Tenchi Muyo! GXP


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~A Novelization of the anime Tenchi Muyo GXP created by the original author. It goes in much further depth and continues on beyond the scope of the anime~

Yamada Seina is a young Japanese high school student living with his parents and younger sister in rural Okayama, Japan. One morning, following a hapless bike ride through the country, a large spacecraft crashes into the lake behind the Masaki residence, causing a violent tsunami that Seina is unable to escape from and he sinks, almost drowning. He regains consciousness shortly after, meeting Amane Kaunaq, the spacecraft’s pilot, who gives Seina an application. Seina takes it, and shows it to his family at home. Mistaking it for a contest entry, his mother and sister aggressively force him to fill it out; afterwards he retreats to his room and falls asleep. The following morning, awakened aboard a vessel in orbit, Seina is informed by an official that he has successfully joined the Galaxy Police.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Tenchi Muyō! Jī Ekkusu Pī
天地無用! GXP
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Latest Release

Date Group Release
10/11/18 Tenchiverse Translation... v12c1
10/10/18 Tenchiverse Translation... v11c7
10/09/18 Tenchiverse Translation... v11c6
10/04/18 Tenchiverse Translation... v11c5
10/03/18 Tenchiverse Translation... v11c4
10/02/18 Tenchiverse Translation... v11c3
10/12/18 Tenchiverse Translation... v12c2
10/01/18 Tenchiverse Translation... v11c2
09/30/18 Tenchiverse Translation... v11c1
09/29/18 Tenchiverse Translation... v10c15
09/28/18 Tenchiverse Translation... v10c14
09/27/18 Tenchiverse Translation... v10c13
09/26/18 Tenchiverse Translation... v10c12
09/25/18 Tenchiverse Translation... v10c11
09/25/18 Tenchiverse Translation... v10c10
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talosparoxi rated it
June 25, 2018
Status: v10c1
This novelisation is fantastic. If you liked GXP or even if you didn't particularly care for GXP but like tenchi Muyo overall I highly recommend this novel. It doesn't just go in depth on the events in GXP but it really fleshes out the universe of Tenchi Muyo and branches almost all of Kajashimas works into being relevant.

If you read nothing else of this I'd recommend reading volume 9 chapter 15 as it completely explains the confusing ending to OVA 3 of Tenchi Muyo as well as going over some... more>> of the extended consequences felt by Tenchi and his family.

The only downside to this is that the translator decided it is more important to translate the plot relevant aspect of the novel first and then he plans on going back and doing a thorough job of translating the whole series, as a result many chapters after volume 5 are heavily abridged and a few chapters in volumes 8 and 9 are not manually translated at all. Still he has machine translations of volumes 8-13 listed on his site and he has completely translated volumes 1-5 and 14 so it's a lot better than nothing.

When the translator does a full manual translation the work is fantastic ad generally managers to retain a good flow but some of his more abridged chapters are a bit choppy.

Overall I highly recommend reading this series at least for the first 5 volumes and then maybe waiting for everything to at least have an abridged version if not the full treatment. <<less
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Centrophy rated it
June 25, 2021
Status: v17-3
The novelization written for the Tenchi Muyo GXP anime which is still ongoing for some reason even though it's roughly two decades later. A bit late, Kajishima? Anyway, the first volume pretty much follows the anime beat for beat with only minor changes like slightly more details and less Nabeshin comedy but still comedic. If you hated the over the top comedy of the show then you might like this more. I think of the comedy in the series like mustard on a sandwich - a little bit is fine... more>> but Nabeshin tends to try to make a whole mustard sandwich for every one of his shows and it's overwhelming. It's at Volume 2 that the divergences really start happening in which minor characters from the show are now major characters and new characters are introduced to further flesh out the world. The harem even seems to expand 4x.


New characters and character backgrounds are even tied to Dual! Which I thought was pretty good.


Kajishima likes to tie his series together and if you've watched the Ryo-Ohki OVA 4 and 5 (another late work) you'll start to see those characters and plot points that they talked about started here. It's something that you'll either love or hate about him in that he focuses a lot on these characters and their relationships with each other. Oh, and space politics run by practically immortal old ladies who love to rob the cradle.

For the most part the general writing from characters, to setting, to the plot feels a bit old fashioned to me but that's to be expected for something from the early 2000's and older with Tenchi Muyo! Also, like other Kajishima works, the protagonist is more of plot device in which things happen around them and to them but they don't really seem to be proactive in anything. At least Seina goes on space adventures though compared to Tenchi's boring retirement as a carrot farmer. Seina is also fairly bland in that outside of his plot device power he's a typical shy Japanese boy and has the typical thoughts which we get very rarely throughout the series. The only thing that's different is that he doesn't want to go home and live a normal life which is a plus in my eyes but his thoughts and reactions to things are milquetoast.

"Oh no! A naked woman! Gotta cover my eyes!"

"Oh man, this person said something insane, better not call them out on it!"

If you've seen Japanese media then you've seen this character before. In fact, if you've seen Japanese media, you've seen all of these character archetypes before. All of the characters for the most part are two dimensional in that they have one or two character quirks and that defines their character. Don't go expecting deep character introspection or motivations for the most part except for one part which I won't spoil but it's early on and has to do with a character's guilt. I wish we had more of that. Another issue with the other characters, particularly the harem is that outside the main wife, the rest kind of fall into the role of cheerleaders - They have their one chapter and then that's it. Everyone turns to the main wife for their opinions on things.

I'd recommended a read through up to where the anime ended which is volume 14 or read the summaries. At volume 15 is when for me it feels like it jumped the shark with the introduction of fantasy creatures and magic even though it should have to do with Mechs and a culture reminiscent of Arabian Nights. Not Light Hawk Wings or Washu super space technology. Literal magic with goblins, dwarves, and elves but not space elves. Just regular elves. I hate it when one genre starts throwing everything in like when a Xanxia introduces vampires, werewolves, and space aliens. Over all, it seems like the TL also thinks the Renza arc has been a mess.

As a bonus Paradise War is also a nonsensical mess so maybe Kajishima just needs to retire this series. <<less
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