Sad News, It Seems I’ll Die from a Curse If I Don’t Steal the Heroine


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“Will Die If I Don’t Steal!? But I Don’t Want to Steal!?”

In a twist of fate, he found himself reincarnated as a character from a manga where infidelity takes center stage.

Although he harbored deep affection for the heroines, he had no inclination for betrayal and secretly wished to protect them from a distance.

However, his heartfelt desire was tragically crushed by a curse that threatened his life if he didn’t succumb to temptation.

Now, despite being reborn as a scumbag, with no intention of participating in infidelity, how will he navigate this life-or-death situation imposed by the curse?

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    08/29/23 Zetro Translation c14
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    07/28/23 Zetro Translation c5
    07/26/23 Zetro Translation c4
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    07/19/23 Zetro Translation c2
    07/18/23 Zetro Translation c1
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    AngelKnighz2lips rated it
    December 24, 2023
    Status: c14
    It's an honestly good work.

    Remarkably well done!

    Why? Cause this encroaching feeling upon seeing the tags and genre, at first, made me feel like "oh, another harem".

    ... more>> But looking at the actual tag on ZT, there's more to it than what meets the eye. Moreover, I have looked up the raws and found that author-san hasn't yet updated. 🥲

    If you ask me whether you should read it, try reading the 10 first chapters. Why 10? You see, reading 10 chapters will help you grasp on what the story has. But if this isn't your cup of tea, well... there are other stories out there, just know that my opinion regarding this isn't going to change.😤 <<less
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