The Guild’s Cheat Receptionist (WN)


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One day, due to God’s mistake, Tomoaki Akino’s life was accidentally snatched away. Though he gratefully accepted the cheat offered as an apology and reincarnated, he was reborn as a female elf! Then time passed, and Tomoaki now works as the intelligent and beautiful receptionist named Ilya in the Luneville branch of the Guild Association. In a world of swords and magic, her job in the guild begins today.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Guild no Cheat na Uketsukejou
Related Series
The Guild’s Cheat Receptionist (LN) (Light Novel)
I’m OP, but I Began an Inn (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Female Protagonists / gender-bender male to female...
  2. Novels I've read.
  3. Shouldn't I finish the other 100s?
  5. my fetish

Latest Release

Date Group Release
02/07/23 Re:Library v3c5 part1
01/28/23 Re:Library v3c4 part2
01/20/23 Re:Library v3c4 part1
01/20/23 Re:Library v3c3 part3
01/06/23 Re:Library v3c3 part2
12/29/22 Re:Library v3c3 part1
12/24/22 Re:Library v3c2 part3
12/23/22 Re:Library v3c2 part2
12/06/22 Re:Library v3c2 part1
08/22/21 Re:Library v3c1 part2
08/15/21 Re:Library v3c1 part1
08/08/21 Re:Library v2c6 part2
08/01/21 Re:Library v2c6 part1
07/25/21 Re:Library v2c5 part2
07/18/21 Re:Library v2c5 part1
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5 Reviews sorted by

araragiKun rated it
October 19, 2021
Status: --
I would give this one a high rating because although, the MC is hiding her true power, the nuance is still different. The MC has already done what a MC with cheat ability will do. Beating demon lords, making a party, saving people and what not. Now, she wants to live her rest of the life as a normal person. She normally doesn't take actions on her own and will try to resolve the issues by depending on her friends.

TLDR: It's an after story of a cliche'd isekai cheat protagonist.
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kawaii12345 rated it
June 23, 2021
Status: c30
TLDR: It's an I'm god but hiding it novel, not at all well done 1 star.

Generic is generic, this has been done and done so much better it isn't funny. About the only thing the author has to differentiate the work is the gender bender and that's something that's barely noticeable.

Just Boring
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ZeroA2 rated it
April 21, 2024
Status: v4c6 part1
Very badly written. Like, if you ever wanted proof of the advice "show, don't tell", this story is perfect for that. Even things the MC is directly involved in happen off-screen with no intervention. At one point two people break into her room while she's sleeping and she wakes up to them having already been subdued.

Even the things she actually does like making guild commissions just happen without any sort of feeling or agency behind them.

I cannot believe this was ever adopted for publishing. It is one of the most... more>> boring things I've ever read and I enjoy reading encyclopedia entries and the dictionary.

There's a fantasy world present with some concepts that are a little original in their implementation like using too much magic of one type affects the weather but even the description of these things is extremely lacking.

The gender bender aspect doesn't seem to matter at all other than she does not like how men are attracted to her and she is slightly overly affectionate with hugs to women, but it's not like anything comes from that.

The author several times alludes to the character adventuring in the past but doesn't even really describe anything and only hints at things that happened.

Great example of how writing skill can ruin a promising premise. <<less
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lohwengk rated it
November 5, 2023
Status: epilogue

I enjoyed reading this story, but it's necessary to keep in mind that it's a short story. It has to prioritize its focus, so some interesting aspects don't get their due attention. A major example is the side characters.

To me, the story gives the feeling of a grand adventure told from a slice of life pov. It takes the edge off some of the excitement, but it's also a breath of fresh air from the typical action adventure story.

There's no world building until half way through the story. Even then,... more>> it's only hinted. Though the last one or two arcs present quite a unique world.

Someone complained that the gender bender aspect doesn't play any role in the story. It's not quite right. MC being gender bent is being played like Kamijou Touma's bad luck, Goku's innocence or Naruto's mischievousness. It's something that adds colour without being a central aspect of the story. The same holds true of the MC being a reincarnator. <<less
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SakuraKoi rated it
November 4, 2023
Status: epilogue
It's... complicated. I wouldn't call it a masterpiece or even close to one but it's good, enough? Somewhat? I'm afraid that there is no winning for it because it's too short to do it's characters justice but the story/setting/genre would otherwise overstay its welcome, that's the feeling I get.

The gender bender is basically inconsequential, characters are countless and the ultimate 'message' questionable.

Primarily the work deals with different takes on and kinds of divinity. The protagonist is close in power to being the classical abrahamic / one true god (omnipotent, omniscient... more>> and omnibenevolent) and even takes a guiding role in a world where spirits (some selfish are called evil gods), dragons and titans (ogres called there) are considered deities (though only spirits are called gods, maybe because of the translation but that's the gist).

I do consider the work, called here, "They called her god as well as Satan" to give better food for thought in regards to "What is Divinity?".

That one I intend to reread but this one I'm afraid that it's not memorable. Heck, "Hakai me no Yuuri" I'd also rather recommend (more GB+more comedy+more on the subject of power) and which I already reread once (the intro is heavy but it is not insignificant nor has it graphic details).

The problem with the receptionist here is that she is plain, or simple, with the sole quirk being the aversion to insects. She's mostly just aloof.

If I had to say what one has to expect, then it would not be action, slice of life, a romcom or drama... Rather it reads like a diary, with dialogue but I can't think what I can call it otherwise since the other elements are scarce and at times feel forced. Yuuri does do them far more proper while God/Satan makes a proper historical impression. <<less
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