simulator with a random person (s) getting kidnapped and the MC being too damn ret*rded to do anything about anything until after the fact <<less
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greycolors rated it
March 15, 2019
Status: v9c3 part3
I read this for a while, but eventually dropped it for becoming repetitive and tedious. That said, it's not terrible and has some strong points.

Strengths: Most of the characters are enjoyable and fun to read about. There is clearly some major plot going on that is slowly revealed as changes to the status quo begin to emerge. The main character isn't an idiot, and generally makes rational decisions. The world is relatively interesting, with various countries and factions and power players factoring into things.

Weaknesses: Nothing goes anywhere. This is a... more>> bit generalizing, as each battle and incident reveals some new information or moves the characters somewhere, but it never resolves into anything. One battle reveals some strangeness about former game locations and the activity of some shadowy entity, great! Now that won't be addressed again for another 5 volumes or so because the protagonist just drops the issue and heads somewhere else to uncover some new thing on the other side of the planet. The story is also heavily padded, with very long fights that are really boring. The main problem is that there is no threat at all to the main character and his crew. Even when some new entity reveals powers that are maybe a threat, the MC quickly gets the upper hand again. As such fights are more about reading long descriptions of powers and hoping you remain in awe of their scale, which gets old fast. The story essentially never settled on a central conflict, and spent too much time aimlessly wandering around and hinting at a greater story that doesn't appear. It's a shame since I liked the characters and was interested in the mysteries and intrigue that the story set up, but it never got around to paying it off. <<less
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bumkulaka rated it
January 5, 2019
Status: v7c2
The MC is like: Hey I just come back from the past, and I got enough cool sh*t for everyone so come and get some. Here is strongest tier weapons but dont worry I will made one for ya, and it's free. Yay!!!!!!!!

Very Interesting to read at the first two volumes and then getting worse.
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tornberry rated it
August 31, 2017
Status: v8c1 part1
Just wanna add another review about how the author simply over-detailed every stuffs like what everyone's already saying. That being said, I still read it until the end of vol 7, and the feeling that I've gotten was like, a Songoku who charges his spirit ball for few episodes straight, doing nothing but stretching his hands with his inner monologues and dialogues. Enjoyable story, especially around vol 7~8, but the author could have cut some unnecessary details without losing the actual story progressions, and then add some realistic goals or... more>> objectives from the very start. <<less
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Asran22 rated it
July 25, 2017
Status: v7c4 part3
The pace in the story is good and the MC is really realistic on how he take action not like other MC in other novel that think being op mean you're the the truth and not using brain when taking action. I really like when MC being humble and keep his status as high human as a secret because he know the consequences if his secret expose such as his freedom will lose, friend safety and other.
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September 24, 2016
Status: v5c2 part5
The story advances so slow, and it'll make you wondering why you still read it. The writing is nothing exceptionally done, but not poorly written either. And if your a fan of action and glory, this one is definitely not for you. The MC tries to lay low on profile as much as possible to the extent that you can count on finger how many person knows his true capabilities. The biggest problem I got however, is the whole story having no aim and just wanders around and about, even... more>> at the start of volume 5 its still mostly obscure.

Nonetheless, I still recommend it if you got nothing else to read. <<less
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PikachuWWIII rated it
September 27, 2021
Status: v12
I tried.... I really did........ Here are the Pros

Ok world building

Some well built characters

... more>> Good flow throught the plot of the story.


There are a lot of absolutely pointless plotholes where I think the author actually became lazy. WHY would you write about an entire city forgetting the faces and names of their saviors from the day before, without any context. There is no magic introduced capable of such a thing, there was many more opportunities to use such magic before this point in the story, they didnt even need to hide their identities in the first place. Theres no explanation, no anything. Just that every not important individual that didnt already know them forgot their saviors from the day before "for some reason" (author) at least pull a skill out of Shin's ass, then he can use it one time, then never remember it exist again when its actually needed for a plausible reason.

Overpowered from the start turns into "I am going to get bullied 24/7, then I will turn all powerful in front of people even tho I was hiding my powers."

good skills are only seen once or twice at maximum. Then the author creates challenges that are not challenging until he makes every character fkn useless. Then they are powered up back to normal and are praised, characters around them always go "uwwaaaahhh! They were that strong?!?!?" At the end of every long challenging fight that ends up with them 1 hitting everything in 2sec after almost dying to the same enemies for an hour for no reason.

main love intrest, Is not a cardbored cut out, instead shes multiple cardboard cutouts that dont go together cramed and crushed until it comes out supposedly "beautiful"... aka shes a bunch of good heroines thrown into one, she then turns out to basically have a caring personallity, a jelous personallity, a sadistic personallity, a cold personallity, a motherly feel. She has cute reactions while at the same time she wears maid clothes that show off her oppai more than a bikini would, then blushes from hugs. (Some people may like this "all purpose heroine" But no matter how I look at it shes just an anoying bit*h that will turn cute and blush for romantic moments. Then the next chapter it will have a drawing of her blushing to romantic words while the camera angle is fkn eating her cleavage.... I just cant......)

Summary: Dont be confused, I read all the way up to V12 before I had to stop. I thought it was going to get better, it got worse. The only reason I could think of someone enjoying this novel, is if they like the heroine, they can follow through the story focusing on the romantic subplot while every well thought out female character is thrown to the side and pulled along with leash getting "close" to the MC, then getting fkd over again by mish mash main heroine.

I normally prefer single love intrests, but this novels author's lack of interest into writing any reasonable true form of the main heroine pisses me off. It literally feels as if the author just decided to put all of his tastes into one character, then change her into completely different characters throughout the story. Sure, if you can handle that, then you may like this story, since the romantic aspect is the only part I would consider not garbage.

To bad that her character is shit. <<less
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Master10K rated it
June 13, 2020
Status: v15c4
Going from a VRMMO death game to an actual Fantasy World based on the game, certainly feels like something an author inspired by SAO & Overlord would come up with. Shin being a dark-haired, black-clad, sword-wielding young man doesn't help deter any comparisons. Especially with how ridiculously OP he starts off in this novel, leaving not much to drive the story, except a weak desire to return to the "real world".

Each volume focuses on a problem for Shin & pals to solve, thus making for a predictable formula. However all... more>> the other characters end up becoming vessels of intrigue, bringing sense to this muddled fantasy game-like world. <<less
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Yoregos rated it
April 21, 2020
Status: v16c1
I’ve been re reading it once because the release was taking a break.

This novel is incredible the story is attracting, there is a sense in what is happening.

people who say “well he just keep beiing in trouble without choosing it” I can only say to those person, would you like to read a novel that has no point and just depicting your daily life...?

Well, if you are wondering if it is interesting and worth it just start you will be starting today and start to be part of the people... more>> saying “more release please”.

thanks for the work guys. <<less
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HealthtPatchuri rated it
November 17, 2019
Status: Completed
Let me explain of the main plot. MC walks up a random street. A damsel in distress pops out from nowhere. Oopsie daisies, MC uses his awesome power to help the damsel solve its most tedious plot no one would actually care about. Everyone goes WoW! And claps their hand. MC goes huh? Anyone can do this, right? Of course he goes all secretive and hides like a dark knight.

Endless loophole. Go to the beginning.

Story is one hell of a bullshit. The character... more>> illustration and the attraction, even the world construction is great. Yet the MC doesn't have any development in character and enjoys the OP scenes that I couldn't care less. This is one of the problems you get with a super powerd MC. He acts bland, characterless, and goes by others' decisions. The closest thing I can get is the same OP loophole as the 'Death March' LN, but hey at least that novel was readable as the writer knows how to make a secretive MC fun. Or you know the anime called sword art online, but that MC has hardships at least. Or you have Saitama from Onepunchman where the character starts to merge in with the world of heroes due to his everlasting boredom. Those characters are in 'control' of the situations. But this new gate LN is one of the most risk free written novel I've ever seen.

As for the 'comment guy' below saying 'if the story doesn't please you, go away', , well someone has to express their ideas of what they think of the novel. I think this story is failed shit, but well, there's always a person who appreciates it. You can at least enjoy it until volume 3 untill you realize the loophole, so why not give it a try, or you could just read another novel of which I recommend.

+By the way, you're not supposed to say reviewers are s*upid man. Everyone has their ideas, who are you to judge someone's freaking s*upid and how ignorant can you possibly be MR. Oshibo? At least keep your ideas to yourself. <<less
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TheBingeReader rated it
August 13, 2019
Status: --
A pretty forced plot-line and the story bizarrely ends up being a slice of life novel instead of whatever the heck it should be, the MC is pretty much s*upid and pointlessly limits his strength because reasons? he is yet another one of the 99% carbon copy OP fantasy, emotionless and unconcerned about everything alpha males right from the get go.

He has no heroes journey because hes pretty much invincible from the start and only "sometimes" struggles because he intentionally limits himself..... because reasons so there is no reason to... more>> root for him because we all know he could just go 1 punch man on everything if he wanted and the novel would be over in about 20 chapters.

As expected any/all long term personal character interactions are all with females with males only appearing occasionally, usually people he briefly visits/speaks too, which makes the novel, yet again, generic as they get.

At least with a fully OP char like saitama/1 punch man you have comedy as the main thing holding it all up but this has none of that, most of the story feels like the MC is just casually roaming around on a camping trip around the world without a care in the world, until some random event occurs that is of utterly no risk to him whatsoever making the combat parts of the novel near redundant.. <<less
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Cpw99 rated it
May 15, 2019
Status: v13c5
I like the series, especially the romance aspect, which seems to be left out of many Japanese LN in this genre. It is a little weird how he is so set on hiding his power but it doesn’t take that much away from the story. The world is great, the characters are well built, there could be more conflict and villains but it’s still very enjoyable to me.
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Riveted rated it
September 2, 2016
Status: --
It's an interesting setting with a rather fleshed-out world and entertaining characters, but each volume only has 3 or 4 short chapters, and the translation is really rough. On top of that, the translator is only able to do one section of a chapter every two weeks, so even if you are interested it's better to wait until a much larger portion of the story is translated before diving in. I regret starting this.
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lysander rated it
August 2, 2016
Status: v3c1 part3
Great characters, excellent world, story kinda of slow, but it's good to read. I don't read it in one go, but is still one of my favorites.

For the reviews I've read the story gets slower and boring... Till then I'll enjoy...
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