The Female Lead in the Reverse Harem Novel Ran Away


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In the midst of writing my novel, as I always do, a strange message flashed across my screen.

‘I can’t be the female lead anymore. No, I won’t do it!’

At first, I thought I was dreaming.

‘You’re going to be the new Flodia Debussy!’

Those were the last words I read before blacking out. When I woke up, I found myself in an unfamiliar, extravagant bedroom.

* * *

Gradually, I realized I had been transported into the world of my own reverse harem novel. Somehow, I had become the main character, Flodia Debussy. However, something was amiss. Things were different from how I had written them.

“If you’re not going to throw me away, then you have to take responsibility for my heat.”

Instead of the docile and obedient male lead, I was confronted with a h**ny beast of a man.

“If Lady Flodia says so, then it must be God’s will. I see nothing wrong with it.”

The supposed to be abstinent holy knight turned out to be a pe*verted fanatic.

“I want to know everything about you. I want to know every little detail, so that there’s nothing left for me to discover.”

And lastly, there was a deranged madman.

The male leads were all behaving erratically.

Would I be able to find the missing female lead and safely return to my own world?

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