The Eye Of The Mind


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Liang Cheng: Is there anything in this world that you dislike, Qiao Yuanlin?

After pondering for a moment, Qiao Yuanlin replied, “Failure.”

Ironically, it was soon after this exchange that Qiao Yuanlin, who despised experiencing setbacks, encountered the biggest setback of all at the hands of Liang Cheng.

After several years had passed, Qiao Yuanlin found himself face-to-face with Liang Cheng again, this time at his father’s second marriage banquet.

To his utter shock, Qiao Yuanlin discovered that Liang Cheng had become his stepbrother.

Father Qiao announced, “From this moment forward, you shall be brothers. Best of luck to both of you.”

Unimpressed by this newfound familial connection, Qiao Yuanlin lashed out in frustration, exclaiming, “Damn you!”

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Related Series
Stealing The Wind But Not The Moon (Same Franchise)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Modern Set TBR
  2. JJWXC top danmei pt. 2
  3. Novel 2
  4. Completely translated novels 3 (higher ratings)
  5. Envie de lire

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2 Reviews

Sep 21, 2023
Status: Completed
Honest rate? 4.5 or ⭐⭐⭐⭐

I think I need to read this again, maybe because I'm not really in the mood to read this beautiful that's why I did it half heartedly but even so this novel is really good, enough to make me give such high rating. If you're not sure if this novel is good or not please give it a shot.
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Sep 25, 2023
Status: Completed
I read this because I loved the novel "stealing the wind", but I think I prefer the style of that novel better. This one has a great amount of angst, which is quite frustrating to read, even though it makes sense in hindsight. There's a bit of mystery in this one, but it didn't really keep me as engaged (the main one is resolved in the flashback, and the second big one just makes me rather disappointed in the mother).

I usually love the slow burn relationship development, but in this... more>> book, it comes off especially unsatisfying because of the constant resistance on first the ML and then the mc's part.

I think the structure of this story, with one long flashback and then jumping to the future with very little explanation of what happened in between was a bit disorienting, and left a lot of loose ends regarding how they got where they did in such a short amount of time.

Also, while I applaud the author's portrayal of a variety of families, and the consistent love that the parents feel for the children, as well as the varied boundaries that might cause the child to not reciprocate, I personally felt some of the relationship cutoffs were a bit cruel. It felt like the author was trying to set up a situation where reconciliation was still possible, but then the characters (well within their rights) refused to accept it, and in some cases even used the affection as a way of manipulating the parent to give up their interest in favor of their child's. It's all relatively understandable, but still left a bad taste in my mouth. Parents are just people after all, and if their blood offspring can't even understand that, and uses a god-level metric to judge them, of course they will fail to measure up and the relationship will fall apart. After all, even God doesn't really measure up to the god-level metrics from human's perspective.

I'm also going to be a bit of a moralist here, but this story's glamorization of things like smoking, reckless motorbike riding, and fighting make me realize the benefit of things like the restriction of smoking in entertainment. Towards the end, I could almost imagine smoking to relax as a normal thing I should do. And it isn't. It's addictive, toxic, and smelly. Similarly, the thrill of riding a motorcycle is undeniable, but it's also dangerous (I imagine doubly so somewhere like China). It should be treated with respect and caution, not just as a way of getting an adrenaline rush. And it doesn't need to be loud, those are just really old motorcycles or motorcycles being ridden by obnoxious people. Finally, fights and the injuries they can cause aren't just badges of honor. They can have long term health effects, especially as the body ages. I realize these are all issues that are also in "stealing the wind", but I guess I had more time to ponder them in this story, especially since the appeal of these things were such a big part of this story.

I did like the relationship between the MC and the ML - the way it was described made it clear that both were on equal footing with each other, though they were on different levels at various parts within the story. I especially loved the ml's friends - they were so vivid and I found myself rooting for them throughout the book (more so than the MC to be honest).

This novel is worth a read if you're interested in doctors/reporter slice of life, reformed characters, uncommunicative but secretly pampering ml's.

Finally, while I absolutely appreciate the translation, readers should be aware that there are sometimes confusing name and gender switches. Just know that if something doesn't make sense in context, you should just mentally switch it around. I think some of the idioms might also have also gotten lost in translation, there were some that I noticed based on reading t/n in other novels, but I'm sure there are others I missed. <<less
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