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Lin Wen had a secret. And ever since a certain point, he started feeling like he was being watched.

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  1. Danmei; has been read (2)
  2. danmei ive read part 2
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Latest Release

Date Group Release
09/09/23 KnoxT extra 2
09/09/23 KnoxT extra 1
06/18/22 KnoxT c5
06/18/22 KnoxT c4
06/17/22 KnoxT c3
06/17/22 KnoxT c2
06/17/22 KnoxT c1
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4 Reviews sorted by

New mitsugaru rated it
January 7, 2025
Status: Completed
Too short, confusing, and disjointed. I love thrillers and psychological genre, so naturally I have to check this one out.

Unfortunately the story is too short for a proper build up, and it was wasted on describing needless things other than the sense of paranoia (not the translator's fault obviously, I think they've done a good job).

The jumping back and forth was pretty strange, and it would've make more sense if the writer expand it further instead of giving last minute reveal.
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mongryoong rated it
June 18, 2022
Status: Completed
Super short. Overall the story was just kinda meh. It doesnt have enough time to build any emotions in you and the plot is kinda messy. The reveal at the end was just like "oh... ok." I'd say read it if you need to waste 3-5 min, but don't really expect anything from it lol.
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auroraRMC rated it
September 23, 2023
Status: Completed
Extremely toxic. Very confusing and fails as a story imo bc there's like nothing here but mystery and dark obsession. The ML is completely insane. No clue what ends up happening, it takes until the 2 extras to kinda figure out some things.
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Irissska O_o
Irissska O_o rated it
December 14, 2024
Status: Completed
I failed to understand the logic of the characters, usually if the story is so so, I find it to be a good thing if it is short, however in this case, it felt so rushed and the chatacters were so unfleshed, and irrational and

why, where and how long the body was hidden in MC house, how the stalker managed to handle the switch after the plastic surgery, what were the serial killers plans on mc

and many other strange and illogical things incomprehensible and unexplained.
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