The Greatest Farmer


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With the inheritance from ancient times, a trivial farmer embarked on the road to greatness.

When the pure village girl, the glamorous female president, the romantic lady boss, the hot female teacher, the seductive and charming school beauties suddenly started to surround him, Wang Xiaofei became lost for words.

I’m just a trivial farmer, what can I do?

I will show you the power of a trivial farmer!

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Dian Feng Xiao Nong Min
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2 Reviews sorted by

Goonmeat rated it
June 16, 2022
Status: c348
A 17 year old village boy gets into a fight with some hooligans over his jade-like childhood friend. MC doesn't quite understand what's going on since he fell into a ditch/sewer during the fight and activated some ancient talisman. He spends three years in jail digesting his new knowledge, cultivating, and making connections. Once he gets out, he decides to make medicinal wine to sell to the local big brothers.

Not a bad read so far, very entertaining. MC is an honest man with no big aspirations.

More of a cultivator-in-modern-times novel... more>> than a farming one. There is a bit of farming don't get me wrong, but in order to protect his title of "just a farmer" he has to be strong physically and financially. A lot of females are mentioned, but most get a quick pass over as the MC is just always busy healing big shots, building roads, solving ghosts, and buying jade. He is not transmigrated or reincarnated, just got some cultivation methods. He treats people according to how they treat him and there is no excessive face slapping, but Wang Xiaofei never swallows a loss. <<less
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tenderloin rated it
March 26, 2024
Status: c36
There's precious little farming. Some wild herb gathering and wine brewing. He's more interested in curing powerful people than anything else so far. Includes the trope of stone gambling and the standard amount of face slapping
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