The Military Female Soldier With Unwavering Stubbornness


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The newly rebirthed Ye Jian doesn’t need love! What she wants is to stand high up above other people and to look down on them in disdain!

To those who have bullied me; who have disgraced me: I will return all your favors one by one.

Ever since her rebirth, she used her reputation to eat, yet she became an extraordinary military soldier.

He was born into wealth and could obviously use his family to eat, yet he had to use his own skills to become the youngest general.

He took a fancy to her; she tried to avoid him.

“You need to have a taste of romance.” He said.

“Leave! What I need are bullets!” she angrily replied.

The strong and strong fight; the strong and strong compete. This is the story of a strong military couple.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don't Mess Around!
Related Series
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Reporting, I Have Been Reborn (3)
Marriage and Sword (2)
The End Of The World’s Poisonous Mom And Monster Baby (2)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Read again and again
  2. Novels I couldn't wait for and MTLd the rest
  3. Incomplete maybe read when complete
  4. Female lead military
  5. favorite novels

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Kiriko rated it
July 6, 2019
Status: c318
First time reviewing a novel because I'm having such complicated thoughts. The usual rebirth and revenge plot feel satisfying enough, and in fact are quite fun to read, if a bit generic and over the top. The antagonists are evil, some people get redeemed, and the people that are on the MC's side are all good.

The only thing I have a problem with is the romance.

Now, at the beginning of the story when the MC and ML meet, MC is very underage and ML is like...18? Their age difference isn't... more>> too bad, but fact of the matter is that the MC is underage. The descriptions as she gets a bit older (around 13-14?) of when the ML is looking at her make me feel very uncomfortable instead of "oh how cute, he's in love".


Prior to meeting the MC, it's said that the ML was "basically asexual" in that he had no interest whatsoever in the opposite s*x. But the way he describes the MC makes me feel like he just didn't realize he was actually a pe*ophile before meeting her. But maybe I'm just overreacting.


There are some glaring plot holes to force "cute romantic events (?) " into the story, but since

the MC actively states in her monologue that she really isn't interested at all in ML and is just uncomfortable with his advances, it overall just makes him seem kinda creepy tbh. Even if he's "so hot" and all that, the point is: she doesn't like it, so back off.



There's a scene in which one of the MC's mentors kinda confronts the ML about it, but he makes some bullsh*t excuse saying that "she has to get used to the other s*x if she wants to work in the military". Umm... she was getting along perfectly fine with other soldiers that she was training with, according to previous parts of the story. She's clearly just uncomfortable and embarrassed by ML's unwarranted s*xual advances. But hey, I guess that will be a problem in the future, since she'll be working with men who will impose unwarranted s*xual advances on her.... right? ML is a bigshot, so he isn't being unprofessional in touching/pinning her down for longer than required even though he noticed her identity and just wanted some tofu? In the ML's monologue, he clearly states that he wants to make sure she knows that "such a strong, handsome, and great guy like him is around", so she won't be able to like any other guy because she saw him first. Is it just me or does it sound like he's trying to.......groom her? At that point, hearing him constantly call her "little fox" or whatnot really just sounds downright creepy.


As for the glaring plothole:

It's the scene in which she's injured and she wakes up to him half-naked because he's changing in her tent. Like, there's so many tents around the encampment, and plenty of female Tibetans to nurse MC if needed. Why the hell did they let this guy change in the ONE TENT with an UNCONSCIOUS AND INJURED GIRL in it??? I really have to call bullsh*t on that. Honestly.


Maybe in the later chapters, the romance will develop better so it doesn't feel like the ML is forcing himself (albeit slowly) on the MC, but until then, I can only really think: yikes, this doesn't look consensual at all. But hey, 'tis the typical relationship with an "overbearing CEO ML", right?

TL;DR: Underaged MC isn't interested in adult ML, but ML continues his advances rather aggressively and comes off kind of creepy and pe*ophilic.

Sorry for the long (kinda) rant, but I had to get that off my chest (am I the only one who thinks this?) . Regardless of that part of the romance, the story does seem rather interesting and I'm curious to see how the MC develops from here on out (provided I can get past the scenes with the ML). There's nothing wrong with a bit of an age gap, but please, at least wait until she's of age (and is okay with it) before you start touching her more than necessary? <<less
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Winter.Leaf rated it
November 25, 2017
Status: c4698
Honestly, this story from my point of view is gold. The development of characters and their configurations are so beautifuL... In the plot, everything has a meaning, and you will discovered that things are much more complicated and profound than what they seemed...

And, I have to admit, the patriotism that you will find is really something, but I don't have much of a problem with it. I don't know how you will feel about it, but, well, try it.

Another thing, and is that I have to clarify something; even though... more>> Ye Jian (MC) and Xia Jinyuan (ML) met when the MC was 14 years old, but at that time Xia Jinyuan didn't feel anything more than admiration or appreciation towards Ye Jian, not love. Maybe aslo curiosity. In addition, the moments they spent together were few, even later, mostly due to their different situations, and missions...


And one more data; Xia Jinyuan has sent Ye Jian to the hospital twice (because of something and some situation I'm not going to say~ Ah, and don't think that the ML is a bad boy... He even had cried in one chapter, err- well, the ML is a beautiful being right? :3) xD Do you think that the male protagonist is like others? And not just in that... Since in general, the ML was like a 'mentor' to Ye Jian, not just her boyfriend/husband/fiancé/partner.


Even so, this story is really slow and the chapters (at least to me) pass in seconds... Ah... Is really painful when you noticed that there's no more chapters xD <<less
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ghostofmater rated it
May 12, 2019
Status: c5707
This is one of my favorite stories. It starts off with her horrible family while she was young, after the fact that she went back in time to reverse the decision she made that impacted her life the most. Then we follow her through life as she goes through school, military career, and missions. I just absolutely adore the times when the MC and ML end up on the same mission. Their coordination and harmony with each other are impeccable. There are sad moments as you learn of different members... more>> of the military squad and you can't help and fall in love with each of their personality. And even if she is a girl, she doesn't let that stop her as she struggles along with the rest of the male members of her squads. And she's considerably younger and less experience than the rest, she is still flawless at what she does. She finds out a lot of secrets that are hidden from her from the first lifetime and it's been an amazing journey reading this story! She undergoes training with the army, navy, and air force (a requirement for the special forces I think.) If you like a strong, cold, and independent female lead that still has a hint of romance and military aspects, I definitely recommend this story! She is also shy and adorable when she's with her bf. I love the moments where they both don't know how to go about a romantic relationship because they are both their first. I wish there was a character list though because all the code name gets confusing at times.

Majority of it I read through Google translation on a Chinese website so my information might be skewed depending on how Google translation decides to translate it.


Just some of the things that major events that I can remember (No particular order.) : Goes past the English translation.

    • The cousin dies from a failed attempt at trying to kill the MC.
    • She ends up commanding a female elite secret squad like her lover.
    • She ends up engaged. Not married yet. Damn...
    • She finds her mother's occupation was also a secret elite soldier and died in combat.
    • She finds that her current family was not even blood-related at all (her cousin's family).
    • She finds her real father alive, a military rocket scientist, and a real grandfather, also retired scientist.
    • Her father doesn't want her to be married away. Wants to make up the time he missed with his precious daughter since he just found her.
    • She is siblings with the Navy elite squad's leader. (adopted brother in a sense of him being raised in her household since young?)
    • Her brother disagrees with the relationship with the ML. Doesn't want his sister married off either. Haha.
    • She kills her mother's killer.
    • The grandpa (that raised her up in the village) and Principal Chen Shu dies : (One from old age and the other from assassination.)
    • J5 dies TwT I cry.
    • She graduates from the military academy with ranking in the military, which is a great feat as normally, people rarely do or not as high of a ranking as she received.
    • Her blood family are sweethearts and so is her in-laws <3
    • Her in-law wants to pack the ML (his own family, top 10 anime betrayals, jk lol) if they dare to hurt her. They want the MC more than their own blood relative, the boyfriend. XD They won't hesitate to kick him out and take her as a relative. (All in good jokes I suppose.)
  • He does meet her at 14, but it isn't right off the bat love. They have a gradual development as she grows up and starts developing a relationship with her. They don't even become GF and BF until after she graduates from so-called high school?
    • I'll add to it if I remember.
  • She has amazing sniping ability, the cognitive ability to remember topography and gun assembly and mimicking voices (my favorite!!).
  • They end up engaged. But her engagement party was cut short by the MC having to go on a mission. But she did receive a ring from the ML and his family.
Update 7/7/2019: Does anyone know what happened to the story? Like did the author discontinue it or it got moved? It stopped updating in March of 2019 and now I can't even find the original posting of where the author posts their chapters. It stops on 5707 chapters. : (I don't know how to use the forum to ask people to look, so I'm resorting to this TwT. <<less
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chibiheaven rated it
January 24, 2017
Status: c3500
Warning: This novel progresses very very slowly.

03/12/2018 Update
So, I actually caught up to around ch 3500 last month and honestly it's been such an enjoyable read with great, but incredibly slow, character progression. I honestly enjoy the interactions between the characters, especially the chemistry between Ye Jian and the ML. I love their relationship; Ye Jian is not pampered and works her ass off in her long road of catching up to the ML while he does his hardest to knock everything she needs for survival into her head. Highly recommended. -------
01/10/2018 Update
So, I finally got around to checking up on the status of releases and have since caught up to c.33. I have to say I've enjoyed what I've read so far. I'm excited to read something based in the military of the 90's, which I feel has already put the novel apart from others. No real development as of yet, besides already encountering the male lead!

It's unfortunate that there are already 1 star ratings for a novel with only one chapter. The summary interested me, so I decided to give it a shot. The first chapter and likely the next few are about her previous life. Our MC is a base and low janitor at a hotel. She lives her life at the bottom of society because of a female cousin who ruined her life since she was 14 by framing her of seducing a teacher and 'stealing' everything she has from our MC, Ye Jian.

It's difficult to gauge how the story will go at this point.
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readingjenny rated it
May 15, 2021
Status: c688
The romance is bad. The ML is stands on the line between generic and digusting. Anyway, I read it for the mc's growth and not the romance. If you meet someone like Xia Jinyuan irl, run. He's major red flags. Also, people irl who call themselves "natural hunters" and call women their prey ("little fox") are usually the people you defo not want to interact with.

There is simply no excuse. Thus, I simply edit the story in my head. Here are some you might want to cut out:

1. R*pe culture... more>>

perpetrating the idea that women must be careful of men because they are "natural hunters". Boys-will-be-boys type of mentality.


2. Lowkey gaslighting

the ML KNOWS that he is making her uncomfortable and he is the reason, but he tells MC that she's overthinking. So, everytime the ML make some moves, MC doubts if she's overthinking.

Sometimes, they reframe ml's actions as a "battle" instead of what it actually is, uncomfortable romantic advances. In this way, MC thought that she have to respond or hide her discomfort to fight back and win. In actuality, it doesn't help the MC at all. Instead, it only benefits the ml. MC gradually stretches her tolerance to ml's actions.


3. S*xual harassment

example a) pinning her down in front of his colleagues. MC said she's uncomfortable and ashamed so stop it. But hey, he's just "teasing" her, no biggie.

example b) kissing her forehead without consent as a "compensation".

example c) kissing her on the lips without a warning. She's literally 16 and he's 22. That's absolutely gross. But you see, since she doesn't "wholly resisting", she secretly likes it. She doesn't scold him and even laugh it off


4. G*ooming

this is hard to ignore since it occupies huge chunk of the story. I can propose 2 options (option 1 works better for me) :

option 1: just delete the descriptions of her teenager body and basically majority of ml's pov and you can imagine that they are simply platonic (con-you'll be mentally deleting and revising a lot).

option 2: recall that the MC is in fact a 28 year old adult (con-difficult to believe since she doesn't act nor function as 28).


if you focus on the story as a character driven and want to see the mc's journey as she became better, it's an okay read. Romance is secondary to her journey so read it.

In my experience, these are common in cnovels. By reading many of them, I learned how to edit (inside my head) parts that are inexcusable.

Last nite. This is a bit of a nitpick

On chapter 312, please! We need to stop describing teenager b**bs as little white rabbits! It doesn't sound cute or sexy or pretty, okay. You know what it sounds like?? F*cking jail

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jobothehobo rated it
September 29, 2020
Status: c695
I really enjoy the female lead. Her journey and growth is very appealing. And dealing with the scheming, the politics, and the verbal jousts are all interesting. The characters in general are well-grounded and the action sequences are gripping and suspenseful. The problem I have is with the romance.

The male lead is a predator. It's even written down in their internal monologues about how he is hunting her. How he is a big bad wolf and she is a little fox. He manipulates her, stalks her, abuses his authority to... more>> get close to her time and again and she eventually trusts him inexplicably [it's handwaved off as them fighting as soldiers together in life-and-death situations]. But none of his advances were actually reciprocated. Nothing is done consensually. He just keeps pushing her boundaries and pressing her buttons (which, I admit, *could* be a good thing if it's useful as a catalyst to overcome personal but here it's definitely not).

He doesn't respect her autonomy whatsoever. And her autonomy and ability to handle dangers in life by herself is her number one motivator in becoming a soldier. So it's really a puzzle to me why she would ever want to be close to him. To be fair, she constantly rebuffs him, considering him a "dangerous man, " and tries to run away from him. It's just... he never gives up.

So to sum up the romance: he stalks her, manipulates her, and constantly crosses her bottom line. Adding onto this their age difference (14 vs 20 at the start) and the whole thing really becomes quite repulsive. I thought as time went on he'd eventually realize her idiosyncrasies and become more kind to her so that she could trust him back. But no. It was just more ambiguous flirting in inappropriate situations.

I've come near the end of the translated chapters so I'm going to drop this and not look back. It's really a shame since I enjoyed her character growth quite a lot. What a pity. <<less
18 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
December 30, 2019
Status: c40
I’ve been reading the review... saying the male lead is a pe*ophile so it did actually deter me from reading. And I didn’t start reading this novel when it just started until now since I was feeling bored so I braved my heart and start the reading journey.

the story start with Female lead 14 years old and male lead is 20 years old. With age gap of 6 years so I don’t think it’s a problem at all. Although they met up each other at this young age, there’s no... more>> romance or anything, it just that the ML was feeling curious of how the MC is so brave and doesn’t behave like a 14 years old young girl. So, please don’t use pe*ophile to describe ML Because a pe*ophile is a person who’s ONLY sexually attracted to a child.

so far, I like what I’m reading... <<less
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zactyy rated it
October 31, 2019
Status: c253
Was a bit torn but I had to quit this out of frustration. I’m a sucker for cliched romances and I can tell that, while slow, this novel has great potential; but, in going for supposedly modern realism it just gets so many things wrong that I could no longer suspend my disbelief. For instance the infamous dual wielding of handguns. Gangsters in Australia with “bazookas”. Since when has “he is so skinny” ever been a thing westerners would use as an insult? Also just what would be an “aristocratic”... more>> hospital in Australia? In regards to characters, for the MC the romance stuff is fine but her personal and life goals seem to change on a whim. She claims that all she wants is to live a quite life; but, turns down other sorts of offers. Some times she wants revenge while at other times she can’t be bothered. Her support for the military and patriotism are just kind of taken for granted as well which is honestly disappointing, as there was so much potential from either her parentage or past life. If you’re a fan of Clancy or Ludlum I imagine you’ll have a hard time as well. <<less
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introparadox rated it
June 6, 2021
Status: c99
The MC is cool and is the only saving grace of this novel. Though she's strong, she's so passive in her revenge, she's leaving the people who harmed her alone, while she had many chances to make their lives miserable. Even the main culprit who used and tormented her for years. The MC is just on the defensive, it's not satisfying at all.

Meanwhile, the story shifted on a forced direction for the MC to get entangled with the ML, just which sane gramps would teach sniping and other military skills... more>> to an 14 years old orphan girl, and an outstanding student at that. Normally, if they care about her they should keep her as far as possible from the military, and wish for her to go the scholar safe way. All this bullshit, just so the MC could keep contact with this god like ML, and waste chapters on meaningless ML bullshits. <<less
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paputsza rated it
May 6, 2018
Status: c73
Ah, I would be into this story if the male lead wasn't 18 while the MC was a prebuscent 13 yo, especially in the modern era. It's whatever if they're just meeting, but the author is kind of going on about their reactions to each other's appearances, and how powerful and dreamy to other 12 yo girls the ML is and how cute and oily the 12 yo MC is, and I don't want to go with her. To each their own though
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Anikarp rated it
December 4, 2020
Status: c408
In this story, the main character is reincarnated into her 14-year old body. She starts working out with the intention of joining the military and keeps getting hindered by the same people with connections - but now she has connections as well. As for the positives, it's interesting to read the action parts and relationships the MC has with others. Her interactions with her comrades is pretty heartwarming. I do have quite a bit to complain about though (sorry).

If you turn your brain off, it's a decent read. But there... more>> are things that bother me...

Like the fact that it's impossible for her to start running several kilometers a day first try. You can't just base it on her having good stamina in her past life, it's literally impossible because her young body doesn't have muscles shaped from running. Or how right after a serious injury, she can go straight back to training like nothing.

Her family on her mother's side are the "evil relatives" and they keep doing the same evil deeds so much that it gets really washed out. It's just not realistic why they are so intent on ruining her even when she's not doing anything.

There are also too long paragraphs about how otherworldly beautiful the protagonists are. You can just skip those that drag on for half a chapter repeatedly.

This is one of many Chinese webnovels where it's very apparent how brainwashed their people is towards other countries. Historical events are portrayed as if China was wronged, and foreigners' opinions sound like they just look down on Chinese people which is a little sad. It was also mentioned that they're the good ones, and the enemy soldiers are the evil ones;;but that's the thing though, who can say? Everybody has a family, friends, a life of their own. The only thing that's different is the people they serve.

The main character's interactions with the ML makes me so uncomfortable. He's an adult who's been g*ooming her since she was 14.

Here's one of the paragraphs that really creeped me off the most about the ML:
"He had brought up the little lass for more than two years, and he didn't even dare taste its freshness and delicacy. If she was snatched away by a little boy who tasted her v**ginity and also plucked away the unripe, forbidden fruit, he would definitely vomit blood."

Throughout the story he's been constantly mentioned how he's not attracted to her but it's clear he's been ever since early on. Sorry sir but you are a pe*ophile. I'm cringing a lot and debating whether I should keep reading or not just because of this. <<less
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Leilacus rated it
August 19, 2018
Status: --
The story is so-so. I was really looking forward to reading it since it has lots of 5* but when I started reading it, it was kinda bland.

The MC was has an OP ability of remembering things even from way back. Even before she got reincarnated. So why? If she could remember things and she isn't even dumb... why let her cousin and her relatives bully her to such extent? She was tailored as someone who had training even before rebirth even.

Read it if you've got nothing better to... more>> do. <<less
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Noahjeno rated it
May 2, 2018
Status: c5340
Have to say this novel is special. In the story ML always says that MC is unique. For me this novel is also. I rarely get the feeling that this is a rebirth story.

MC is sincere, multi talented, hard working and charismatic. Same goes for ml. Couple is awesome. MC is not wasting all of her life on revenge. She has her life as priority.

So far I didn't find any part of the story boring or a bit lacking or anything like that. This novel can be an inspiration and... more>> also induce our patriotism and also gives us a view of how hard our military is working to protect us. For a brief amount of time I had mixed feelings when reading about the military missions they perform as I am not a Chinese. But then I realised I don't have to bcoz each of our nation soldiers are similarly working hard with blood and sweat. Thus the story boost my patriotism.

The only time I felt the story is boring is when MC is just going to her higher sec. At that time she accepted ML as her boyfriend, so she is extremely shy, he is extremely gentle, especially before or after a mission. So for me it disrupted the serious flow the story usually has. Dont get me wrong. Interaction between MC and ML are usually very good. Only that period of time, it was hard to see the stable MC is being a shy little girl as she is experiencing love for the first time.

I usually prefer a change of pace every now and then. So for the military based story, the jealous girls and her cousin family causing problems are welcome change of pace for me. Besides the people who hates MC has reasons except ye Ying and du jiyayi. The enemy of MC mom made her uncle to treat MC horribly. Otherwise she may not have suffered like she was in her past life. Same goes for all the other enemies.

Story is slow but not dull. Almost like a slice of life showing her life from mid school, high school, military college, special soldier. We see her slowly growing from a loner to be a great friend, class leader, Lover, role model, lover, trainee, instructor, special soldier. We see her train in army, navy and now air force. The story though crossed 5000 chapters, it is not in its last stage and personally I hope it will extend for atleast 2000 more chapters. If you see every reviews, you can tell that all negative reviews are mostly based on early chapters where MC begins her life as 14 yr old. So don't let that stop you from reading it <<less
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Panda-Kun rated it
January 21, 2018
Status: c35
After taking a short glance a while back it seemed like another generic story about a generic MC that would be invincible with her future memories. This has already shown signs of uniqueness in its first 35 chapters.

Let me start right off by saying that this story has the makings of a beautiful piece of art. I felt so strongly about how well this points towards to a great story I actually made myself an account to share my opinions.

I will be referencing bits that do not quite spoil the... more>> story nor will it allude to much about the personalities or choices, but, I am finishing talking about this in a spoiler box.


First off the MC starts off generic enough with a hatred for her family, that had bullied her and stolen her inheritance from her. Generic is the only words to describe it at that point. Looking back I can say it really doesn't matter how it occurred because it was simply to tell the readers that 'Hey this is future MC and she hates her family'. So fine by me. Where it starts to lead off the cliche line of how the villains are super evil is what sorts of acts they make against the MC. They try to defame the MC and bully into submission, Blah blah blah, however, the cause is Seducing a Teacher. (Apparently, China treats people like Teachers with WAY more respect than the USA) This would be bad for the poor MC because she is an orphan, hence nowhere to go nor any way to survive. In all honesty, though, this story is mostly unique due to its time period (90's) it gives off an odd vibe compared to its more modern Chinese Shoujo clones.

The only other thing I would really like to point out about this is its small pokes at making a bigger picture. In one chapter the MC finds bad men spying on the Chinese military base. When she alerts the patrol a comment about how she was repaying her past debt to the soldiers is inserted. In the past life, there was a soldier who helped her escape the village by buying her a travel ticket (I forget the exact words used). Right there I knew that this story was going to well done. It had placed bits about her past life in random spots and you could feel the small nudge towards military so early on that you couldn't help but get a good feeling about how the military was a truly just entity. It didn't shy away from making this story into a Nationalistic propaganda story.

Although my very last topic alludes me I can probably write 5000 words on bits that made this good and how it wasn't just another Shoujo to burn time. It has meat on its bones even without the romantic aspects introduced (I read around C.200 is when it goes into its main romantic plot line).

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HoneyBee349 rated it
June 16, 2017
Status: c606
This book have excellent plot with really reason and coherent lines

with one look you know the author put everything in it!

have very good development of characters, the details are very good very easy to understand and very hooks one!

... more>> Is realy a new taste of military, very interesting.

Have to say that not only positive characters have changed even Villians have changes they become more stronger or there are more things to watch about them...

you will change the way to watch the soldiers, MC is a guards of talent but these are more from the situation she lives and developed, she is really stubborn and hard working MC nothing is from her past live some things she learn in this life and change to be better and she is like a weapon that will be more sharp <<less
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February 13, 2021
Status: c1082
I don't have much to say about this book, except that I'm enjoying it very well. However, I do have one peeve about it, and that is the patriotism.

It doesn't necessarily detract from the story per se, but it makes it uncomfortable to read. This was probably written as propaganda for the CCP. I mean, Ye Jian wasn't a necessarily patriotic individual in her past life, and at the point I've read to, she hasn't even joined the military officially yet. Despite that, she's talking about such extreme nationalist and... more>> patriotic ideas that I would've thought she'd been in active service for years now.

One could say that her mother being a martyr was an influence but it's a bit of a stretch to cry for a policeman you only interacted with once. It might be my own views that are distorted but I would've loved to see the story develop Ye Jian's love of China more, rather than just jumping to level 10 without seeing how she got to level 4, 6 or 7, if you know what I mean.

Other than that, it's pretty solid. Give it a try, if you can stomach the blatant propaganda and nationalist views. <<less
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chekanalia rated it
December 5, 2017
Status: c19
So far the story is kinda meh!!! The MC is nothing new and we can already predict the kind of ML we will have. Read this if you have nothing better or if you are stacking chapters elsewhere. The translator is doing a good job but they could have picked another more interesting story. This brand of writing has been overdone.
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January 13, 2021
Status: c1
My first time giving a comment here cause many readers SEEMS ONLY KNOW HOW TO READ VERY FAST BUT ACTUALLY NOT UNDERSTANDING WHAT THEY ARE READING.. If there is speed there should be comprehension..

I don't understand why many would say that ML is a pe*ophile??

Like seriously? ಠ_ಠ

He's not engaging any s*xual RELATIONSHIP with the FL... He is CURIOUS why FL is so brave and mature in her age.. So she caught his attention... Plus the fact the FL is reckless sometimes and puts herself in danger ML is there to... more>> save her.. HE IS ALSO HER TEACHER.. Yes eventually he would have feelings for her BUT HE SAID THAT HE WOULD WAIT UNTIL SHE IS IN LEGAL AGE BEFORE HE COURTS HER...

So I'm really wondering where did those reader's comprehension has gone to. ¯\_ಠ_ಠ_/¯ <<less
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June 20, 2021
Status: c5707
First of all, I really like this novel, to the point that I finished reading until latest chapter. I usually get bored at 1000+ chapters. This is the first time I read a 5000+ chapters novel and didn't get bored.

For people saying the ML is a pe*ophile, you need to know the definition of pe*ophile first. The ML doesn't have any s*xual thought toward the MC. He accompanies MC through her hardest time, when she had just reborn, throughout her whole journey, he gives his support, doesn't restrict her, allows... more>> her to grow and become stronger, without taking credits, even if he helps her he doesn't tell her. Their love is a mature love and something you might not find in other novels.

The MC is strong and smart.

For people saying the MC doesn't take revenge at all, she is a coward, keeps on letting them make troubles, etc. At first, she wanted revenge so much. However, she got advices from her grandpa (not biologically), he said to her that she can get revenge later, she should focus on improving herself and becoming stronger that people will not look down on her and she will not be bullied anymore. This is actually better than some that insisted on getting revenge without knowing their capabilities. MC keeps on improving herself to the point that people are amazed.

I can say that this novel focuses on self love. MC relies on herself. Even if she has a powerful boyfriend, she doesn't rely on him. Yes, the ML helps her, but he doesn't make it a must to help her and tell her everytime.

You can learn many things from this novel. I hope you give it a try!

The only downside is that the novel is not updating since 2019. I really hope the author continue updating!! <<less
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Mcol1617 rated it
October 7, 2019
Status: c5707
What can I say, this is the only novel that has more than 200 chapters that I have been able to stick with and STAN because this is that good. No Mary Sue characters, no white lotus, plot that makes sense, character development. I also love our female protagonist and ML and their comrades. They have amazing chemistry. Moreover, every character is distinct and a 3D character. With everything said, the author has stopped updating this novel as of half a year ago, so we don’t really know if the... more>> author will continue with the novel (I have been crying tears ever since then?). So, I have just used my imagination to give them a happy ending. This book, you won’t regret reading, promise you. <<less
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