Sugar Trap


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There is a saying that you reap what you sow.

“This is Team Leader Lee Sihyun, who is in charge of marketing at Hanseong Resort.”

For example, you might run into a subordinate you had to be a bit hard on during your military service due to unavoidable circumstances, and now that subordinate is your client. You know, those kinds of things happen.

“None of this really resonates with me.”

“Haha, but if you look at the planning intent here…”

“Viewers don’t read the planning document while watching ads. They should just feel it, right?”

“You’re absolutely right. Then we’ll prepare something that anyone can just feel right away.”

As much as it sucks, this is the situation where I have to deal with the consequences of my past actions, so I’ll swallow my tears and face it. I understand and accept that.


“Do you want to choke me?”


“I think it would feel good.”

“Um, Team Leader… I’m sorry, but I think I misheard you just now. So, what did you ask for?”

“I asked you to choke me. But why are you suddenly speaking so formally? It’s just the two of us, don’t ruin the mood.”

“Uh, Sihyun, aren’t you the one ruining the mood? Asking me to choke you, what does that even mean?”

Why is it that only these kinds of things compound with interest, damn it…

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Puspal rated it
August 23, 2024
Status: c6
I have read the manhwa v. Of Sugar Trap while skimming through the currently available novel chapters and can confidently say I like it! If you’re into office romances and funny misunderstandings then this is bound to be your cup of tea. The silly misunderstanding, as it’s framed like as of ch9 and ch6 of the manhwa, is the main driver of the story so far. It’s why the ML is acting so weird to MC, and why MC believes ML hates him and is not gay, which is very... more>> much is. <<less
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