The New Gate (LN)


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“THE NEW GATE”, an online game that trapped its players and turned into a death game, was now releasing the thousands of players that had been dragged into it, thanks to the efforts of Shin, one of the most powerful players. But after having defeated the last boss and freed everyone, he was swallowed up by a strange light and found himself inside the game world 500 years in the future and unable to leave.

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Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Action - Adventure - Fantasy (JP On-Going)
  2. thesauce
  3. novels
  4. Novel's i've Read/Caught Up
  5. game-affiliated novels

Latest Release

Date Group Release
05/31/23 Shin Translations v19c2 part5
05/23/23 Shin Translations v19c2 part4
05/13/23 Shin Translations v19c2 part3
05/05/23 Shin Translations v19c2 part2
04/29/23 Shin Translations v19c2 part1
04/26/23 Shin Translations v19c1 part8
04/25/23 Shin Translations v19c1 part7
03/16/23 Shin Translations v19c1 part7
03/08/23 Shin Translations v19c1 part6
03/01/23 Shin Translations v19c1 part5
02/21/23 Shin Translations v19c1 part4
02/14/23 Shin Translations v19c1 part3
02/07/23 Shin Translations v19c1 part2
01/31/23 Shin Translations v19c1 part1
11/24/21 Shin Translations v18c4 part4
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108 Reviews sorted by

MomTheDemonQueen rated it
June 6, 2016
Status: --
In the midst of all of its' problem's it is a good story. It has a great plot and great character.

But that is all it has. The action is poor, the talking is long-winded and completely skippable, the MC doesn't want to reveal his power because he's... Afraid of something? I have no idea, there's nothing stronger than him in this world so there's nothing that could threaten him. There's probably not even anything stronger than his girlfriend in this world.

I give it a 3 just for the premise, and... more>> the development of the world, story and characters. But honestly, everything good about this story doesn't make up for the fact that most of the time it's so boring you skip 5-6 paragraphs just to get past this part, or sometimes even full chapters. Once, I skipped three chapters, and the part I was trying to skip still wasn't over. It's that slow.

Read it, give it a chance, if you're the type that can move this slow then go for it.

I can't. I want a brave MC who gets things done and shows off more than a good MC who does the right thing but hides in the shadows. Give me a family slaughtering psychopath any day over this Satou re-hash. <<less
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Ohems rated it
December 22, 2017
Status: v9c2 part4
Traditional "japanese person ends up in a game world and is OP" story in both good and bad. However, what sets this one apart from the rest in my opinion is its much more mature tone. Almost every notable person in the story is an adult and, with the exception of a bit of light-hearted comedy, behave like it. Most of the characters act rather rationally and the story flows in a natural way instead of being a forced power fantasy like most isekai stories are. Several important people are... more>> patiently held back to be introduced at a later date, female party members actually have proper reasons for sticking with the MC and the character roster is well balanced between males and females. Plus the MC doesn't pick up a new girl to his party in every damn book.

Many people have complained how the MC holds back his powers and tries his best not to stand out. However, I personally find the reasoning very adequate. This is an adventure story first, OP isekai tale second. And that shows in the attitude of the MC. He's little more than a player who got OP through hard effort and just wants to enjoy the world without causing too much of a fuss. However, when he finds himself or someone close to him in trouble, he doesn't hesitate to step in in a very level headed manner. The OP overkills that eventually happen here and there contrast wonderfully with the mature tone of the plot and allow a more subtle tone of humor compared to the constant onslaught of embarrassing stuff that takes place in many other stories of its kind.

As a sidenote, the thing that annoys me the most is the constant spamming of skill names in fights. The game system has a lot of techniques and skills with ridiculous names and about 10% of all fights is just skill names one after another, which I couldn't care less of. But perhaps due to the low density of serious action in the series, I do not find this to be a big problem.

TL;DR this is a rather mature adventure story which sacrifices action for travel and plot development. Everything in this story is more subtle than in many of its peers, but the story telling methods are delicate and impressive. Some people may find it a bit boring, I found it very enjoyable. <<less
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ReadsWebNovels rated it
October 18, 2017
Status: v4c3 part3
This WN is an emotional journey more than an adventure. The main character isn't a wuss, he's already survived through a "the VR game becomes a death game" trope and grown to be the strongest person in existence, only to have his strength more than doubled after succeeding. He's killed people, lost comrades, and over all is already well developed. Instead of the journey, this novel focuses on the emotional fallout of succeeding and leaving all the NPC who became sentient behind when the game world he played in becomes... more>> real and he's teleported 500 years into the future.

The protagonist isn't the typical dense protagonist, but is instead treating his stay in this world as temporary. He might pretend to overlook things such as romantic interest, but he's aware of them and simply doesn't want to entangle himself, knowing that it'll only be more painful when he eventually leaves. He's trying to avoid attention for similar reasons, but won't hesitate to do something he deems necessary, even if it gather the attention of the whole world. <<less
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sangyx rated it
January 15, 2017
Status: v5c3 part2
People are definitely entitled to their own opinions, and I can see where people go when they say "nothing ever happens in this novel" because yes, it is slow, and yes, there isn't as much action (battle-wise) compared to other shounen, reincarnation/stuck in a game stories. However, I think that just makes it better - there's more of a "game" world to appreciate.

It's a huge world, given its VRMMORPG setting, and Shin slowly progresses through these areas when he goes to meet up with his former "subordinates" from the game. I think there's a real tangible difference between saying a world has "elves, dwarves, beasts, etc." and actually going to each of the lands and visiting them.

Other than Shin, the depth of the characters are admittedly not very deep. We see their issues get resolved pretty early on, and the characters themselves (minus Shin's small party) come and go. But we don't actually CARE that much about Schnee or Tiera because they don't have a background that makes them relatable. The one thing I do enjoy more about this story versus others is that

there are other people stuck in the MMO like Shin, living inside the world for "years" beforehand. It's similar to SAO, except everyone in SAO were fighting to escape, while here it's already past that point of no return.


Like others have mentioned, it's slow but not as slow as, say, Ascendance of a Bookworm. I personally find stories like ATG, Zhan Long, TDG, and other wuxia novels very, very repetitive and too fast in terms of world/setting jumping. To compare it to other novels, I'd say it's faster than AoaB and less random/pointless compared to Overlord.
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Shionismad rated it
October 28, 2018
Status: v9
I like it. Simple as that. I know that novels can’t really cater to all masses, but the amount of 1 star rating this novel got is just unwarranted. I feel like people just rate 1 star if they didn’t like it and rate 5 stars if they do. Which is really bad as it drags the whole rating down. Personally, I’d rate this a 4 out of 5 but I gave 5 stars nonetheless just to offset the abundance of 1 star ratings.
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hanzhang rated it
August 6, 2017
Status: v8c1
For me the story is nice and not very deep on political. Well maybe because my genre is more slice of life with action.

Many people give this review 1 star or 2 star cause not many action is only an action addict. Or when I see many review like he is op but not using it's power to the fullest or he is op buat he is doing a side job that even beginner can do. Well sometimes many review say the action bland not like action genre in wuxia.

This... more>> is only a review from me but honestly I also see other novel like in wuxia and what they say. It is the same. They say the protagonies to rutless of he is like machine killer or some the story only in form how awesome the protagonies and why he is like that.

Just a reminder before people like that comment something like that. Please if you not fond with slice of life genre and only an action don't try to give review bad based of your convience.

Nobody can write a perfect story some people say it was a great one cause or bad when it was their genre but when I see a bad review of slice of life with action genre cause the one review it an action addict. It hurt the author heart and the reader whose genre is match with the novel. <<less
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SorakaNii rated it
October 14, 2016
Status: v4c3 part2
Well here's what I thought. The realm is too narrow, no actual adventures, especially maybe that the main characters always shows actual context on what he is going to do, making it very obvious. Author shows a very bad habit, I don't know if this was a novel only for himself. Because of that some key points was a mess and not to mention, the characters are totally brainwash, shows a dry personality as though they are really NPC (if anyone say something about the face, I'll kill you). Author... more>> also doesn't know how write scenes, big context used on a small scene, but drawn out. And most of all, you can't feel anything reading this (No conflict nor romance). Like watching a dry plot. Anyway, I hate the author for his self-sufficient tendencies. I'll refrain from giving actual spoilers but let me give you a brief meaning of what is supposed to be a good book. `Is to try to reach out to the readers, and it itself is a world separate your own`, Sorry but, I had to bring this down on ranking. Well as a suggestion

Re:Monster, both are crap but at least you won't know it until you've reached far, that's how much character build-up is important

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rdawv rated it
February 24, 2016
Status: --
A very-well written story thus far. Unfortunately, it can be very slow paced. Characters are very distinct, the world building is decent, the dialogue is above average. The tropes are there: overpowered MC who hides his true strength, beautiful companions, sacred beast pet. Having equipment, skills and items considered legendary to others.

The premise is simple but interesting, even without the gaming elements which in my humble opinion is a crutch for the author to get some mechanics across. Basically it’s a spin on Rip van Winkle, a death-video game-clearing hero... more>> finds himself the last player stuck in the game but hundreds of years has passed after defeating the boss and taking a rest. The NPCs have gained sentience and players like himself are considered legends to them. Hiding his OP skills and equipment, he sets out to rediscover the world which he had saved, reuniting with old friends and finding new ones along the way, as well as encountering a new and sinister plot.

Good story. Wish it was a little faster. Read by the volume would be my advice. <<less
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Absolute Zero
Absolute Zero rated it
March 8, 2019
Status: Vol. 15
Finally caught up and all I can say is that this series is pretty well written. It pains me to see all of the negative reviews of the simple minded readers... "hE oP sO wHy He nO sHoW oFf?!" or "Hurr durr me no like good story need more A C T I O N!"... Excuse this series for not being your typical cliché OP MC from every other Isekai light novel. I do admit though that it gets a little bland during the middle parts but definitely picks up... more>> during the later volumes. Speaking of which, volume 12 (the latest as of this posting) is the best volume by far and it finally answers the BIGGEST question that we've all been wondering since the beginning of the series so don't skip out on it. <<less
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onebyonebyonebyone rated it
December 15, 2017
Status: v9c2 part3
While the setting is nothing we havent seen before, this novel makes use of every aspect of it in an excedingly pleasing manner. The way the reader slowly learns about the every day minutia of this new world keeps the plot interesting and so far I havent come across new aspects of it that in any way jeopardize the immersion in the storyline. The topics are definitely well defined by the shounen tag, whereas the romance aspect of it might eventually develope into something intricate enough to be called seinen... more>> (based on what ive read so far, the possibility of it ending up in a simple manner is also significant). I cant give it a 4.5 in this page but I guess ill round up. <<less
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Gluttony rated it
October 17, 2016
Status: v5c3
Seriously one of the few of its kind ('kind' being an umbrella term for idk, web novels of this genre and the ever popular wuxia kind) that isn't substantiated with pointless OP trinkets serving to deus ex machina through bad situations, strange cringe worthy relationships or plots, and badly developed protagonists with zero common sense but all the OP in the world.

Instead you have a, yes admittedly OP, protagonist who is actually relatable-- he's down to earth, not functioning on some contrived revenge plot tragedy, has his priorities straight, and... more>> actually seems to be at a point in his life where he just wants to enjoy life after the whole 'death game' plot. Most of his actions are in reaction to the events unfolding around him, but we do get a sense of a greater plot governing this events. The character development was a bit late in the happening, but in the latest chapters the author has really explored both his and the female lead, Schnee's, character. Surprisingly the story is actually well written enough to lend a sense of poignancy-- seriously, in the scene of

the beast king's death

I may or may not have shed a tear or two.

So overall, this is a rather unassuming story that manages to be incredibly engaging, empty of terribly executed cliches (though cliches may still be present) and well written (and I credit half of that to the wonderful translators).

P.S. The manga is terrible. I mean, it tries, but the art is terribly unsophisticated which really detracts from the experience. <<less
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Crywolf641 rated it
May 17, 2016
Status: v5
This Web Novel is one of the best I have read, literally I even thought it was a LN because of its explanation and story. Its a Great Story, Slow Pace that would make carve for more and maybe join the F5 sect. MC ain't That ret*rded like when he is with a beautiful Woman he gets h**ny. This is not that kind of MC. The MC is Level-Headed in facing Reality, Has respect for his comrade's, is insanely OP, Doesn't want to stand out do to Obvious reasons. And... more>> is not afraid to kill, literally. During the first chapters you might say oits SAO because of the death game thing but that's about it after that first part its a different story. MC also has a Beautiful Servant/Comrades/Right Handwoman who is OP not to the level of MC.
Also MC is not afraid to have s*x with his Servant. But won't touch her because he wouldn't want to leave lingering feelings or something along this lines. Since MC is finding a way back don't expect there to have that scene, unless MC is Staying in that world.
I wrote a too long review I don't even think its a review anymore. ~ (O_o) ~ <<less
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Rogueleader rated it
December 21, 2019
Status: v15c1 part7
Where should I start ? This novel is like crack to me, it started of great but the further I read the less enjoyment I was getting from it, but I JUST CANT STOP READING !. The story centers around the misadventures of the protagonist Shin, who after soloing a death game (which destroyed him both mentally and physically) is now stuck in the same game world he was trying to escape. While the tags might lead you to believe this is some kind of high octane action adventure, it... more>> isn't. Id say its more of a well written slice of life, with a few moments of action sprinkled here and there. Lot of reviewers find Shin's personality to be of-putting, painting him as weak or wimpy, but that kind of ignores his underlying reasons for why he puts up this front. He just doesn't want to deal with troublesome things, shirking any kind of attachment or higher responsibilities.... because he was already that kind of person during the game and he just wants to relax and take things easy with his friends now. There is a romantic subplot which does payoff................ eventually. That would also probably be my only criticism. The pacing is very slow but the constant world building partially makes up for it. All in all a good read, but people with short expansion spans may not enjoy it as much. <<less
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Pendragon05 rated it
July 8, 2018
Status: v16c1
The MC is mature and wise, doesnt want to show his powers thoughtlessly, he gains nothing if he shows it and just upset the balance of powers in the world. If I was on his position, I'll definitely do the same. I'd rather live in peace and carefree lifestyle than be restrained because of s*upid ill advised showcase of powers. Plot wise, I think it lacks the X factor it needs to become a great series like the other isekai game themed. The author needs to put a powerful foe... more>> or else this will remain dull, this is a perfect example of an MC being the strongest of the strong, achieving it, after that there's no challenge or anything he can do unless if the plot gives him another powerful enemy like him. <<less
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Darkzeta rated it
September 21, 2017
Status: v8c3 part1
wow. just wow.

I just loved this story. Glad someone mentioned it in a different story I was reading.

So to any new prospective readers, here are some quick points to keep in mind:

  1. If you like LitRpg novels. This is good stuff.
  2. If you think that in SAO, Kirito being trapped, even after everyone else is freed and Asura not being resurrected would have been a great twist. This story may be for you....
  3. Good fight scenes. Translators do a good job on that and the rest too.
  4. Some harem. kind of. so be warned.
  5. OP character. Yes. But very balanced against the need to stay secret. Think Superman having dual identity issues.
  6. Lolita yes. No touch!
  7. And lastly, if you didn't hate Overlord too much. This may be for you too.
Read on fair believers. I know I... more>> will. <<less
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Nvelist rated it
September 19, 2017
Status: v8c3 part1
This is a nice story and a good one that I've been reading since last year before I trailed it here in Novel Updates. I recommend "don't judge a book by its cover" and I followed it. Truly a praiseworthy novel to be read. The characters are beautiful and badass. Especially Shin the main protagonist with his game character a High Human that bring troublesome if exposed in the world he's transported. As his race depicted as a God to the inhabitants. Shin's support characters are both extremely beautiful and... more>> outrageously strong compared to the world's residents.

Those 2016 low ratings are faggots as they don't follow the sentence I recommend of words from the wise & philosophy. They're just down bringers to the story. So any new readers don't agree with their low ratings. They're just simpleton with low minded imagination and understanding. <<less
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AMetroid rated it
September 15, 2018
Status: v11c1 part1
The Short:

  • No strong plot lines (practically slice-of-life territory) until Vol 6.
  • Nice, but not great, enjoyable characters.
  • Interesting premises, but it's not really utilized well by the plot.
  • Overall: 2 of 5 (the lack of/poor plot really kills it) Brows the Manga if you're interested.
The Long:

If you want to read this I would suggest reading the Manga. It's quicker and the only thing I found missing of note from it was the explanation of the game's reincarnation system which has no baring on the story proper. (IE A player who reaches max level... more>> can "reincarnate" where they go back to level 1 but get a stackable stat boost) The small extra character flavor wasn't worth the time investment.

Now on to why the plot sucks. Basically MC-kun has no goal or foe until volume 6. And even then MC-kun really doesn't care about defeating them, he just doesn't want them to do bad things to the people he knows. And that's really how most of the other plots go. Bad thing happens, then MC-kun says "Ya I guess I'll take care of that/help you out", then thing is solved. Since MC-kun is so OP the only real suspense is from lack of information, and that isn't played well in a way to make the story more interesting. The first few volumes when the reader and MC-kun are learning about the world could have been more interesting, but with MC-kun so aimless they really fell flat. MC-kun says he has the goal of going back home, but in 10 volumes he has never had the thought "I'm going to do X to possibly gain information that might lead me to a way back home".

On the character side, all the characters and character interactions are nice. The side characters intents and desires feel more fleshed out than MC-kun's. There's some of the "all the girls swoon for MC-kun", but it's at a narratively acceptably level. The only girls really going for MC-kun is main support character, who's in love with him from the start, and another girl who's development isn't rushed. The other interested girls are more on the level of "he'd be a good fit for an arranged marriage", and not their panties are flooded from him opening the door for them or saying Hi.

A small point: The hardest point of suspension of disbelief was that MC-kun was the ONLY person to no-life-grind to max stats. AND that MC-kun kept up with his HS & Uni school work. Sorry but this is just too much to swallow.

Overall: The nice characters and their interactions really can't save this novel. If you want to read a story about an OP isekai who is just aimlessly dragged about by plot contrivances, then here you go. If you want to read something good, I suggest another novel. <<less
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Shirocomment rated it
November 12, 2017
Status: v9c1
Okay personally I think this is ranting cause I made an account just to comment on this caise first of all people talk "foolishly" like the superman comic review which is literally read untill volume 3 and he/she doesnt hasnt read more or realize that all that small stuff is a prelude to the big stuff which btw can be inferred to have to do with demons I cant say more cause I dont wanna spoil and whole novel isnt finished but dont just go around commenting when or you... more>> didnt understand what you are reading or you just DONT LIKE THE book thats all, welps English not my first language and only wanted to rant byebye!!

Edit: forgot to say about the harem thing and the fact that people say protagonist is dense THAT IS BS, people the guy knows Schnee likes him and all and she and Tiera are the ones that like him not sure bout others though welps again thats all. <<less
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d3adlyjoker rated it
June 15, 2017
Status: v3c3
I actually like the characters, they are all decent human beings. But there are no villians. The story is very slow, much of the dialouge I found very "mechanic" (both the characters in the dialog talked in the same tone, felt very businesslike) and the fights feel more like a drag rather than exciting, im not really sure why though.
One thing I really dislike is how the author so far in the story, still hasn't given a proper explanation on why the MC wants to return home. His NPC's love him and will miss him, he has made so many friends, yet he cares more about some characters (presumable friends, family, players he met in the death game) we havent been introduced to.
And the characters express how they dont want him to leave, but understands "thats just like him", even though the reader dont know why its just like him, because their relationship building happened before the story started.
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Lolistalker rated it
December 5, 2016
Status: v5c3 part1
Well written and well-translated. The world and character build are decent, the pace are slow to some but good enough for other, the dialogue are great compared to other half-assed WN/LN out there, thanks to that the characters interaction and emotion are well expressed which make it more realistic and believable, usually other WN/LN fail to do this and make the other character (except MC and/or those close to him) as nothing but cannon fodder and forgettable (might as well name them villager A/adventure B/Villain C) which decrease the depth... more>> and immersion


The MC is super OP and doesn't seem to have a weakness, thanks to that the thrill is gone/decrease as he won't lose to anyone, at least so far nothing seems to be able to be a threat to him, but then again this LN focus is not on MC growth on getting stronger and fighting but more into his adventure to find a way home while meeting his old and new friend which tbh to me it's not fun enough compared to the build and potential tho it might be good change of pace for those who are tired of the kind of story that is full of drama


since the MC hate trouble and stand out he always try to lay low, he is humble, kind, mature and rational which is good but some might dislike it as he is pretty normal overall other than his OP power, his character is rather bland esp for ppl like us who read lot of xianxia/other story with extreme MC, tho this is my personal opinion and will be different for everyone, I wish he has some trait that made him unique, it doesn't have to be extreme or bad. like for example, Hiiro from Konjiki no Wordmaster, he love food and book, it's fun to see his reaction about those things and often he would go out of his way to actively strive for those thing but Shin in this story is very lacking in that aspect ;/ he got everything he possibly could, from money, basic stats, technique skill, weapon-armor, everything, yet no god level monster (or something like that) is on his way to use those things (for now which is already more than 4 volume wtf), indeed he seem to be really want to go home and that in itself is a nice clear goal, the problem is compared to the potential that exists in this LN that is just not enough to satisfy most people, it feels like a waste, to me that's very disappointing and rather boring (and sometimes hurt me physically)

I give this LN 7/10, very decent yet not satisfying (I know it made to be this way but still... I might really end up writing fan fiction about this LN with different MC) <<less
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