The Laid-back Life in Another World of the Ex-Hero Candidate Who Turned out to be a Cheat from Level 2


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Banaza was summoned to The Magical Kingdom of Kryrode as a Hero Candidate, however, due to having only the abilities of a regular citizen, he was treated as a disqualified Hero. He, who was originally supposed to be returned to his original world, became unable to return due to the Magical Kingdom’s mistake, and inevitably, had to live in this world.

However, the moment he became Lv2, Banaza acquired every attainable skill and magical ability, and he became a Super-Cheat with Stats that transcend normal limits! Even so, Banaza , who does things at his own pace with an easygoing smile, takes Lys of the Demon race as his wife, and fully enjoys his newlywed life. He then changes his name to Furio and leads an even more laid-back life! However, chaos is in store for the Furio household; on top of a strange pet and four, freeloading Female-Knights, even a Devil and Former Demon King join in. Despite his circumstances, even with his life becoming increasingly chaotic, Banaza continues to enjoy his laid-back lifestyle.

Please enjoy the story of the everyday life of the Furio family, which, with the birth of the twins, gets ever increasingly laid-back. Included is also the story of the man who became a Hero in Banaza’s place!

Associated Names
One entry per line
Chillin' in Another World with Level 2 Super Cheat Powers (LN)
Ex-Hero Candidate's, Who Turned Out To Be A Cheat From Lv2, Laid-back Life In Another World
Lv2 kara Cheat datta Moto Yuusha Kouho no Mattari Isekai Life
Related Series
I’ve Became Able to Do Anything with My Growth Cheat, but I Can’t Seem to Get out of Being Jobless (4)
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Charging Magic With a Smile~ Infinite Magic Power After Being Reincarnated Into a Different World (2)
I Was Kicked out of the Hero’s Party Because I Wasn’t a True Companion so I Decided to Have a Slow Life at the Frontier (2)
Death March kara Hajimaru Isekai Kyusoukyoku (LN) (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Isekai Fantasy | #1
  2. Beatiful romance (MC male)
  3. Series where you get to see the couple be a couple
  4. Plan to read v2
  5. JP Isekai without Harem (Shounen/Seinen)

Latest Release

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10/07/19 Catora c84
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67 Reviews sorted by

SeventhTale rated it
July 15, 2016
Status: c22
This story is not about adventure but a slice of life story like Jikuu Mahou. Reading what is happening to the kingdom and demon side, and also on each of his subordinates or girls is really fun. Is this a usual harem-type story? I can't say that it is completely like that after all aside from the lovey-dovey moment of his wife Lys there is no other action like that with other girls, though the girls might feel an affection for the MC it more looks like a they are... more>> idolizing him when you look at it outside.

So, want a relaxing, slice of life, transport story, this might be for you?

PS: This is not a forsaken-hero kind of story. <<less
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AdvonKoulthar rated it
July 18, 2018
Status: c41
It's terrible, the names of the four tagalong knights seem to change every few chapters, the grammar is atrocious, the 'plot' is nonsensical and arbitrary... yet it's still strangely enthralling. This author is not good by any proper standards, but it has the charm of a friend telling you a story that their making up as they go along; even though you'd never ask someone else to listen to them drabble on, it's at least a somewhat amusing way to pass the time.
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hlubkoj2020 rated it
December 29, 2016
Status: c58
This is just my personal opinion so don't chew me up on it.

This novel just getting boring less interesting as it progress. I am a fan of world transport/reincarnation novel and also a big fan of OP MC, but this one and a few others are suck as they progress. I don't mind the grammar as long as I can understand what the sentence is saying. For the past 20 chapters or so I have been skimming through it... meaning it's that boring that I don't even need to read... more>> the whole things to understand what the chapter is about.

As of now, I drop it (damn those pop up after the site tells me to disable adblock). <<less
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AikoSpiral rated it
June 8, 2016
Status: c9

Nice story, really different form all conventional Japanese stories! It got the same startup as any summoning story, but to get married and enjoy life, that a different issue! It like a god living a human life!

Thanks for translating this story!
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cyndor rated it
March 29, 2016
Status: --
Ah.... another one of these web novels on Syosetu. Needless to say, I read the other reviews and took into account the blinders that people seem to have when it comes to this type of genre + the #HYPU around it and started reading without too much expectation.

After reading the 6 translated chapters and a bit ahead I have to say this story is pretty average (at best). The MC is your typical Japanese nice guy who is so virtuous the pope would feel ashamed, add onto that he's dense... more>> and OP and you have one frustrating fellow.


Everything in the story seems to be leading up to him inadvertently saving the very country that banished him and tried to kill him (which being the nice guy he is doesn't seem to be a problem).


Anyway, if you're bored and the updates to this are frequent, then it's not unreadable. <<less
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Gabi94 rated it
May 18, 2021
Status: --
Let me tell you if you're not a 12-16 yo guy or boy, this novel is probably not for you. Even if you are, you may also not be able to get over how ridiculous things get.

Like the wolf-girl fainted multiple times during sex? I mean, come on! IF A GIRL FAINT DURING s*x, CALL AN AMBULANCE or let her sleep because she is f*cking tired man! After that gets even more ridiculous as she became love-stricken and forgets about getting revenge and escaping because the "s*x was sooo good"...... more>> I laughed out loud and this is not a good thing when the purpose was not making jokes.

Other than that, the author didn't know how to write an op character that doesn't know he is op. So he used some lazy strategies, like the most common one " he doesn't realize that specific magic is rare or powerful". And that would've worked ok if the magic wasn't something like purifying an entire forest, or teleport, or defeating the wolf-girl when all the other adventurers were so scared of her they wanted to run. Dense is an understatement here, and that made the character look really, really, dumb.

in a nutshell: Very silly all around in a bad way. <<less
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AcceptingTanuki rated it
August 23, 2020
Status: c103
The story has a decent starting premise and dives right into a cute, fulfilled romance. Unfortunately, it goes swiftly downhill from there. In later chapters, things become so fragmented--with chapters frequently switching POV six or more times--that the main character becomes irrevelant and frustratingly little progress is made on some character arcs. What's more, the author gets really uncreative and packs the later chapters with the same old filler jokes over and over.

... more>>

At the time of this writing, the princess has been sitting at her desk looking haggard for 50 chapters.


Also, if you're the type that gets angry when the villain doesn't get their just desserts, this should be a hard pass.


The cowardly hero who is given everything in the main character's stead steals from the castle treasury, awakens a great evil that nearly kills everyone in the castle, and wreaks havoc on two towns (presumably mu*dering many people), but ends up unpunished with a harem... you know... because it's funny and he's the comic foil.


TLDR: Worth skimming through the early chapters (3.5 / 5) but bail as soon as the romance is fulfilled. Later chapters are a solid 1 / 5. <<less
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Mavsynchroid rated it
April 6, 2020
Status: c5
Absolutely terrible. This is the first time I just stopped reading after only 5 chapters. This writing feels like a bunch of kids playing outside, and just kind of making things up as they play.

... more>>

Girl asks for adventurers to help bring her somewhere.

Once they get there. Girl turns from timid to a raging evil b***h "Haha, I was going to use you as a sacrifice, but now I'll just kill you"

MC pretty much does the equivalent of "Well I have this magic to stop that magic! Well then I'll use THIS magic to stop THAT magic too!" all without even thinking about it. It's literally that simple. I'm not dumbing it down.

Girl realizes she can't win and gives up "timidly".

MC lets her go, pretty much telling her not to do it (mu*der humans) again.

Girl says he's her master now.... the girl who is supposed to ONE OF THE FOUR DEMON "DIVAS"!! Just like that. Also, basing it off the description, I would bet they end up married within a few chapters.


I know I just wrote down bullet points, but I absolutely promise you the actual text wasn't much more than this. For example, this all happened on one page..... ONE PAGE!! I really can't understand how some of these novels gain any traction. For example, that book cover looks pretty professional. Was this garbage actually published!?!? Time and time again, I'm again struck by how sub par most Japanese light novels are compared to the Chinese novels I find on this site.

Anyway, this goes far below even something you'd want to read as mindless entertainment. A "light" novel shouldn't mean light on description, plot, character development, world building, and common sense. This is just plain bad. <<less
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fggt4lyfe rated it
March 28, 2016
Status: --
Review up to chapter 6. An intriguing series with a lot of potential. Unlike a lot of series with “overpowered” male protagonists, the protagonist of Lv 2 seems to not really care about, well... anything, which is refreshing (since most series with an overpowered protagonist tend to climb the social/divine/harem hierarchy as quickly as possible). Instead of being about powering up, it seems as though the protagonist cannot get anymore powerful and acknowledges this in order to focus on a fantasy/slice-of-life story. Written well with a genuinely compassionate and reasonable... more>> main character, I cannot wait to read more. <<less
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December 17, 2021
Status: prologue 1
The first few chapters were kinda exciting and amazing to read but in the next chapters beyond that sounded boring. I know the MC is only devoted to his wife and all but why did he let the demon lord settle in his household and let the sus characters lay their hands on his other female companions. I didn't seek a harem in the story but I feel enraged that the MC didn't do anything to prevent his female companions from mingling with the other male characters so I dropped... more>> it midway. If you were looking for a story that seems boring and not exciting to read with dumbfounded tropes, this is the novel for you. Excuse my English and the improper grammar <<less
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legion525 rated it
April 6, 2021
Status: c60
I’ll be honest, while most of the time I dislike the most power-fantasy ln, this one is surprisingly refreshing. What honestly sets it apart for me is the fact that the MC (for the most part) remains monogamous. He has a wife and spends much of his time wanting to spend a happy life with her. Even the girls he hangs around are clearly with him due to admiration for his power, and don’t really make an effort to try to ruin his relationship to be with them or ‘accidentally’... more>> have s*xual situations with him. This leads to my personal favorite part of this story, the romance between the demon king and the knight. One is absolutely terrified yet secretly fantasizes about being with him, and the other misinterprets her fear as steadfast resolution and admires it. It is rare that I ship characters outside the main characters in a light novel and I give props to the author for doing this. <<less
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LegendDairy rated it
January 5, 2021
Status: --
Very leisurely read. Super wholesome with the marriage and the MC + Heroine relationship. They are a really cute couple and I love it. He occasionally has to use his godly powers to fight a world threatening demon or monster, but he does it in about half a second and then you go back to seeing their adorable relationship and their circle of friends only keeps getting bigger and more laid back as he becomes friends with former knights, a demon who previously killed half the continent's population about 100... more>> years ago, the (now former) demon king. His friends and family continues to keep growing and growing, and even better, this is not a harem. The MC is righteous and loyal man who dearly loves his demon wife (literally from demon races). He will not get a second wife or any mistresses or other lovers, which is rare to see in any Asian stories, much less isekai stories. Overall: Wholesome, cute relationship that melts your heart, heartwarming, overpowered protagonist but doesn't necessarily focus on that, very likeable side characters, none of the stab-you-in-the-heart or tear-you-to-shreds level of painful frustration that you typically get from many Asian stories either from a dense protagonist who doesn't make a move until 1278376747341692 chapters into the story or where the MC falls in love with a top tier waifu who is also the most loyal and best heroine and then they get married just for him to fall in love with all the other girls he comes across and betray that loyalty and marry all of them too but then the first heroine doesn't mind at all. <<less
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colombopl rated it
June 7, 2020
Status: c103
While reading a description of this WN I thought it is just next boring Magi's Grandson. When I started reading, it looked that this story is much better. I liked this story, well... about its first 50-60 chapters. After that author exhausted his ideas and WN become messy and boring. With time lazy and awful way of writing is more and more annoying.

Remember very important information: This is the MISUNDERSTANDING COMEDY with slice of life elements as basic. So read this WN while not treating its contents seriously.

If you are... more>> looking to satisfy your low level dreams then you will find it. Banaza aka Arpshow aka Furio is more overpowered then Ainz in Overlord or Satou in Death March. And from the very beginning he is having very pleasant life with his sexy wife.

As nothing is serious here our main character is not going to destroy demons but is befriending them. Accidentally he saves few times a kingdom which summoned him. Official blond hero appeares to be comedy like character who is kicked by life in his sore butt. Following Banaza adventures would be boring so author provided a lot of another characters who are struggling with a lots of misunderstandings with or without MC presence. The same way we should not threat seriously a romance part. Getting a woman and relation with her is exceptionally unrealistic but it is a comedy. And in that case it can be explained that she is a demon so for demons it could be very normal.

MC is surrounded by a lots of women but it is not harem story (I like that!). Banaza is not going to look for anyone except his beloved wife and even if he would like to, any competition for Lys risks its life so they stay away.

As Banaza - Furio is overpowered battles are very short and not exciting. Well... it is OK as there is not a gap between MC power and his unnecessary struggling with enemies as I saw in another novels. And despite this a 50-60 chapters of a story is quite interesting.

The biggest drawback of novel is vary lazy way of writing. It is a shame as it destroys a lot of fun from reading it. Scenes that could be described in at least half of a chapter are summarized in one sentence etc. With time it looks like author is forcing himself to write anything to push this story onward and gain some readers. No quality, unexpected twists of events, only primitive and not interesting very low quality call to erot*c behavior. Between others I do not like r*pes that happen to some evil woman. Author described it as something that happens to souls in another dimension and something hmm... quite ok there and funny... It IS NOT FUNNY at all. At 100 or 101 chapter author decided to please otaku pe*ophiles... Palmface...

As I said at the beginning WN is quite ok up to about 60 chapter. After that we read only about MC slices of life awfully mixed with adventures of other characters. They are the lowest quality of transitions so they are annoying. Author become lazy below mud level as he continuously repeat the same sentences again and again what he tries to cover as funny writers trick. And the most noticeable to me: Lys become boring WAIFU.

Maybe to save a story author started to develop blond hero adventures who is undergoing a transformation into a real hero.

I would not say that I was laughing reading this novel. But I was smiling very often. But I am afraid that with time this story becomes a tr*sh. I still read it hoping that it will not be that bad.


I have read manga as well. It is much better but not because story itself has higher quality there. Manga story is 90% the same. But WN is very badly written so from pictures we receive all missing information. In manga author repaired gaps and annoying parts of a story. But I do not like manga version of Fenlys/Fenrys. In manga she was changed into boring sweet like honey with sugar waifu from the very beginning.

[EDIT: review modified after reading more chapters] <<less
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FirosAhoge rated it
May 25, 2019
Status: c58
I liked it until I realized that I like harem too much. The MC's relationship with his wife barely gets mentioned and new side characters keep propping out of nowhere, some even getting harems in front of the MCs face. Girls that I wanted to get with the MC get with other people and it's like, why mention them anymore? I know I'm biased but I only want to see the MC get lovey dovey. Otherwise, it's a fun read. Nothing deep or anything, just OP MC doing OP things.
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Cher709 rated it
February 15, 2019
Status: c57
It started out interesting but once you hit the later chapter it becomes weird and off settling. There really isn't a main plot nor a significance to his power and the female characters become typical side pieces with no real relevance to the story. It is also disappointing that it becomes semi harem. Also the R-15 rating isn't true once you hit mid way.
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Sinking Ship
Sinking Ship rated it
February 10, 2019
Status: c30
The biggest problem (that many other reviews have also touched on) is how little conflict there is in the story. The typical rising action > climax > falling action story structure does not exist at all in this novel. It's more like climax > climax > climax. A problem appears (the hero is banished and set to be killed!) and then instantly resolved (a chat box asks him if he wants to wipe out all monsters within a hundred miles and he selects "Yes").

And it's not just fights or dangerous... more>> situations. It's everything. He meets a girl in chapter 4 or 5. One chapter (maaybe two) later they're married. There is no build up to anything at all ever. Things just happen. And in between the momentous life events that get ticked off like groceries on a shopping list (wife CHECK house CHECK job CHECK) there are a continuing series of non-challenges thrown at the MCs feet for him to casually walk over. The writing style sucks all the "story" out of the story. It feels more like a list of bullet points getting checked off than a novel.

Also I'll mention that MC is married by chapter 10. The novel has "MC loyal to love interest" tag. The novel is also (currently) 540 chapters long. So it's not like the author didn't have time to build up and flesh out a proper relationship... they just didn't. Instead, the meat of the story seems to revolve around "humorous" side characters and descriptions of challenges that last for a chapter or two before being instantly resolved in a single sentence by the MC or his entourage.

It's not a very engaging read. <<less
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Yosozume Lotto
Yosozume Lotto rated it
May 2, 2017
Status: c16
This novel is absolutely terrible. I actually had to force myself to read through most of it. Don't get me wrong this had potential, however I could not stomach it. The author must have had some sort of disability that prevented him from coming up with good names. for example the mc's real name "Banaza" (which is pretty bad...) he uses aliases which change a lot, frustrating and confusing the readers. the first allies he goes by is "Aapshow" (oooooh GODDDD) and then he decided to become a merchant and... more>> go by the name "furio" (which is actual one of the only names in this novel that doesn't make me want to strangle the author). also, the guy who took the mc's place as the hero never even gets a real name and is only ever referred to as "the blond haired hero-sama" (are you starting to get the picture?) names like "Fufun" "Sabea" "Snake Queen Yorumeet" "Death Horse Slape" and other equally GOD AWFUL name choices. the MC isn't even the only one that always uses aliases...

and the translator... (i realize the poor guy didn't have much to work with maybe, but still...) is one of those translators that likes to annoy all readers who don't prefer to read the book in "weaboo" language. leaving us with many Japanese words untranslated, please translators! please give us fully translated pieces. and please don't keep the extremely annoying sentence enders like "Nya" and "kon" and "do" I'm so sick of it.

All in all I strongly recommend to skip this novel. There are better ones out there, you don't need to read this one. Don't waste your precious time on this piece of garbage. Though perhaps you will enjoy it where I could not, if you can then good for you. <<less
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NinjapowerMS rated it
January 4, 2017
Status: c50
Was expecting a Slice of life/romance centralized on an OP Protagonist that can handle anything so there's no unnecessary drama.

Which is true for this novel none the less, What I found annoying about this novel is that it tends to focus on the side characters too much and personally I found their shennanigans not that enjoyable. Most of the chapters had me thinking "Come on get to the two main characters already". There's also a LOT of side characters so the author juggles between them while shoving some bits with... more>> the two main characters here and there.

Frankly I don't like it. Don't get me wrong, I tend to generally like a Novel if the side characters are getting fleshed out in their own way (Fleshed out is the wrong word for this by the way its not that good of a character development either) but you have to balance it out with the Two main characters getting a chapter dedicated to them here and there. <<less
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SorrowSong rated it
August 8, 2016
Status: c40
When I first picked it up, it was quite interesting, then it got repetitive, then it got boring. When I found myself skipping over half the chapters I decided to put this series down.

It doesn't help that this series suffers many of the same ills that people report about the vast majority of all MTL works. I am not bashing the TL team; doing this is beyond my ken. The majority of the chapters are quite readable. With that said this series needs a good editor before it could be... more>> ranked up with the "A" list of MTL series.

In conclusion this could be something worth reading if you are in the mind for humor. If you like what you see by chapter 10 then keep going, the series repeats pretty much infinitely. <<less
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slay_mithos rated it
August 2, 2016
Status: c23
It's mostly a collection of comedy bundled together in a format that is made to resemble the hero stories, with most important and powerful characters of the world doing out of place things.

I'm not going to spoil it, because it's still fairly enjoyable to read, but you will find some of the usual comedy tropes mixed with the setting of "hero summoned to combat the demon lord that is threatening the kingdom".

The writing is fairly poor, the characters are not really developed, the story itself is all over the place... more>> and fairly nonsensical, and the translation is decent but definitely not perfect ("women" used for a single person very frequently, as an example).
Still, if you read one chapter here and there, it's fairly entertaining.

Just don't go into this expecting an actual story or anything like this. <<less
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