The Death of Princess Charlotte


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“—Charlotte Callista Reevesmore, you are charged with treason.”

The ruthless voice belonged to Frederick, the king of the country and also Charlotte’s father.

“Do you have anything to say?”


Charlotte smiled without a care in the world.

“By that, I thereby strip you of your position as crown princess. Your engagement to the son of Marquis Sargent shall also be annulled.”

After being declared guilty, Charlotte was denied her position and her engagement was annulled.

Thus, Charlotte was imprisoned.

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Shārotto ōjo no shi
The Death of Princess Charlotte
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Akachi86 rated it
January 23, 2024
Status: Completed

It's a story of abuse, mental and physical, neglect and finding happiness. It starts with her admitting she betrayed the country, then rolls back to past events which led to her decision.

It culminates with a chapter where Charlotte, now in a royal prison after the prologue reveal, is visited by the s*upid sister, foolish fiancee, and douchey dad, who she absolutely refuses to even see. And boy, she absolutely does not hold back her hate for them and explains why and how she got where she is. Which we as readers know from the previous chapters, but the characters do not. Below are just some examples, she points out more in a very matter-of-fact way.

Her revenge on the sister


is simply bombarding her with truth, and since she's a weak-willed crybaby she collapses after hearing her "beloved sister" despises her.


Then the fiancee comes and is indignant.


Not because Charlotte commited treason, but because she was "mean" to the sister. She reminds him that while their engagement was political, he never made an effort to learn one bit about her in the 10 or so years they were engaged, but was very eager to please her sister. He even thinks her favourite colors, food and pasttime is the same as her sister's


After hearing all that dad (who was hiding behind the door) and fiancee finally realize they were complete monsters, but it's too late. They're left with one princess who betrayed the country, and one who is a complete moron, completely useless as a royal since all she did was some charity work, while her other duties were added to Charlotte's, who was already working as a crown princess and queen (because the queen has been dead for years). Despite that she was called lazy when she wanted to have one day off.

The only reason she didn't die from overwork was her abundant mana, which she was using unconsciously to boost her recovery. And the reason why she even bothered with her treason is because the prince from that country was the first person who saw her as Charlotte, not the lazy Crown Princess.


Of course she fell for him, and so did he for her. Her proposal to be betrohed to him was rejected, of course, despite the political advantages it would bring, because it meant the sister would have to become a queen. Daddy didn't weant to burden his beloved daughter like that.


So while the douche duo are contemplating their sins Charlotte makes it look like


she commited su*cide, so that their guilt will always stay with them and excapes via teleportation with her beloved.


But not before her collaborators spread thousands of newspapers detailing why she betrayed her country and how she was treated, all to destroy the "Hero king's" legacy. This way he cannot possibly hide the truth.

And then she gets a happy ending, in the "enemy" country.

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xelixette rated it
February 14, 2024
Status: Completed
I couldn't resist reading ahead on my own and ran to write a review (because the rating is shockingly low) only to find that Akachi86 did it better than I could. So I'll just add on how I feel when reading...

There's something cathartic about the Charlotte's journey to freedom and happiness. The quiet anger is a poignant reminder of the years of being battered and bruised by the indifference and inequality of her 'family' and the pressure she put on herself to fulfil her role of princess.

Revenge is sweet, but... more>> liberation is even sweeter. <<less
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