The Heiress and the Mysterious Men


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In a small rural village, there lived a strong and hardworking woman named Lotea, who worked as a porter. Little did she know that her grandmother was a duchess in the imperial court.

“Your features may resemble Patrick, but your rustic charm is just like your mother’s, isn’t it?”

“Father mentioned that I take after my grandmother’s side…”

Although the Duchess was not pleased to have a commoner as her granddaughter, she made Lotea a proposition. If she makes a successful debut in high society and brings home an excellent suitor, she will inherit ten million gold!

Coincidentally, three of the most sought-after suitors in high society have Lotea in their sights…

“Well, it’s good that we get along. But we should think about what kind of relationship would be best.”

Clovis, the mischievous young man turned war hero, Lieutenant Aaron Werner.

“Shall I take you on a date?”

The handsome yet cold and distant man, Marquis Claude Diante.

“Lotea’s eyes sparkle like stars in the night sky.”

The most prominent member of high society, Count Mikhail Arman.

Suddenly attracting the attention of three men and becoming the center of high society gossip, Lotea finds herself on a battlefield far tougher than carrying baggage!

Caught in the mounting pressures and threats of high society, can Lotea survive and perhaps even find love?!

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