Strange Tales of the Ghosts


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There is a Ghost Doctor living by the Lethe River who only treats illness for ghosts. He had only one rule. All the ghosts who wanted him to help must obey three rules: one, swim across the Lethe River, two, tell him their story, and three, leave behind something that belongs to them. No one knows anything about him and no one knows why. The Ghost Doctor is mysterious; no one knows where he came from, no one knows where he’s headed to, they only know that he’s residing by the Lethe River with his rules.

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Date Group Release
08/19/22 iNoveltranslation c40
08/15/22 iNoveltranslation c39
08/12/22 iNoveltranslation c38
08/10/22 iNoveltranslation c37
08/08/22 iNoveltranslation c36
08/05/22 iNoveltranslation c35
08/03/22 iNoveltranslation c34
08/01/22 iNoveltranslation c33
07/29/22 iNoveltranslation c32
07/01/22 iNoveltranslation c31
06/28/22 iNoveltranslation c30
06/24/22 iNoveltranslation c29
06/22/22 iNoveltranslation c28
06/20/22 iNoveltranslation c27
06/17/22 iNoveltranslation c26
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