Summoned by a Goddess, the Strongest of Our Time Goes to Another World to Defeat Twisted and Corrupt Heroes


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Eisuke Tsurugi is an ordinary high school student, except for the fact that he has strength that far exceeds that of normal people.

One day, while hunting bullies out of boredom, he heard a voice in his head.

“We need your power…! Please come… to our world…!”

And before he knew it, the scenery of another world spread out before his eyes!

As he marveled at the unfamiliar sight, the girl who summoned him approached him with a request: please defeat the “reincarnated cheating heroes” who dominated the world after defeating the demon king.

Bored with lacking opponents who could fight him on equal terms, Eisuke willingly accepted the request at the prospect of fighting those heroes.

“I will destroy all those pretentious heroes!”

This is the heroic fantasy of the strongest high school student facing the reincarnated cheating heroes!

Associated Names
One entry per line
Megami ni Yobareta Gendai Saikyo Yamiochi Yusha o Taoshi ni Isekai e
Related Series
Mondaiji-tachi ga Isekai kara Kuru Sou Desu yo? (1)
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Date Group Release
10/21/22 Fans Translations v1 epilogue
10/14/22 Fans Translations c4 part4
10/14/22 Fans Translations c4 part3
10/14/22 Fans Translations c4 part2
10/14/22 Fans Translations c4 part1
10/07/22 Fans Translations c3 part7
10/07/22 Fans Translations c3 part6
10/07/22 Fans Translations c3 part5
10/07/22 Fans Translations c3 part4
10/07/22 Fans Translations c3 part3
06/06/22 Fans Translations c3 part2
06/06/22 Fans Translations c3 part1
06/06/22 Fans Translations c2 part10
06/06/22 Fans Translations c2 part9
05/23/22 Fans Translations c2 part8
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YoshTheSlayer rated it
October 23, 2022
Status: v1 epilogue
It was a fun read to pass the time, I most definitely won't call it a god-tier story but it's a good story none the less. I mean, the story doesn't have much in terms in plot, it's simple,

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The original heroes turned traitor after defeating the demon king, so the original summoner, the princess, had to summon other people to defeat since she had no option. Sounds redundant and like a bad idea considering how they got into the situation in first place but hey, it worked.


The main character


He's basically a less tone down version of Saitama, he got too strong in the original world and just wants to have a blood boiling fight. So once he got the chance to fight people who are actually strong, he enjoys it. As to why he's strong, who cares. I mean shoving a tragic backstory or actual reason is unnecessary cause he's a simple character and I can enjoy that. He's happy about fighting strong opponents, he doesn't think with his d*ck and is a sensible person about interacting with other people well, aside from the absurdness to how powerful he is and the sh*t he can pull off.


On to the heroes that were originally summoned.


The princess summoned people who had great imagination from our world who were in highschool. Sounds like hella bad choice to pick from. Cause let's face it, people in highschool who have great imagination are either aspiring artists or people with issues that fantasize a lot or both at the same time. And what do people with issues do once they have people, they get drunk on it after all. I mean the princess probably didn't expect that to happen considering they summoned people from another world before and no problem, if something works the first couples of time without a hitch, I can see why they would be surprise when it did became problematic the next time they did it. So don't get your panties in a bunch claiming they're idiots since we get see this from a outside perspective and know that half the damn time highschoolers are punks.


As for the rest of cast.


The rest of cast mesh well together and the conversations don't feel forced, the romance is light hearted and vanilla, but it's not overbearing that it gets in the god damn way. The princess is naive and young, but that what a sheltered princess is. Not every princess can be a hardcore sad*st or some super intellectual. The other two people that were summoned to help the MC are similar to the MC in regard that they're not normal in our world, so they're able empathize with each other and can get along well quickly. The princess's aide doesn't get much screen time and feels like she's there to be poke fun of. I can see why since she simply gets outshined by the other three since they're presence is unique and she's rather ordinary aside from her housewife skills.


That's all I got to say now, I don't think I gave too many spoilers so read it at your own enjoyment. You might enjoy it if you're fond of light hearted stories but people who want complex, intricate plots probably won't. Take your time to read and decide on whether you'll like it or not after a couple of chapters. <<less
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Arteg the bear
Arteg the bear rated it
October 9, 2022
Status: c3 part7
This is an amazing story! It is easy to be confused by the lack of common sense at first, but the heroes true form will become easy to understand for people with sufferings. It will be a really enjoyable read for those who have already been chased after by the moral order of this world.
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pIRaTZE rated it
June 9, 2022
Status: c3 part2
Was interesting at the beginning because it remind me of 'Mondaiji-tachi ga Isekai kara Kuru Sou Desu yo?' which I really like but it seems the author have big H for his brain where he only prioritized his lust over some s*upid harem over a story development which ruined his sorry ass series. It only took chapter 1 part 1 until chapter 1 part 2 for story development and chapter 1 part 3 till chapter 2 part 4 for some s*upid harem shit. And he gets waaaay lazy very early... more>> with short chapter about some dumb love struck of Yui for Eisuke which is cliche and put a stop on my desire to continue these series again. Should just change the title into Summoned by a Goddess to Another World to Corrupt Goddess herself. Sorry. But a big NO for me on this series. <<less
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