The Human Emperor


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Forcefully brought over from the modern world to an alternate world, Wang Chong felt detached and lived his life aimlessly.

However, when calamity struck and he saw his family and everything he cared for being torn apart, he felt regret.

Thus, he stood up and eventually became the Grand Marshal of the Central Plains, leading an army against those who sought to destroy all he cherished.

Yet, despite all his efforts, it was already too late to reverse destiny.

But before his death, a shooting star, the same one which brought him to this world, appeared before him, and he was given another chance to undo his regrets.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Fani İmparator
Nhân Hoàng Kỷ
Records of the Human Emperor
Ren Huang Ji
Related Series
I am the Monarch (12)
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The Second Coming of Gluttony (9)
Cheeky Sword God (8)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Cultivation Novel Goodies
  2. Male Protagonist (No CP)
  3. Novels that I have read
  4. Op Mc / simulation systems
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172 Reviews sorted by

Mimosa rated it
June 7, 2017
Status: --
It's definitely an interesting novel. The matters of politics and cultivation are mix nicely and won't cause you headache.

... more>>

His wits are greatly displayed when interfering into political matters, not so cunning, but his moves are calculated and helps things fall into place.



I like the fact that he have a filial nature and thinks for the greater good of his family, unlike most novels out there with storms of internal strife. Well, his family has some moments were jealousy here and there happens, but not to the point that it'll cause lives

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kari rated it
June 3, 2017
Status: c100
This one is definitely a gem!

Many ppl have reviewed that it is slow, which is the reason for lower ratings n dropping this novel... but we need to understand that we are reading translations here! Not to mention that the novel is still ongoing. Imagine reading harry potter or any other lengthy novel Chapter wise over a span of days/months/years! Of course it is not as enjoyable as reading it all together whenever we want. It will also seem more boring even though it's not.

Besides, the details add depth to... more>> the story & the main focus is never lost, so there's no real harm to it. You can always skim over it if you don't want to read the whole thing!

Besides that, the parts which are good are really good! :) <<less
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Eternity Warrior
Eternity Warrior rated it
June 26, 2019
Status: c1148
Great beginning, but slowly falls of a cliff to its death. In the first few hundred chapters, politics play a key role and you're wondering how he will solve problems. But problems can still be seen early on, such as how our MC becomes a certified ret*rd any time he deals with women.

And as you read more and more, tone shifts from a political intrigue with occasional fight scenes to a full blown military simulator. That in itself would be fine, however author is just bad at writing anything with... more>> military. His tactics are idiotic, a simple battle takes 50 chapters to narrate where it should take a maximum of 10. There is a bit too much nationalistic circle jerk.

Also author contradicts his previous writing at every turn, world building is wildly inconsistent, MC's memory from past becomes a joke. MC itself is also a joke unless plot demands he becomes smart, otherwise easily solvable problems by an average IQ guy becomes huge issues for him. The villains get more cartoonish and low IQ with every chapter, and you're left wondering what happened after first 300 chapters for author to f*ck it up this bad? <<less
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Shtirliz rated it
November 18, 2018
Status: c532
Started interesting, but later became too much bullshit. Novel name and prolog suggest that there would be good strategies (political, economical, military, etc), that MC would be smart and wise in these fields, but nothing of these there. More or less realistic settings with army vs army, where a single person strength is limited, in the end became typical fantasy where one strong person can easily wipe out armies. So called 'system' became ret*rded and annoying, announcing one idiotic 'quest' with bullsh*t conditions after another. It's simply amazing how a... more>> novel with great potential was buried by author story decisions. <<less
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Shaiole rated it
October 13, 2018
Status: Completed
A person who reads CN expects no filler! That's hard to find...

Well gotta admit... a lot of things got stretched out for word count and the author tries to empower women by turning them into pretty dinosaur fairies. War strategy details lacks more detail.

But overall it was an enjoyable read. I liked how the determination and character of the MC is portrayed. The story so far heads to an interesting plot. 4.5 stars for chapters 1 - 459


MC has no time to rest if he wants to save humanity. Yes this is a nationalistic novel, some parts bordering racism. But note that this is loosely based on history, most parts are not historically accurate. This was the era where was war frequents. Lots of blood are normally shed to think kindly of another country.

This novel is unique coz even though most characters can be considered enemies because of some petty matter. In the face of another stronger enemy, private grudges are set aside for public good.

So some has raisen up plot holes etc. I noticed some too. For example: says 3 seconds but writting takes up the whole chapter and more with lots of dialog. Anyways, don't mind too much details and just enjoy.

I love the sass in court battles/ war tr*sh talks though. So witty. <<less
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Rosver rated it
August 10, 2017
Status: c172
The story for me is actually better than average. It has a constant tension throughout that keeps it intense. It does have issues like he just meets, obtain, or remember what he needs suddenly due to luck (deus ex machina), or the story would force him in a bad situation (diabolus ex machina). Still, it is way better than most.

The main character is well fleshed out and have a very pleasant and sympathetic personality, but the other characters doesn't receive much care. This novel is very strange in that aspect.... more>> It delves very deep into the details of the setting and the situation and the events, but it barely put effort into the characters that isn't the MC.

The main character himself, even though he is in a compelling situation that makes him very proactive and is pleasant enough, isn't very different from your typical Chinese protagonist in that he is very focused on acting on a goal. A single goal. Everything he do is for this goal. This really narrows the protagonist's actions and interactions like he don't take up a hobby, or just have fun or we don't see him interact much with his friends and family. He sometimes feels like a puppet that just works for his goal rather than an actual character.

If there is one thing this novel fails at badly, it is in the pacing. It is really slow. Really, really, slooooowwwww... This novel does almost everything to slow itself. It repeats, reiterate and state again every detail that could be repeated, reiterated and stated again. It looks over various details of the setting, the situation and the back-stories in excessive length. A single action (like walking up a set of stairs) could suddenly take several paragraph or take the whole chapter. It is terribly slow and is the biggest source of frustration in this novel.

So, a good enough story with under developed characters and an extremely slow pacing. It can be a very satisfying read if you can tolerate its pacing. <<less
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kelvchua rated it
February 3, 2021
Status: c1670
First thousand chapters - a masterpiece. The strategy Wang Chong, the MC, utilizes both on the battlefield and off it is really fun to read. Gradually building a reputation and achievements, he slowly gains the recognition and acknowledgement of his family and the officials around him. World-building is done really really well, and I love that a lot of it is based on real historical facts. Romance is not really developed at all, which is fine for me.

The greatest problem is in cultivation and power levels of the people in... more>> this world. Author establishes early on that the Great Generals, being at peak Saint Martial Realm, are the strongest people in the Great Tang with the exception of the Sage Emperor. But past chapter 1000, we suddenly start seeing soooo many villains who are stronger than these Great Generals.

The shadow organisation (people in black) can send out so many underlings at peak Saint Martial realm when they're supposed to be very rare in the world and represents the peak of martial cultivation?? That was the only point of disbelief for me which took me out of the immersion. Every time there is a battle where a dozen peak Saint Martial realm cultivators pop up and the MC kill them off super easily, I just start questioning where the hell do these people keep popping up from. Not only the villains, even the people in the Imperial Court, suddenly reveal that they are all in the realm above Saint Martial realm. What the hell, where were these monsters when the Great Tang was being invaded by other nations?? They only show up when Wang Chong opposes their agendas? <<less
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AnonymousNoLife rated it
January 26, 2020
Status: c1300
It was good at the start, but after that, I just started hating it, I forced myself to read it some more, hating it more. Stopped reading for about 400 chapter releases. Came back, and honestly its just gotten worse. I just cant continue, im not even going to add this to my dropped list, because I go back in there to see if something in there has became better. I legit never want to read anything about this again.
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h0b0onsn0w rated it
October 5, 2017
Status: c206
Sad to say I'm going to drop this novel.

Story started out great but then either bad translation or logic gets thrown out the window. Stuff get super overly exagerated like shooting a bow and arrow from a couple of mountains away or firing 50-60 arrows per second per master. Another case of Chinese authors not knowing how to math and logic works.

In one part of the story dudes uses a super awesomely sharp and strong sword to cut something like 6 or something meters high stack of iron ore in... more>> half, in another part dude used the same sword to slash a tiger and suddenly said tiger bones were hard so cant cut through it and then 2 paragraph later dude goes back to this sword is super awesome and ill cut it anyway.

dumb author also said something about a tiger swipe can do 2k psi worth or force or come thing as a note.

Awesome basis and has a lot of potential.

Would recommend reading this if you can ignore those glaring flaws of logic and general Chinese overly extravagant exaggeration.

It killed it for me though. <<less
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Enryu022 rated it
April 15, 2017
Status: c200
I freaking love this novel

... more>>

Main character is pure awesome. First of all if you're expecting a romance, there's none (so far at least).. Main character has a mission and goal from the get go. What I like about this novel is that, main character 99% all the time helps or builds his country rather than fight bullies or train, usually when main characters go back to the past, they are always in the middle of blood shed and what they destroy turns out more than what they build, sometimes you will question yourself "what's their goal again?", but this main character 100% focuses on building his country, helping his people, give all the love his family deserved that he couldn't give them before, even that one bad apple that's in his family, rather than taunting them and destroy their reputation, he showers them with love until they come around on their own and notice how childish they are acting, because his main goal is unite his family first before uniting his country.

The power levels is very reasonable, main character doesn't power up very fast, even his 10 years old sister (he's 15) is still stronger than him in that 200 chapters, but yet that doesn't turn you off from the story, because MC focuses on uniting his country than powering up all the time, he makes a lot of allies, hires freaking strong body guards while he's slowly leveling up and enjoying his life.
Side characters, they are very well built characters, they notice main character's potential, instead of making an enemy out of him they make him an ally. Enemies are also likeable villains, there was this one villain where MC destroyed him politically, the villain saw his potential and feared his growth, it's predictable that he would think on eliminating him before he grows old enough, right? No, he decides to continue fighting him this way because the thought of him losing to 15 years old and eliminating him this underhandedly is unacceptable. Side characters/villains all are amazing.

Bottom line, I really recommend this novel, if you like very relatable main character with human feeling that builds stuff more than he destroys, makes more allies than makes enemies, then this novel is for you. <<less
5 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
May 11, 2021
Status: --
It's your regular shitty racist/nationalist/propaganda driven novel. These writer's thinking seems too extreme in every shape or form, I mean in these of called "nationalist" novels if someone attacks you they are evil; if they revolt from your suppression then they are traitors or they only deserve to remain as s*aves and they don't have the right to fight; and if someone is trying to maintain friendly relationship or want to solve problems diplomatically instead of war then they are cowards; and they don't even realise that by continuing to... more>> make such novels will only result in first of all ruining the already bad reputation of china; and again and again showing hypocrisy of the country and not only the country but in a way they are also shaming the citizens by saying that they also support all atrocities committed by the country and I'm speaking about all of these "nationalist" novels; Instead of spreading the propaganda these novels only creates bad image for China and even people of Chinese-origin will only cringe reading this and for the record this novel is not even worth a single star. <<less
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GrumpyNPC rated it
January 4, 2021
Status: c190
I ultimately got bored and dropped it.

The story is based on an alternate version of ancient china. Cultivation and martial arts take a back seat to politics and nationalism. The nationalism doesn't really bother me, I don't read fiction to develop my world view, I only mention it because I think it makes the politics theme more boring than usual when 90% of it boils down to "because patriotism.". It doesn't help that it progresses really slow, like there is a lot unnecessary and repetitive descriptions. Like someone might start... more>> a conversation with the MC at the beginning of the chapter, then the rest of the chapter will be descriptions on the person who started the conversation, what irrelevant war victories they had, or what irrelevant government policy they penned, how the MC feels about it, how it will affect what he will eat for breakfast tomorrow, and then finally on the next chapter MC responds officially starting the conversation, then between each speech bubble you got a ton of unnecessary descriptions. I found it boring.

If you came for the cultivation, or for the martial arts, you will be disappointed, it is not a main focus of the novel, least in what I have read so far.

If you like politics and are not bothered by a good bit of nationalism and repetitiveness then you might enjoy it <<less
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Incompetence Hunter
Incompetence Hunter rated it
November 1, 2020
Status: --
I gave the story a 5 because I read through the whole thing, and feel more or less satisfied and happy at doing so. The story has left an impression on me. The world has left an impression on me, and I've came to like this world that the author made. I wish there were more.

This story felt meaningful. I feel like the MC accomplished something, not just for himself, but for the whole world. We don't just care for the MC, and maybe his few friends. We care for... more>> the whole world, which the MC strives for.


I think one of the secrets of this story is that it is set in one persistent world. The MC does not go to a new land and start over every 100 chapters. There aren't 3 realms or 9 worlds. There is just 1. It's a world filled with mysteries that is slowly unraveled. Most of the enemies are presented early on. The MC slowly progresses throughout the world, and eventually stand at the top to face the threat of the world. The world slowly progresses due the action of the MC. And we see just how much the whole Empire changes because of him. We care for the world because it is almost like a character who the MC cares about and help changes.

The last boss was introduced relatively early on for these kind of novels (about 2/3 of the way in. The organization of the last boss was introduced probably 1/4 of the way in.)

The story ended relatively satisfyingly. I've finished reading stories like a Will Eternal, but frankly, while that was ok, it didn't leave any impression on me. I couldn't tell you much about the point of it. But this story? It's something I'd love to talk about.


Now, I have to pause this review to talk about an elephant in the room. Regarding racism; tl;dr: it's absolutely not racist.


Everyone who claims that the novel is racist is being ridiculous. They are the worst kind of moral guardians and are, frankly, racist themselves. They'd ban any book because it depicts anything other than their view of political correctness. I find it utterly laughable. People are simultaneously claiming that China is being presented as "lone country of goodwill" instead of "backstabbers", and simultaneously slamming the MC for not taking over China because how "corrupt", incompetent", and traitorous the Chinese government is.

The book is not racist. Not at all. Claims of racism are based of absolute falsities, modern hatred toward China, and a ridiculous political belief that other nationalities can't be presented as enemies.

This is literally a review:

"Yunnan/Mengshe Zhao people are pathetic vassals to China, who got conquered by them years ago, and have the AUDACITY to try to break free from Chinese rule. Right"

That's right. This guy thinks that a vassal betraying the country, colluding with foreign countries, and invading the country, is a good thing. He think that their scheming to massacre half a country of people should not be presented as bad. The country suppressing them is RACIST!

First of all, the setting in a fantasy world, loosely based of history. That should destroy any claims of racism on its own. Second of all, no, not all countries are equally good or bad back then. That is moral myopia of the greatest degree. Tang was one of the greatest civilized empire back then, far more advanced in many ways. It was the Rome of the time.

Obviously, the depiction of both the Tang empire and the surrounding empire is not completely accurate. But a ton of the problems with the court cultures and the people of the Tang empire were presented as actual issues in the story. Half the story or so were dealing with internal problems. From utterly corrupt officials, petty vengeance, traitorous princes, and utterly naive self-destructive people, to hypocritical censors, family feuds, to a people that can't look to the future; these are all the problem of Tang empire presented.

On the contrary, how are the other countries presented? War like and coarse. And ambitious. That is the worst description of it. Except the MC agrees with being warlike and ambitious. Being warlike is presented as a necessary thing by the MC! MC actively pushes for expanding the empire. There is literally a whole arc where his enemies are (again, Tang) people who are trying to be "peaceful" and disarming the country. In short, the main character agrees with the other countries, while disagreeing with China!

In fact, the other countries are presented as far more good than they actually are. They are almost extremely powerful, unbelievably unified and loyal. Their soldiers are ridiculously brave and strong. Their star generals are far more heroic than their historic counterparts. And Dalun Rouzan and Dalin Qinling (2 ministers from the Tibetan empire) are probably the most wise and trustworthy ministers of the entire story. These countries show absolute loyalty and unity to the Tang empire when necessary to face the end. The kings and generals of these countries, who were the main character's enemies, unhesitatingly battled with him for the greater good, and jumped in to sacrifice themselves to protect him.


The story becomes significantly better as time goes on. You can see the author getting better.


A lot of people say that the story becomes confused and lost as time goes on, but it is the opposite. I'd honestly consider telling you guys to skip the first 600 chapters. It goes everywhere and seems like an extended introduction of people who have a 60% chance of never being relevant. It's extremely long, tedious, and repetitive, and features ridiculous things (like faking a retreat being an amazing strategy that no one has ever thought of). It would be significantly better if 2/3 of the content was cut.

Afterwards, the story slowly gets better and better, but there are still long and tedious fights, and things going everywhere for 1000 or so chapters. These chapters aren't bad, but features a lot of annoyances. It would have been significantly better if the author cut quite a bit of the long tedious fights, and one of the most silly arcs of the story.

--- SPOILER ---

This is the arc where some really dumb people tries to completely disarms China, and tries to suppress all its generals and soldiers. Also, the early part of the rebellion of the prince. What makes the arc dumb is how passive the MC is. He literally does nothing except react, and suffers quite a loss. It was the time when I really wanted the MC just to do something to take over the country.


Other than these issues, these 1000 chapters are quite good. The rest of the chapters are even better. The last 1/3 of the story, after the main villain is introduced, goes significantly faster (even a bit rushed, at times), and is significantly better and more interesting.


The ending over all is among the best of web novels I've seen. However, that is a VERY LOW BAR. It's significantly better than that of A Will Eternal, Infinite Competitive Dungeon society, 108 Maidens of Destiny, and Library of Heaven's Path.


Mind you, A Will Eternal's ending was completely out of context and basically another story. Infinite Competitive Dungeon Society's author felt the need to put in nonsensical plot twists in the last chapters or so. 108 Maidens of Destiny just ended randomly after a fight with a random out of context enemy. And the last boss of Library of Heaven's Path literally lasted 2 chapters.


That said, part of it was rushed, and some of it was completely nonsensical and shouldn't have been included. It's hard to describe, because how weird it is. The following is a spoiler free breakdown of the ending


The ending arc against the Big Bad: very good in general. It ties together the backstory of the world which stretches to the past tens of thousands of years. There are a lot of holes presented in this backstory, mostly to do with time. A lot of things were badly explained. Trying to create a timeline based on what happens will create a mess. However, the big idea of who everyone is, and why they are relevant, and what is happening, is explained.

In that arc is a last battle. The arc of the last battle: very good. I love the preparation phase.

The actual battle itself: quite good.

Then it went to a weird place. There is suddenly an actual last battle. This battle was significantly rushed. It had some really good ideas, but also some really bad ones. It's a mix, basically, of really good things, and a lot of really bad things. The idea was amazing, but the execution was terrible and rushed. It also introduces a giant flea from outer space as a new problem

The epilogue: rushed. It's one chapter. Really rushed.

The post-script: there is a battle, and an explanation of the foreign intruder. Basically, it solves the giant flea from outer space problem introduced in the actual last battle. The battle was short, but amazing. It shows the accumulation of the MC. The explanation is another giant flea from nowhere. I just pretend it doesn't exist. It has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with the story, and has NO significance. Nothing of the prior chapters ever suggested this explanation, or was made better for it.

I don't mind that much, because it can be completely ignored, and doesn't actually influence anything, and it is after the epilogue, and is only one chapter.

This story is significantly better if you know about Asian legends. However, if you act as if the characters in the story is their counterpart in real life, you're gonna be disappointed.


Historical figures and pseudo-historical figures features prominently in the plot. The Yellow Emperor, his teacher Cheng Guangzi, Qin Shi Huang, Emperor Wu of Han, the Sage Emperor are all introduced. The big generals of both Tang and other countries are often real people.

A lot of the legends are referenced and are relevant to the plot. Big spoiler:

A lot of legends like Heavenly palace, path to heaven, Jade Emperor, etc, are in fact because of the big bad.


It features a great twist of the transmigration story. Though, it comes kind of late. Big spoilers below.


The MC isn't the only, or even the first trans-migrator who is trying to change the world. The Sage Emperor is another one. So are the past Yellow Emperor, Qin Shi Huang, Emperor Wu of Han, and a few more. There are 10 of them. WC has to gather their stone of destiny.


This is not a romance story. Even though the interactions are very nice, they basically don't exist.


Other than the first 600 chapter, girls basically don't exist. The girls from the first 600 chapters were all whatever. Lots of people claim they are all "female dinosaurs", but I feel like these people just hate girls who doesn't act submissive to men. They aren't good, by any way, and mostly completely pointless. That said, I really do like the interactions of the MC with his romantic interest (at least, after the first 600 chapters).

She actually helps him out through the story, and is more or less an equal. Other than their first few interactions, she is extremely sweet, shrewd, and kind. She is someone he can go to with problems, and she will help him out. She is actually extremely relevant as a support for his war effort, and the country as a whole. If we combine all their interactions (except for their first few meetings) in the whole story, it might be only be a few chapters long. They pretty much never even go on a date.

Big spoiler below.


Even during the ending, she is almost not there. They get engaged. Then the big bad kidnaps her for, as far as I know, no reason whatsoever. The big bad mildly sasses at the MC about her, and that's it. Nothing would have changed if he didn't kidnap her, and I'm honestly thinking that the author had her kidnap her just so he didn't have to write about her, or for drama.

The story would have been significantly better if she were there to help prepare for the final battle, honestly. However, she is just not there for the whole ending. She is basically never mentioned. The MC is also not mentioned rescuing her, so we can only presume it happens off-screen. The only time she shows up is for 3 sentences in the epilogue as his presumed Empress.

It's something I'm slightly miffed about.


The name might mislead you. It's a story about a person's path to being an emperor, not about him being an Emperor.


He doesn't become the Emperor until 2-3 chapters before the last chapter. However, through the story, he continuously widens his influence and gathers respect. He becomes a great protectorate by about ch 700. He becomes a King at about 1200. He becomes basically the most important and influential person in the empire at about 1800. After a bit more trouble, he basically has no opposition in China, as the Emperor basically completely trusts him.

His step to step to gathering power and eventually holding the whole Empire in his hand is more or less completely believable. It's significantly more believable than most other stories. We see him gather subordinates, display his ability, become trusted by the Emperor, fulfill his duty, do great tasks for the empire, and eventually surpasses or destroys his opposition. He works his way up to his position, step by step.


The story has a lot of BIG problems, and parts that are really bad. The author tend to do things to make his story bad at the worst possible time. It's impossible to list out all the issues, but here are a few.


The author tries to make the MC both a hotheaded shounen hero and a cool-headed supreme commander, the war saint whose grasp of strategy and schemes is deeper than anyone.

The story is an amalgamation of a military/political drama and Dragonball Z. The author repeatedly tells us that army is far more important than individual battles, but EVERY BATTLE ends up in a situation where WC's army is completely winning, then there is suddenly one big enemy general who single-handedly can turn the battle around.

Complete violation of show, not tell, at times. As noted previously, what is shown contradicts what is being told.

Stone of deus ex machina: partly because MC sometimes suddenly becomes a ridiculous hothead and stops thinking, he sometimes need to be bailed out. The stone of destiny is there.

The stone of destiny, destiny point, and sudden out of context villain. Despite the black-clothed men being relevant, and decent villain, and the stone of destiny being an interesting plot point later (with others also having it), early on, they just feel like unnecessary add-ons. It feels bad reading about them.

Extremely confusing early part of the story. You don't know what foreign intruders are. You aren't sure if they refer to the neighboring countries. Black clothed men come out of nowhere. Lots of things are different from the actual world. You have to realize that the MC did not transmigrate into the past, but a different world mildly based on the Tang dynasty. The foreign intruders are also not from other countries, but from another world.

This early part is not helped with the introduction of 100 characters, most of whom aren't relevant.

The supposed unfathomable Sage Emperor doesn't actually do anything that makes us think that he is at all competent, until he is about to die. It's not really clear why he didn't. He is actually an extremely wise character (as far as his schemes is after he is dead). But the author just made him completely incompetent for the majority of the story, then repeatedly told us about how cool he is. Again, what is shown is contradicts from what is told.

Ridiculous early battles and schemes. One of the reason that the story got better after 600 is that there are less schemes, and the battles are written differently. The later battles were more about trying to countering enemies and surprises. The armies try to one-up each other. Tools and new techniques were made more important. There were still strategical surrounds, but the battle are much more fantasy like and less about actual tactical movements. That is good. When the author was writing about real life tactical battle, everyone is an idiot who think that faking a retreat is a never before seen technique.

Ever stronger enemies out of nowhere. Cultivation in fact matters. However, there are still cases where it seems like the author is just introducing stronger enemies out of nowhere. This feeling is especially bad for the black-clothed men (the celestial god organization) and early on. However, it is clear, especially after the first 600 chapters, that the MC is clearly far more powerful than before. His cultivation definitely becomes among the top. A lot of enemies are no longer his match, and those that are are rarer. After 2/3 of the story, the power level of everyone is basically fixed, and no new stronger enemies are introduced, so we definitely feel the MC becoming stronger and stronger.

Cultivation system change in the middle. It's pretty clear that the author originally intended there to be only 5 realms +1. The author ended up adding 2 more realms between the 5 and the last 1 later on.

An Lushan is a s*upid villain. The MC act like an absolute ret*rd whenever he shows up.

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Mystara rated it
September 21, 2020
Status: c1895
where should I begin hmmm

  • This novel is written by a racist communist who thinks chinese people are the supreme race im sayin this cause the novel doesnt have black people lel
  • The story was good upto 300 chapters but the more you start to read you will start to get frustrated
  • The MC is literally like a pawn in a chess no matter how much a pawn tries he can never become a king the highest he could achieve is a queen
  • The system is sh*t its like a game no matter how many times you tried to kill the last boss in a game you cant kill the last boss early game plot armor I guess but kinda obvious plot
  • MC is really loyal to his country but time and time again it just goes to show that no matter how many enemies a soldier kills if the general retreats theirs nothing a soldier can do.
  • Like I stated above its frustratin to see the royals bullyin him around and he could have done much better like dethroning the emperor if he did that with his knowledge of his previous two lives he could protect the country his loyalty should lie with the country not the emperor
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ireaditall rated it
April 17, 2020
Status: Completed
Its a good novel..

If the author stopped going off track..

It happens a lot especially after MC returns from the arabian campaign.

I deduct 2 * for the shitty writing towards the end...

The conclusion isn't satisfying and more importantly...


How could u treat him like this u damn author...


u brought everyone back to life and just ignored li heng, he deserves so much better and that letter made me cry so much ??

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VLeeAzn rated it
March 27, 2020
Status: c1305
Honestly I do not understand all these people reviewing crying out racism based on the fact it depicts others ethnicity, I mean really had you not glanced at the genre of the novel before diving it ? Or were the words too complex that you did not manage to comprehend it was a piece about Tang Dynasty ? They did not even call themselves Chinese once. And the historical difference ? I MEAN I OPENED A NOVEL TO EXPECT READING A NOVEL NOT TO EXPECT READING A HISTORY BOOK if... more>> that's what you expect from a novel I recommend you any LIBRARY but not a NOVEL. That however will not be the reason for my bad rating.

This novel once I started, I loved it, I truly did. I was looking for a novel where a protagonist will wage war, build up his army, fight against different people all stronger than before. It was great, but later it just turns into a garbage novel.

Honestly I tried, I don't know when it started; the novels had many moments that moved me, made me wish I could see men being heroic and all, with several admirable characters like Dalun, that super cunning great minister of the Ü-Tsang, but probably around when despite all MC did for his country, his countrymen are just some dumb sh*t. Now I will talk about it on spoiler but up till chapter 1212 should have been the true ending honestly it's like Dragon Ball GT it just proves that it's a good thing to end when there's still time.


After chapter 1212 onward and I asked spoiler from some people that read ahead (to 1.5k at least) MC returning to his country after fighting a great war, barely managed to win it and all because of that stone of destiny repeatedly tells him if he doesn't the he'll be obliterated and great Tang will suffer. Well I get it, he killed the Arab army so they can't invade deep into the Tang again for a while but still.

I absolutely loathe what the author or authors in that matter are doing to the MC, basically instead of having MC being a god of war and all continuing warring, building army and dealing with cunning officials he/they've demoted him into a simple officer sitting home writing books and shit, absolute destruction of the essence this novel once has, and made it so all the things he's done in war was for nothing. The territory he's won for the country ? Returned. The gold he's won for the country ? And hang on he's not even taking it for himself but yeah guess : also returned. That war of several hundred chapters, rewards and all that ruined in 2 chapters where the antagonist "saint" just say to him he's done that to be at peace with neighbors and stop war. L M F A O

Also I think he/they are getting one thing wrong about readers reading this novel, at least for me, I find more satisfying to see MC getting praised for his hardwork, commendable loyalty, intelligence. But so yeah while the MC's out there giving his life for the country the next few hundreds chapters are about treacherous officers from some random thousand year old sect hailing themselves as "benevolent" "justice" and stuff barring MC; backstabbing him for the good deeds he did and all you can expect from people portraying themselves as "saints".

I honestly wouldn't have minded if it was a short 30-50 chapters story about it but about 300 I don't see the god damn end. You know when I started reading this novel about the power inside the country and all that I was like "hey not bad!" like MC's side got some good, competent and unfathomably intelligent or powerful people even within his family ! Hey how about, starting from chapter 1212 you will realize they are all dumb*ss that cannot realize a thing without MC I think the worst of it all is that "Sage" emperor I thought he wasn't bad neither reading the novel but beware chapter 1212 afterwards I can understand, he turns weak because he failed to reach divine realm so he's weakening or some stuff.

But with all that sh*t displaying repeatedly on his own court I've got hard time believing he's an Emperor with how he endures things, actually he might even get cuckolded, and still watch on the sideline with how tolerant he is to others, I mean just look at the mess of his country despite the MC repeatedly trying his best in enemy territory, somehow at home half of his court got replaced by young and new officers the dude didn't even raise a hand.

And at least 300 chapters is how long you're going to have to read about MC own countrymen f*ck*ng him over, bending him sideways, I'm saying 300 because I realized at chapters 1.5k is where the translation ended, my guess is at 2k or 2.5k chapters MC might still be getting his arse reworked

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unone rated it
January 26, 2020
Status: --
beginning was great! really a 5 star beginning for like 1-657 than it starts losing its momentum but still 4-3 stars from 658-1212. and after that.... oh man.. no words can express how disappointed I was when reading this part. in the beginning of this arc it was fine but oh my god like the wang cong like got kicked by a donkey or something. I had to pause for abit before continuing because it was so hard to read. like I was fine with during the war and how... more>> he has all this plot armor on and not being killed and suddenly getting op in the middle of nothing. but this one arc that comes after chapter 1212 makes me question if the author was just didn't know how to complete it because they literally left it incomplete because he goes and does something else before coming back to solve the "problem" which is complete bs.



alright so what happens in this arc is after wang cong defeats the Arabs his reward is a title and stripped of all military status. and he is to return to the capital.

at the capital he is given a low position in court and emperor falls ill or something and the first prince takes over. the person scheming behind him is some Confucian sect that advocates for peace and no war and disarming itself. (totally BS because literally saying that we trust the other nation to not attack us unconditionally) anyways

so wang cong fights in court with first prince taking over the position of the emperor and wang cong try really hard to fight for the good of the nation (another BS part because the first prince is super against him but wang cong still tries to fight for his side even though the court is already already in first princes control and he pretty much already knows which side to pick with out having to debate) anyways

so wang cong loses in court and the Confucian sect person spreads his super pacifist ideals while the other nations are disarming on the outside because they are working with the Confucian guy but on the inside there preparing to take over because their "taking the fangs away from the tiger"

thus because of all this religiously peaceful ideals and the slander of how wang cong is a war monger. and so the people are against him and wang cong cant do anything so pretty much the whole nation abandoned him even though he saved them. anyways wang cong writes a book about the strong eating the weak. but in the end wang cong loses. gets beat up by an old man with no cultivation just a normal citizen and falls into a coma for a bit because of the shock. when he wakes up he goes on a journey into the sect worlds.

overall this arc is one of the biggest BS ive read because wang cong is pretty op but is pushed around, thats ok. but what really ticks me off is how hes continuously fighting the peace people because he had already lost the will of the people so he pretty much should have just been like OK ill just sit back and when the other nations come and invade you can take care of that sh*t yourselves. and pretty much watch from the side. I really hate how he hadn't just up and left the nation since that dont want him so much. this arc truly baffles me

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Jetset24 rated it
May 15, 2019
Status: --

That's quiet a waste that the longer the story goes, the more the martial arts are getting blurry. For example, the super sword art of the ex War God Su, the author barely mentioned it lol, the guy didn't cultivated it, and to be honest, this sword art doesn't look that impressive. The MC only shoots swort qi with is fingers.
Even the swort art given to him at the start by the old man was skipped, it was suppose to have a lot of levels, but the guy didn't even pass level 2 (I'm not even sure he passed level 1 lol). When I say those things, I understand that it happens off scene, but that's a waste, it just looks like the author forgot it then remembered it suddenly.
There are a lot of other things like that. The 3 level of the halo of dusk stalion has been skipped too, he didn't even lost cultivation levels when he did.
Other thing, the Huang girl, the genius who is cultivating a technic that will kill her.... He still haven't told her lol.
There is also another thing that surprises me. The MC is 17 or 16 (it's not clear anymore), he is already at the emperor realm, but nobody is shocked lol. I know that the MC cultivation is fast cause as a general he needs to be strong but still...
Other thing (lol), everytime the MC attained a new realm, he always learned a technic special for this real, but the emporor real is completly skipped lol. Same with the banne of battlefield, it looks way to random, as if it leveled up only when needed.
There are other things to say but here we have the general idea. Things are getting less and less clear, everything is getting blurred in favor of the general plot, particulary the martial part. Even the Wushuang guys, the Huang protector dude is now a general (suddenly lol), but he is not even given importance, that's sad.

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tanzoo7 rated it
January 11, 2019
Status: c639
I don't know why some people rate it badly but one thing for sure this novel has many interesting aspect unlike other cultivation novel. One thing I love about this novel is it's historical aspects. Writer added many real historical data in this novel. If you like game element then sorry for that bcoz game element of this novel is almost negligible. The story circled around the great Tang dynasty. Unlike other cultivations where MC tried to dominate the world this MC's main objective is to protect his country. Up... more>> to C639 no love aspects is found and there isn't a fixed female lead either. The scale of the war is huge and mostly strategic. Rather than kingdom building it's actually kingdom protecting. Those who wanted something different it's will suit your taste.

PS: I want to thank the translators as well bcoz they added many foot notes to explain the real historical figure and story. Since writer used all Chinese unit, translators had to explain those as well. Good work. <<less
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bloomsburyhouse rated it
January 3, 2019
Status: c621
The build up was quite nice, but as of 620~ the actual war/battles are very disappointing. In reflection, reminds me a little of how Bleach was back in the day - a lot of really nice and entertaining things in the beginning, and then when the big boss comes along its just random fillers and "this is not even my final form" stuff.

... more>>

For example, despite being a war-god/saint etc., MC doesn't prepare enough water. And then the author explains this plot hole by saying water is not as easy to transport, as if the "god-level organizer girl" MC wooed couldn't also just as magically solve all that as well.


Basically, the author just ends up pulling enemies out of his puckered bu*t hole. <<less
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