The Dark King


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Civilization is destroyed and records lost. Only Dudian survives in a cryogenic sleep. Three hundred years later, Dudian wakes up and must become Dean to survive. Who can he trust in this world overrun by monsters without and within?

Associated Names
One entry per line
Related Series
Warlock of the Magus World (9)
Release that Witch (7)
Sevens (3)
Dungeon Defense (3)
Swallowed Star (2)
Great Demon King (2)
Recommendation Lists
  1. The most interesting Light Novels
  2. Novels that I have read 2
  3. Survival game/ Survival based series
  4. Reincarnation / travel to the distant future

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84 Reviews sorted by

jascoggi rated it
February 12, 2017
Status: c205
I am giving 5 stars for the translator. The rate they have put out translations is excellent.

The story is interesting and very plot driven. It adds many different elements and the combination is original and easy to read.

If you want something new and can lower your standards some this is for you. Far from perfect writing and character development. Plot holes will always exist if you look too close. But if you can chill and ride the roller coaster of ups and downs, it is enjoyable.
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Everman rated it
January 25, 2017
Status: c35
There is some mild entertainment value, but the writing is lacking and the translation is rough. The author seems to write about whatever they feel like without any regard to a consistent plot. The MC often spends a day doing something and then by the next chapter we may as well forget all about it. There are random time skips when the author gets bored of an idea as well as characters that are introduced, described and never mentioned again. Tough to enjoy.
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ShinUon rated it
February 26, 2017
Status: c75
The concept of the story is pretty interesting, but the execution is quite mediocre. It can also be confusing at times as descriptions of events are sometimes messy or glossed over (example: one person was eaten by a creature during a chase scene but we only find that out 10-15 chapters later in what feels like a retcon moment). I'm not sure if this is the author's fault or the translation missing it, as the TLs are also rather poor.

However, what IS clear is that the author is not that... more>> good at pacing and building tension. This became very clear during the MC's first deployment outside, which were filled with "action" moments, where the stakes were high (life and death) and the pacing should have been fast. However, the author frequently wasted more time than necessary describing things that of little importance. And after returning from this first deployment, I continued to notice this flaw of wasting too much time (whether it be dialogue or descriptions) on things that don't advance the story nor serve an important purpose. This is generally a sign of an inexperienced writer. A competent author would know to cut dialogue or descriptions that serves little purpose.

The other issue is the MC's motivations. Even during what should have been high-stakes scenes, I just don't feel the tension or importance. I see two causes behind this: The first is the author's poor use of the novel medium. We don't really experience the story from the MC's perspective but rather the narrator's. While we do understand a bit about how the MC thinks, it's generally because the narration tells us so, not because we experience it through the MC. The second cause behind this problem is that the MC's goals are simply too far into the future and lofty. And it's never established why the MC should even care. Yes, the MC might just be the only person who can do it, but so what? Why does it matter? From a distant God/Narrator's view in the sky, we obviously see the goal benefits their society. But if it doesn't happen, so what? There's no consequence. So then it boils down to "why does the MC care?" And that's never really established. I think this flaw ties into the earlier point of how the author isn't really writing the story from the MC's perspective. And both are fairly typical signs of an inexperienced writer.

+ Interesting premise

- MC motivations never properly established
- Lack of tension
- Poorly written <<less
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ZeroBlink rated it
November 11, 2018
Status: c30
Tragic mess.
It's like fallout and arcanum combined, but terrible

Beside the setting absolutely nothing else makes sense in this novel.
1 - The mc's motivations and thoughts are a mess, to begin with he is like a log "yes, no" just an emotionless vessel.
2 - everything is just random, with surface level explanations or no explanations once so ever.
3 - other characters have even less depth than the MC.

4 - the places visited have no descriptions "a house", "a person" they are all faceless people and when they finally end up showing "emotions" they're random an unjustified.


The doctor pair adopts the MC, Then wants to get rid of him the next chapter.
Then The Female Doctor cries about their choice despite the fact THEY don't have any meaningful emotional connection, THEY are the ones who tried to sell him off. I want to smoke what they smoke.

The instructor, puts 14 year olds in mortal danger, because apparently killing kiddos makes more sense than training developed Intelligent, dependable adults.
I guess in Authors mind it makes more sense to put the survival (economy) of whole city on the shoulders of 13-15 yr olds. Brilliant.
The instructor says I will kill you myself If I see fit in one chapter, 2 chapters later acts surprised when half of the squad is wiped out by goverment scheme.

MC gets shot at with a crossbow... then patiently waits for the enemy to KINDLY reload a FREAKING crossbow, when he himself HAS A KNIFE IN HIS HAND.

End me, end me now

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Scaethys rated it
March 30, 2017
Status: c371
Definitely an interesting read. Much different than the typical cultivation novel, although its really irksome how he seems to be applying for everything.

In other words, he's going to be a Hunter, Knight, and Architect and god knows what else. But it's still fun to read. What I don't understand is why people are complaining about the darker parts of the story. There are some valid points, but it's much simpler to take it with an open mind. Explanations for the following:

1. Let's just remember the premise here. This new world seems to have some resemblance of order, but really, if people don't want to let them know things, then they probably won't know, especially if they're grunts (read: scavengers). So like typical grunts, the higher ups will send them out with poor equipment. Because grunt --> kept in the dark and fed shit. After all, they aren't as important as the hunters and they technically aren't supposed to be in any danger. If you think about it in another way, they're literally workers that are trained to grab anything they might think is useful and run away from monsters without fighting them head on if they do show up. Because they literally can't.

2. The part where he has to integrate the parasites from the young splitters? People are pissed off that their scythes are cut off and he's practically keeping them as livestock? Let's say he doesn't cut them off. Why in the world would he make things harder for himself? The author spends a good chunk of the chapters explaining how dangerous a splitter is, both young and mature. Not to mention it's a legendary beast. So I don't see the problem with nipping a problem at its bud. It's just suicidal if he lets them keep their scythes.

3. Prison arc? Prisons aren't f*cking rainbows and sunshine. So there's no reason to expect the MC to be treated well when he's thrown into a den of wolves. As dislikable as the arc might be, it was a super integral part of the change in his personality. He no longer trusts anyone without making sure he has some way to control them first.

TL;DR Scavengers are grunts that don't actually have much invested in them. Cutting off the scythes of a legendary beast that can f*ck you up is probably a good idea. Prison arc isn't pretty. Deal with it or skip it.
Let's remember that this MC isn't a good guy.
Romance is shallow as sh*t here, not to mention he seems to have sworn off on love. Probably won't be any of that for a while.

Honestly this novel is a little jumpy, but it's still a good read. Translator does his/her best to keep it true to the raws. Kudos to that.
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porkbuns rated it
February 26, 2017
Status: c270
Plot: Set in a postapocalyptic dystopian world, our main character Dudian/Dean wakes up 300 years after an all out nuclear war that completely decimates society. Dean emerges from his cryopod as an young, naive, and abnormally intelligent (he literally got into Harvard at 12 years old) child. He comes to discover that humanity now lives inside a walled city ruled by a shady organization, with the guise of an amiable religious organization, that has brain-washed society, hiding the truth of the past of everyone; technology has degraded back to the... more>> days of swords and bows and arrows. Armed with his superior intelligence and knowledge of advanced technology, Dean embarks on his journey to discover the truth of occurred 300 years ago and to eventually revive humanity to its former glory. Follow Dean, as he experiences/encounters friendship, hardships, love, conspiracy, and betrayal, turning from a naive child into... THE DARK KING. *Roll Credits*

Protagonists: Dudian/Dean is a pretty agreeable main character overall. His naivety is a tad bit annoying (however, you have to consider that he's still just a kid, a really abnormally smart kid), but that soon changes somewhere in the 200s chapters after he gets framed and thrown in jail. I feel like he's kind of like Leylin from Warlock of the Magus World, but not as OP (that ret*rded AI chip is just too OP) ; since he's not as OP, instead of brute forcing his way through everything, Dudian is forced to use his ingenuity to get through situations (though, he's not always on the winning side).

Other Characters: Most of the other character are pretty meh so far; their characters aren't really flushed out and for the most part they're rarely seen (this might just be the case since it's still early on in the plot, but it's hard to say since the novel is still on-going)

Romance: Practically none existent at this point in the story. At one point, he had something going on with this noble girl, but her father didn't like that and frames him for a ridiculous crime. Being sheltered and naive as she (the noble girl) is, she doesn't believe it when Dudian says he got framed and actually believes that Dudian should be punished (I mean seriously... did she even love him at all?). After all that BS, Dudian ends up dumping her; however, the author keeps mentioning her here and there, which seems like she may still play a relatively prominent part in the story, added on to the fact that she's working on becoming a judge/magistrate.

Translation: The translation is pretty good and the translator shoots the chapters out really fast; usually 3 chapters/day, and sometimes you might get a mass release (it's pretty often actually) of up to like 10 chapters (didn't really count, but it's something around that :P)

Setting: Dark (there's this whole r*pey part when he gets thrown in jail, but its goes by pretty fast), post apocalyptic, dystopian society where the rules are pretty slack if you have the money (they literally allow you to bail anyone out of jail, regardless of their crimes, as long as you have the money) where everyone lives inside a wall city. Society has retrograded a bit (horse drawn carriages as transportation, using blades and blunt weapons and bows and arrows as the weapon of choice, etc.) <<less
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storybookknight rated it
February 3, 2017
Status: c147
A puerile, sophomoric effort with a mildly entertaining premise. First, the bad:

The biggest problem that I have with this story is that apparently, 300 years in the future, the survivors of the nuclear apocalypse are pants-on-head s*upid and pointlessly cruel. In addition to having absolutely no clue as to how a 10-year-old actually acts, the author really struggles to come up with realistic adversaries or challenges for the MC:


Instead, adoptive parents are willing to sell their children, teachers are willing to throw kids into the wilderness, the church lies to everyone to maintain power, the scientists who oppose the church's hypocrisy are willing to indulge in human experimentation, the warriors who defend civilization are happy to use 10-year-olds as bait, noblemen would rather kill a kid then tell their daughter they can't marry that kid...


The complete lack of any sort of hope or human decency in the setting is *probably* supposed to be juxtaposed against the main character's 'modern enlightenment' and the morals of the current age, but instead it winds up creating an implausible and unrealistic setting. Especially since the MC is some sort of super-10-year-old that is totally cool with mu*der.

On the other hand, it's no *worse* than, say, most of the YA fiction on the shelves these days, and the implausible plot twists make for enough entertaining scenes that it kept my interest for a while. Unlike most stories with unrealistically competent MCs, the tense moments actually feel tense, where the main character actually has to sweat a little bit to survive (as opposed to other stories on NU where the protagonist just curb-stomps a neverending series of arrogant challengers.)

Overall, if you don't mind turning your brain off for a while, it's a pretty decent read. Just... don't expect a lot of internal consistency.
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GinMagi rated it
July 17, 2017
Status: c616
When I have first read this story it was pretty interesting up to chapter 250, but it's turned into something disgusting with Chinese stereotyping western people, saying royalty have blonde hair etc. The only good person in this novel to the MC is another Chinese girl, the novel keeps getting worse and hit its all time low when the main character had his followers r*pe a woman just because he wanted her to suffer and he also had children around the age of 5 killed. Some people say "I want... more>> an evil character" but this is not true what readers want are anti-hero type character because if you truly want an evil character that means you will be fine with reading a biography of a serial rapist in real life and call it interesting, no it's not, it is disgusting just like this novel. <<less
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chulund rated it
April 15, 2017
Status: c421
I used to rank this novel pretty high, everything that usually this kind of dystopia novel lacks seems really fine, if not good, in this novel: the narration, the character development even the world building seemed really good. But recently I realized that I really don’t like the sharp transition translator used to introduce the new arc. Usually it'll goes like: why would someone suddenly do something really out of character and the other character just goes along with it like they know their intention. But there was no narration... more>> explaining the situation, not even internal dialogue. It seemed okay and tolerable in the beginning but the trend continues and the feeling of inconsistencies stacked up and made the story confusing, at least for me.

It feels like the author is doing whatever he want to the story just to make our MC seems cool in the end, ignoring inconsistencies made along the way. I’m afraid this trend will continue in the future and we won’t know for sure because the raw isn’t even that far ahead. If the author keep doing this, the story will really turned into strange direction and make the novel repulsive. I think I'll refrain from commenting more now and will probably update if more chapter comes out, but I really don't have much hope in our author. So read the novel at your own discretion. <<less
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UnknownSaint171 rated it
February 16, 2017
Status: c397
Its better then even "Warlock Of Magus World". I really enjoy this read. The MC actions are always questionable so I can't help but be worried about him on every step.. I think this needs a lot of revision and polishing but other then that I don't have any complaints.

I love the Author way of doing things.

We don't understand the MC clear goal yet but all we know is that he must fulfill his Father wish to revive Humanity to Modern Society. I hope he becomes more merciless and gains... more>> more control. In a world gone mad. There needs to be a ruler to crush and oppress to destroy this current world. The Dark King is really necessary.

I think the MC had no choice but to go on a dark path since the beginning. It makes me really sad because this kind kid had to carry a huge burden. How else can he change people views and bring back old technology? Obviously a brainwash society will try to stop him from bringing change. He needs to be a King who brings fear. He has no choice. In order to bring to the best results. I really think Jenny is the light of his life and he still shows that he cares about her but wants nothing to do with her. I can't blame Jenny but I hope she seriously makes it up to the MC. She has to get angry too. I still feel furious for Jenny betraying the MC but you can't blame her for being brainwashed... I like the fact the MC has loyal friends who have his back. He might had lost his adoptive parents but he was never truly alone after that. He still had a few loyal friends and a old man who saw MC like a son. Only a few have betrayed but MC always one step ahead and is not s*upid. Even if they betray him. He will still win.

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alphaGulp rated it
February 2, 2017
Status: --
I was also unable to enjoy this story.

One tiny annoyance is the MC's name - it feels like a lame variation on 'dude', like I'm in futuristic world where centuries of devolution have brought us down from 'dude' to 'dudian'...

Anyhow, what was more annoying was how incoherent the story was. I really don't see how the MC turned out so special - he is a fricking regular Joe kid from our world who was put in cryo-sleep for centuries. If anything, he should be in terrible shape after that ordeal,... more>> but instead we find out that he is incomprehensibly better than everyone else in the future.

Why does this weak-minded, weak-bodied kid have the mind of an overly rational adult, suddenly? Yet if he is so smart (as per the author's wishes), why isn't he ever saying or doing strategically intelligent things? Why is it that everyone he is in competition with is so lame? Is the novel hiding the fact that everyone has been so damaged by centuries of pollution that they became half-men?

But WHO CARES about some dumb kid winning over ret*rds, or outclassing these competitors for no good reason at all? It's extremely annoying to me to see some character try to look good when the underlying situation is just wholly LAME.

It just didn't make any sense at all. Rather than reading a story about some kid making it through the post-apocalypse, I had a feeling like I was just reading a wish-fulfillment fantasy with the following parameters: the MC will be the best, everyone will love and admire him, and they will be SO JEALOUS - this is what the author desires to show us, only he actually isn't able to create the circumstances that would let this occur naturally, so instead we have to suffer a very awkward attempt to FORCE IT to happen. <<less
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April 23, 2017
Status: c447
This is a good read for those who likes tragedy where misfortune always find itself into MC doorstep one way or another, I suspect the author write this novel for M readers.
I can only sigh at this gloomy gem.
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GingerMessiah rated it
February 27, 2019
Status: c1164
This story is very deceptive and the reason why many will find it disturbing and dislike very much is due to the environment we are currently living in.

The author is trying to tell a very deep story about human nature and how the environment can change someone. The main character is very ruthless and he stated very clearly at the end of the story even if readers don't like it. He wants to show the dark side of humanity.

The story is very tragic and the last 50 chapters is the... more>> epiphany. The finale is a real surprise. You might think it shouldn't end like that but human nature is fickle. The things we do sometimes don't make sense. That is why even when you do kind things for others you will still be faced with betrayal.

I give this 4 stars as there are still errors and mistakes by the author and the dark story leaves you a sense of sadness for mankind. Otherwise it is solid and makes you wonder about humans and the meaning of life. <<less
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AlanJones rated it
April 6, 2018
Status: c887

It is a criticism with spoilers, but I will try not to write something that will undermine the whole reading of the novel.

Well I have to start by saying that I like Dean (Du Dian), it's just unfortunate that even the author does not like him. Dean is going to go through a lot of things in this new world, although he's very smart for his age, at the end of the day, he's still a kid. No matter how clever the child is, in the end, it will still be a child, and you will really have to see the dark side of the world to grow. Sadly, Dean suffered a lot until he understood this harsh reality and finally grew up.

Love can turn an intelligent and cautious person into an idiotic person.

Oh Dean... why did you have to fall in love? at the beginning of the novel Dean goes beyond expectations despite his age. He can keep his cool in desperate moments, very intelligent and hardworking, until he meets a woman and falls in love.

After Dean fell in love, he stopped training, lost his ambitions and just wanted to live a peaceful life with his beloved, what a pity he forgot that he lives in a cruel world, that was one of his biggest mistakes.

Dean is framed by the girl's father, and has been sentenced for 230 years in prison for theft, and not being enough, is in the worst prison where only the worst criminals
are thrown there.

This is one of the best part of the novel, it's very interesting to see him fleeing from prison.

One thing I have to praise the author for is his ability to leave his novel unpredictable.

I love it in this novel, this is the kind of romance you read and think you know what's going to happen next, and then there's something absurd that even in your wildest dreams you'd think such a thing would not happen. Two things that struck me most, was Dean's arrest, and a super unexpected thing that happened to Aisha.

Let's look at the part where he is arrested for example, I personally did not imagine it. It was very sudden, and I had no clue that something bad would happen, so he went out to do a mission, and the bomb arrives.

There are a lot of other unpredictable things that happen too, but the biggest one was with Aisha, I will not say much to not ruin it. rsr

The author hates Dean (Du Dian)

I'm not joking, really the author hates Dean.

Dean will have to suffer a lot to learn the lesson, the problem is that when he learns and after much effort he can get over his enemies, chapters after all his effort is thrown in the mud.

This does not happen once, but the whole novel. No matter how much effort he makes, even though people see him as a villain, and he has to battle hard to become a hero, chapters later his efforts will be in vain, and he'll have something even more dangerous and trouble to deal.

Not everything is a sea of flowers.

After many chapters Dean will leave the walls and will tend to understand the truths of the world, and help his wife, the problem is that the author has left some of the important matters without being commented, his old girlfriend, the savages, and now with all that already happened, I do not know what will be the end of the Dean, I really hope that in the end he has a happy life, but I think it will not be possible.

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acoleman2 rated it
January 20, 2017
Status: c89
This is a surprisingly good novel. Not just as a light novel, but in general. One downside is that the translator makes some grammar mistakes. I believe English is the translators second language. However, it is not so bad as to be unreadable, and it is certainly better than MTL. If the translator gets an editor, my review may improve to 5 stars. Aside from that, the release rate is so fast that I'm actually impressed. Highly recommend that you read this now. In the past two weeks it has... more>> gotten at least two chapters a day, and very often 4 or more chapters. Basic premise (minor spoilers, but it's first chapter stuff) :

Dudian wakes up from a sleep chamber to get his first glimpse of the post-apocalyptic world. Though a civilization has risen, the barbarity of it, compared to what he knows from living in modern civilization, shocks him. Quickly learning he must be strong to survive, Dudian begins his quest to achieve power so that he may in turn change the barbaric society he now lives in. This is his duty. Relying on nothing but his intelligence and knowledge of the pre-apocalyptic world to make a place for himself, watch as Dudian begins to rise. Also zombies and monsters. <<less
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Haigi rated it
January 9, 2017
Status: c271
Somehow the MC dabbles into each and every power faction mentioned in the book. That pale young boy practically disappears within the first or second arc and he basically uses his high IQ to create/implement easy to manufacture techs from the past modern world. Because of his intelligence he's portrayed as a calm, analytical and wise beyond his age character and surprisingly, there's that bit of human darkness in his heart despite being a person from past 'peaceful' times unlike the current world it is today.

You get to see his... more>> surface and 'underworld' sides which he juggles to and fro often. Which I really wonder how does he even find the time to do all the things from each faction. -Sidenote that timeskips can range from weeks to months to years- <<less
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CDTPPY rated it
May 22, 2017
Status: c441
I will give it 5 stars since even with its flaws is still better than most popular novels out there.

Edit: I'll drop it to 3 stars, since I discovered Chronicles of Primordial Wars no other novel deserves 5 stars.

PROS: good potential, nice writing style, interesting world


  1. MC joins a lot of factions but does minimum work in each of them, so he is having trouble managing his time. At the end of the day you dont know how to classify the MC, what exactly is he and what is his goal. Because of that many things that the MC does or wants to do will either be meaningless short term things or will suffer a plot twist that will not be explained in any way.
  2. The author sometimes pulls some things out of his ass to justify something. Like "he learned this complicate and hard to do thing there" even if the MC was in a situation in which he had no one that could teach him or not even how to learn by himself.
  3. Too much politics and too less world exploring for a post apocaliptic story.
  4. In just 300 years order is restored. Instead of having small groups of people scattered all over and a somehow messy situation, we see a preaty safe enviorment, where we even have an almost modern legal and economic system FFS,
    with all people gathered in one place and no desire to reclaim the rest of the world.
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MyRAMEN rated it
September 23, 2020
Status: c32
It probably wont matter if u dont read a lot, but reading this novel made me frustrated. Characters are dumb, illogical, and forced. There are also major underlining plot holes, and plots are cliche / bland. Maybe because it of subpar translation, but the story was bland and really just a time waster. Also Im 90% sure this novel was inspired from Attack On Titan due to apocalyptic theme, manipulating/lying government, walls seperating their world and social classes, even the name of the country is the same as one of... more>> the walls. <<less
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Bachingchung rated it
September 7, 2019
Status: c569
I really love this novel, but there are a lot of problems on a technical level.

1. Poor editing. It feels like the editor didn't even bother to proofread his work. There's a lot of errors on auxillary verbs. They always interchange can and can't, and many more.

2. Dropping plots. There are some plots that was just suddenly dropped and never mentioned again.

3. The Setting. The descriptions are so messed up. In the beginning, it's often mentioned that there's an outer and inner giant wall. Then there will suddenly be 3... more>> walls imsode the outer wall. Also where's the radiation zone when there's radiation everywhere? Where does the Barbarians love? Outside the giant wall or inside the outer wall? Etc.

4. Bad Conflicts. Aside from the 1st arc, the succeeding ones are just horrible.

5. Illogical setups. How come the people from the inner wall are more of a savage than those in the outer wall?

I still read it until the last available TL'd chapter because it's really entertaining.

1. Clever and likeable MC.

2. The power levelling system is also great. <<less
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write rated it
January 14, 2018
Status: c443
I like the story personally reason it is only 3 star is for 2 reasons. First being most important editing. At beginning looks like there isn't any but as you go further in it gets better but there are a lot of places where mistakes like misnaming characters, using the wrong words, and other examples that I would have to see again to remember.

One of first you will notice is MC name, Dudian. Which I believe is suppose to be Du Dian. Small matter shouldn't matter but this is his... more>> name in 3rd person (I think it would be considered 3rd as Dudian is only used outside of actual story as in narrator perspective.) Inside the story everyone refers to him as Dean... Yet Dudian is never removed or changed and is constantly used outside of worlds perspective.

Another example if story talks about two different characters reaction it will use only the name of one of the characters. So Character A and B either have same reaction or different ones and are compared to each other. But what comes out is Character A is compared to character A... This may happen more times than I can remember yet I just automatically repeated in my head correctly using context but for the few times I remember it is really taking you away from the story.

There is also times when context says one thing but because one or a few words aren't used correctly comes out contradictory to previous or passing content. For example they will use could instead of couldn't. So story will say something along lines as that couldn't be possible from context but will say could be possible when earlier/right after passage says wouldn't be possible. This happens more than probably should and sometimes you might be fine and you might automatically correct the wrongly edited passage but when you do see it will cause you to read it a few times make sure you know what is meant to be said and can really hurt your enjoyment of story.

Second reason is story was dropped as of yet hasn't been picked up and story is 300 chapters behind raws according to NU.

I'd still like to thank translator and editor for their work even though to me only comes out to 3 stars it was still worth reading to me. <<less
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