Reincarnated Princess Wishes To Avoid Death


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“Why is this happening…?”

Mia Luna Tearmoon, Princess of the Tearmoon Empire, muttered to herself as she stood shackled on the execution platform.

The faces of the spectators surrounding her were, without exception, filled with indignation.

Before long, Mia was executed at the hands of the revolutionists, who were fed up with the heavy taxation.

But the next moment, she unexpectedly found herself lying on her bed.

It was eight years ago, when she was just a mere kid.

For a while, Mia even wondered if she was hallucinating. However, what appeared on her bedside table was a bloodstained diary that she had written herself.

That day, Mia’s screams could be heard echoing throughout the palace.

Mia was not a vicious person by nature. She was simply incapable of understanding the pain and hunger of others, and by the time she discovered it, it was already too late to do anything.

After she regressed back to her childhood, Mia struggled hard to trace back the events of the past with the help of her blood-stained diary and memories.

Was it to save the future of a declining empire?

Was it to save the soldiers who died in the civil war?

Was it to save the people from famine?

No, she had only one goal.

To avert her fate of facing the guillotine (execution)!

Associated Names
One entry per line
Tearmoon Empire
Tearmoon Empire Story
Tearmoon Empire Story - The Reincarnation Reversal Story of the Princess, Starting from the Guillotine
Tearmoon Teikoku Monogatari: Dantoudai kara Hajimaru, Hime no Tensei Gyakuten Story
ティアムーン帝国物語 ~断頭台から始まる、姫の転生逆転ストーリー
堤亞穆帝國物語 ~從斷頭台開始,公主重生後的逆轉人生~
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Gold Among Copper
  2. Pending
  3. Action - Adventure - Fantasy (JP On-Going)
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  5. "Saint" MC

Latest Release

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31 Reviews sorted by

Has rated it
March 2, 2022
Status: c94
It's so fun <3 Mia is just trying very hard to survive and everyone is in awe of her big brain energy, 100/10 super recommend. Come take a look at the Mia the Wisdom Cult, where all followers are pros in gaslighting and deceiving themselves! Ok now in all seriousness tho, it's really good.
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Gary L Thompson
Gary L Thompson rated it
August 9, 2022
Status: c164 (though i've read machine translation
This reminds me strongly of Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear, another favorite of mine. However, quite unlike Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear, the story of the Tearmoon Empire is not an isekai, but a time-paradox tale in an alternate-world European history setting. For example, one of Princess Mia's key concerns in preventing her from mounting the steps of the guillotine again is to forestall a famine that was a key factor in firing up the revolution. In very many isekais (and even a mere fantasy like Maoyuu Maou Yuusha), the locals are... more>> regaled to the wonders of the potato, particularly steamed and topped with mayonnaise or butter (though the protagonist of Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear does say she likes potatoes steamed, in practice she only uses them for french fries, potato chips, and ingredients on pizza). However, Princess Mia doesn't consider or probably not even know about potatoes, because she doesn't have the cheat of the Bear or other isekaied characters of knowledge of another previous world. (To tell the truth, if Mia is supposed to be the espy of the historical Queen Antoinette of France, potatoes didn't work out for her in real life either. The Little Ice Age that set in around 1300 meant a permanent cycle of famines in Europe, because cereal grains were vulnerable to early and late frosts. Well, after Columbus discovered America, didn't Europe find potatoes, that people could raise families on potatoes and nothing else, if supplemented with dairy and occasional greens, and potatoes would be far less vulnerable to frosts, plus they wouldn't be trampled down by invading armies in the violent social upheavals caused by the famine-inducing cold climate? Yes, by the close of the 18th Century Europe was well aware of all of this on potatoes--except France, so the cycle of famines continued there. Heaven knows, it wasn't for the lack of royal effort, the French king tried and tried to get the stubborn farmers to try growing potatoes, but the peasants resisted any change, so the famines continued, and the French royal family ended up losing their heads--literally--because of the issue.) Mia doesn't even have that cheat of knowledge from another world--except

she does know that her opponents in the revolution came up with their own cold-resistant wheat, and Mia will now work and scheme any means to ensure she gets her hands on it. Although Mia's yearning to have a book buddy eventually led to Chloe Forkroad, and eventually her father's merchant company's shipping routes, falling into Mia's lap as a means to ensure food imports even in famine, and the upcoming declaration Mia will make as a direct consequence of this election's outcome, will also have great impact (with Folkroad's help) on the upcoming famine.


But as I compare this novel to Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear, there's one massive difference between the two novels. I suspect Kumanano exaggerates when he (or she) says the direction of her story is often unplanned and lack of talent showing in the results (I personally think the author deserves much better credit than that because Chekov's Gun goes off far too often--Kumanano even openly admits that with one plot development!--for the story to be written as carelessly as everyone assumes). But yes, the theme of character development and a most unlikely choice by Providence to save the realm is nowhere nearly well crafted as here. As one reviewer of J.R.R. Tolkien's work commented on "Lord of the Rings" evidencing that the author clearly has his story under control--such is also the case here. Reincarnated Princess Wishes to Avoid Death repeatedly shows through foreshadowing and shifting of timelines that the author definitely knows how to do worldbuilding and characters, and has a definite destination in mind.

Walter vi Britannia:


All the people around her seem to take it as a given that those two are an item with their open flirting and whatnot so I fail to see how this can turn into a harem. If the other prince, Sion, ends up also gunning for her I might drop a star from my ratings. I like its dumb and silly romance without any drama. And I like its focus on other things most of all. If it suddenly becomes a full on romance novel instead of the romance being just a sub-plot...I just think its not something I'd want to read after reading all this fun stuff. But anyway, even Sion knows that these two are together as do probably the rest of their countries so I seriously doubt there is gonna appear a love rival.

Well, to tell the truth... the other prince, Sion, does end up also gunning for her as a love rival. But...

Well, the outcome of that turns out to be bittersweet. When Sion proposes to her, Mia actually has a melancholy pang for a moment when she realizes, yes, had circumstances turned out differently, she and Sion probably could have been happy together. However, I think you'll find this novel can be very good at times even when the characters are not acting dumb and silly. As this subplot advances, I think it becomes evident that the ordering of circumstances as to totally erase and reverse Mia and Sion becoming victims of each other as part of a general catastrophic destruction of an entire continent, was also intended to ultimately keep them apart--but not for the purpose of depriving them, but to withhold the good because something far better was in store for both of them.

And Mia's "best friend" will have a very key role in all of this. If you're wondering about the sarcastic quotes--well, there comes a day when that description will no longer be ironic; and when the Selfish Princess decides to work a little mischief with some annoying nobles, when Mia's "Pancake Speech" has greater impact than anyone would have believed in saving the whole continent, and an intended assassination attempt by the Snakes in Sunkland ultimately backfires; then the character reversal of Mia's friend will have her playing a role that will heavily impact the futures of both Mia and Sion, and on Sunkland and Tearmoon as well. Sorry, even under spoiler banner, I'm not giving away any more than that.


losernoodle: Mia is no genius or saint, but she is also not a villain whether it is in the past or present. If there is one sin of Mia's, it is her selfishness. Everything she does is for herself (avoiding her death), but along the way Mia also becomes a better person. The comedy from this novel comes from the misunderstandings that ensue. Mia's acts of selfishness are misunderstood by others as acts of genius or kindness.

Well, yes, on the surface level that is the case, and a lot of comedy comes from it. Yet there's other novels/manga/anime that has the same, and they don't seem to draw the love from readership that this one does. If it's no more than nice cut silly slice of life, why would that be?

Frankly, I think it's because a lot of readers see themselves in Princess Mia. If being selfish is a besetting sin of Mia's--just how many people could say they're not the same? If Mia is clueless about the world outside the palace and the rising forces which will eventually destroy her, just how many people in real life truly have insight into themselves and other people, and the direction that their world is taking?

However, in Mia's case, the constant habit of her misunderstanding others and they misunderstanding her in turn, could that the very thing I think the readers themselves are misunderstanding? Is there being a Wisdom of the Empire really nothing but a total delusion? Are the acts people are seeing not really acts of kindness or genius at all? Frankly, I think there really is a Wisdom of the Empire which is defeating the First Emperor and the Snakes with real kindness and thwarting them with real genius. The real misunderstanding people make is thinking that Princess Mia is the source of this.

I believe that Princess Mia truly grasped what happened when she suddenly found herself not 20 years old or at the guillotine missing a head, but back in her bedroom 8 years before: "At first, I was confused, but I soon understand. God in all His Greatness has made me the Chosen One. I am definitely convinced that I have been given a mission. That is the great mission of saving the Empire. As the Chosen Saviour, in order to save all those countless peoples and soldiers, I began to think." Yes, it's clearly the words of a silly spoiled clueless girl--yet those words have to be true because humanly nothing else would explain Mia's bloody diary and memories of events yet to transpire again. The question is why? Why would God choose someone like that for this mission, when even Ludwig's mesmerization at initially believing the princess was seemingly showing senseless behavior, only to be shocked into reverence and awe at what he took for a goddess of wisdom, could still only conclude that no one would take Mia seriously because of her youth? Why Mia, of all people? Why does her decisions always turn out to be "lucky", having insight into many angles which Mia herself often never considers and can only be realized from retrospect?

I believe part in the answer lies in a quality of Mia which has historically lifted heavily flawed and undistinguished young individuals into eventual greatness--Mia always learned from her mistakes. In retrospect, it seems Mia's stunned "why?" at wondering what led to her climbing those steps to the guillotine before vast mob hurling hatred and abuse at her ultimately could be answered by the thought that unlike her condemners, Providence had permitted these things to happen to Mia not to punish her, but discipline her in order to turn that intended by the Snakes for evil into ultimate good. If Mia had not gone through her experiences, she would have not known the true value of her cook, of Anne and Ludwig, or of her royal guard. If she had not experienced mu*derous mobs or the deprivation of three years in a dungeon, the crown prince of Remno and New Moon district would not have lost their power to intimidate Mia. If Mia doesn't want to be a villain, it's because she experienced what it was like to lose the deference she took for granted, what it was like to be defamed and constantly abused and tormented--so Mia not only doesn't want that to happen again, she doesn't want to do the same to anyone else. She wouldn't have known the threat to the empire from the blind arrogance of the nobility, the crazy contempt for agriculture, the danger of alienating neighbors which could cut off food and trade through ports, the upcoming disasters (financial collapse, plague, famine, a border mess that would earn the fatal emnity of foes within and without the empire, etc.), and more. Mia wouldn't have known that making and maintaining contacts could be a matter of life or death.

But there's even a more crucial quality of Mia which can be easily missed. The princess talks constantly of giving people second chances, because she was never given a second chance (on her initial timeline, that is). But when divine miracle gives her a second chance, Mia makes the most of it because she always backs her words with action. Even on the previous timeline, Ludwig noticed it: "still foolish and unreliable... but she was trying." After forgetting the name of a school classmate caused a diplomatic disaster, Ludwig noticed the princess was always making an effort to memorize her classmates' names. He noticed that despite constantly complaining about Ludwig, Mia always listened to his advice. Despite her being cowardly, Mia was no coward, she remained in the empire and still tried to rebuild her country. Ludwig eventually came to the conclusion that Princess Mia seemed "to be a decent person to some extent."

But in the new timeline, when Ludwig's mentor later asks a probing question of why he serves Mia, Ludwig gets a deeper revelation when he dreams of Mia in the previous timeline. He comes to the realization, "That person who was in that dream was unmistakably his master, Mia Luna Tearmoon... Although they were completely different on the surface, their core was the same..." As Mia struggled over the issue in the previous timeline of saving a strawberry for herself from a hypothetical cake, which in her heart she could never could have had to herself when she knew the starving state of the village, in the very same way in the current timeline (when Ludwig, Anne and her personal guard shirked back from entering a shantytown), it was Mia who ran forward to a collapsed dirty child to take care of it. Nobody thought the Pancake Declaration was anything but a trite hardly stirring piece of oratory, because it wasn't--but it impacted a whole continent because Mia walked the walk rather than talk the talk.

At the conclusion of the initial timeline, Ludwig bitterly ruminates that Sion seemingly was a worthier master to serve in every way over that "s*upid princess", yet...


"Do the right thing when you can" is the quality of a good ruler. If one has money at their disposal, how many people can use it for the right thing? Sion Sol Sunkland is definitely such a person who can use the money for the right thing. It is a testament to Sion's virtue... and also to his luck and fortune.

"There are times when the right thing simply could not be done. When the world backs one into a corner to the point that they are between a rock and a hard place. Even when one wishes to give food to the starving people, there might be no food to give. The desire to rule with integrity and enrich the people could be thwarted by the lack of resources or ability.

"This was the story of his mistress – a princess who struggled against her fate in the worst of times. When all the world seemed hellbent on bringing about her ruin, she gave her best effort no matter how desperate everything seemed...

"... Effort and endeavour did not excuse the result. The cold truth was that many people died due to the incompetence of the royal family and the tyranny of the corrupt nobles. The wrath and pain of the bereaved family cannot be healed by any words.

"But still... in spite of it all, he felt a deep sorrow at the fact that everything she had done – all her hard work and earnest efforts – would be in vain, never to be recognized...

"... Please, I hope that this foolish princess's hard work will be rewarded, even if just a little..."

I think Someone took that hope as a prayer, and granted it. And in the process, began a new timeline in which many people whom Princess Mia crossed paths with who had seemingly lost hope and were bound helplessly in futile existences, heading toward miserable deaths and heading into eternity weighed down by guilt and regrets--but they also end up being given second chances. And I think at its heart, the story of Tearmoon Empire is not really the story of a saving of an empire, but the redemption of individuals, and I think that's what resounds so deeply with readers.

And it may take a lifetime, but I think Princess Mia is being nudged bit by bit toward an eternity where finally the wisdom and kindness of Mia is no longer a delusion, but reality. You know...I've long had a sneaking suspicion that the sarcastic snarky narrator is giving hints on the alternative timelines and on the future is none other than... Empress Mia herself! With the perspective of looking back in old age, I think she wants to set the record straight, and while I don't know what the final chapter in this saga will be--I'd be very surprised if the final concluding thoughts of the narration don't prove to be very interesting indeed... <<less
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BakaBlue rated it
January 14, 2022
Status: --
One of the more interesting parts of the story is the Mia was always the same. Although her methods change to match her goals, she is still the exact same non-malicious and well-meaning person before and after the time leap without deep character development.

Saddled with a position that didn't fit her, with no way for her to control it, and when she didn't do a good enough job they killed her. That preskip Mia would still have made the same decisions the current one would have if she had the... more>> benefit of hindsight. She doesn't learn to to be a more good person, she was already a moral person. <<less
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Neji_Hyuga_II rated it
April 21, 2021
Status: v4
DISCLAIMER: This review is for the light novel version of Tearmoon Empire that is officially licensed by J-Novel Club; I have no plans of reading the web novel version.

Hoo, boy, where do I start? While this series definitely isn't the #1 light novel series of all-time or the #1 best-written light novel series, I still rate it extremely highly. Never before have I read a shojo-based story as engaging as this one (with the exception of I've Been Killing Slimes for 300 Years and Maxed Out My Level as I... more>> am extremely biased towards it; I consider it to be the ultimate masterpiece of an isekai with a female protagonist).

The story begins with the Tearmoon Empire's Imperial Princess, Mia Luna Tearmoon, being executed in the most well-known medieval style (at least, in my opinion), the guillotine. As she feels the cold steel rend her head from her body, she looks back to the life she led that led her up to this point, realizing that she had made all the wrong choices on the map of life. Mia was only allowed one personal possession: a battered diary. This diary fell down to the ground at the same time as her head and as blood continued to escape from the newly born stump, the diary's pages began staining crimson as blood soaked into its fibers. However, Mia wakes up, her head still attached to her body... and when she looked in the mirror, she had de-aged! She had awoken to herself in the past, her twelve-year-old body looking back at her. Realizing that she had gone back in time, Mia begins her journey to fix the problems that afflicted her country that inevitably led to its immolating downfall.

What I particularly love about how this author makes use of the time-travel trope is that they always make collusions to the past timeline, the timeline where the "Selfish Princess" brought about her own ruin (later on, the author also makes collusions to a [possible] future timeline in which Mia successfully saves her empire from collapse). Mia's decisions are now influenced by knowledge she had gained from the new timeline as well as the experiences of her own shattered life in the past timeline.

For example, her first major decision concerned the head chef of the imperial house (his name is revealed in a bonus short story in Volume 4, Musta Waggman) in which two years in the future, she would fire him out of rage for serving her the vegetable she hated the most, ambermoon tomatoes. Having learned from it, she inquires of the chef and praises him for his talent as she compares the taste of the ones he had cooked for her with the ones from her painful memory. She gladly accepts his deference and his conviction to constantly look after her health, knowing now that deference should not be taken for granted as she received not even a shred of concern during the three years of her imprisonment.

However, there was but one person that did not fail to show the Selfish Princess mercy even when no one else did: her most trusted and loyal maid, Anne. In the previous timeline, Anne had stayed by Mia's side all the way to the end and this deeply touched Mia. Now that she was given a chance to restart, Mia takes the opportunity to repay the loyalty Anne gave her, making sure to never let go. Aside from Anne, there was also a man that remained loyal to Mia until the end; he was named Ludwig and he was Mia's closest civil servant. While she was at odds with the man on multiple occasions, Mia swallowed her discomfort and asked Ludwig for help; Ludwig would then spearhead the operations that Mia implemented in order to save the empire (although she did so with less-than-pure intentions... the guillotine hurt like hell and Mia simply did not want to go through that again).

The plot of the story aside, I find myself equally awed by the author's writing style. They make sure to keep the narration as consistent and as witty as possible even going so far as breaking the fourth wall (multiple times) in order to remind the readers that while Mia is now known as the "Great Sage of the Empire", at her heart, she is simply a small girl afraid of pain. The narration also informs us of the relationships she has with certain characters in the story and one of the most important relations are the ones she has with her "archenemies", that is, the ones that led her to her death.

In the previous timeline, two persons, a young man along with a young girl, were directly involved in the execution of the Selfish Princess. One of them was Tiona Rudolvon, known as the "Saint of the Empire", and she, the daughter of a poor noble (known as an "Outland Count" or "Outcount", for short), instigated a rebellion against the imperial lineage because of their tyranny. Helping her was Sion Sol Sunkland, the esteemed Crown Prince of the Kingdom of Sunkland, who offered his assistance to Tiona because he could not agree with the tyranny of the empire. Mia encounters her archenemies upon attending Saint-Noel Academy and through a series of events, befriends them. Knowing that one wrong move will potentially set off a series of events that will lead her back to the guillotine, Mia makes sure she handles them with care so as to not step on any landmines.

While it doesn't take the forefront (which is pretty rare, considering that this series is shojo), the romance in this series is exceedingly well-written. There are, in fact, multiple bachelors that admire Mia in some way or form, however, only one of them holds true affection for the princess. This boy is named Abel Remno, the Second Prince of the Kingdom of Remno; in the previous timeline, he was nothing more than a playboy prince that was assassinated early. However, after meeting Mia, he changed drastically, morphing from a meek and unmotivated prince to a man who strives to be the best. Mia loves Abel back and she (quite hilariously) tries to make sure that she remains the top in their relationship, citing that "she's older as she had twenty years of life prior to this new one".

What I find exceedingly intriguing is the relationship, or should I say, rivalry, between Prince Abel and Prince Sion. They share similar character traits in the sense that both work hard in order to surpass the other in the hopes of being recognized by Mia. For example, during the swordsmanship tournament, Prince Abel and Prince Sion faced off against each other in the finals; Prince Abel, knowing that he stands no chance against Prince Sion who was a genius at the blade, resolves on using the one technique he has honed all throughout his life, the same technique that allowed him to defeat his older brother for the first time. While their duel was postponed due to inclement weather, they nevertheless sparked a lasting friendship.

To summarize, Tearmoon Empire is a one-of-a-kind light novel. While it does reuse quite a number of tropes, it does not fail to deliver a uniqueness that can only be given by this author. The overarching plot does not fall short in keeping me invested and the special traits that the characters have further enhance the depth of the story. I will look forward to reading more of this series and I will follow the trials and tribulations of the Great Sage of the Empire with great interest. <<less
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September 1, 2022
Status: c196
So far so good.

Well, I think is done pretty good for a "misunderstanding" trope. This has a good amount of humour which makes you chuckle now and then.

There is also some good character development shown in the novel.

Anyway, it is a good novel to read.

Definitely recommended.
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Kim Nara
Kim Nara rated it
April 7, 2022
Status: --
An addictive and amusing story, you just need to endure passed the first translator and you'll be able to enjoy the story.

A tale about a simple minded but lucky FL and a bunch of her very talented (and delusional) ally.
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January 10, 2022
Status: v1c43
It's great.

The summary made me imagine all kind of cliche from shoujo isekai story, and there were clichés. It just the cliche are still at the level where it's entertaining.

It's simply a cute story that's great to read. It didn't try to be something it's not by adding convulted story line or drama. It's just a nice, silly slice of life
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k4noe rated it
February 25, 2021
Status: vol.2
Well to tell you the truth, this LN is mostly average, nothing new. Its Bout princess who dies in revolution and come back to past time before the revolution happen. Overall its like overlord but in fluffy version one. But that is all, no new thing. To me this LN end with Volume 2, why? Because its the best ending, live happily ever after altho its premature one.

I don't like how the writer always spoil the future by saying "in the future she will.. Bla bla bla" like how realist... more>> hero build a kingdom LN, I always asking my self, is the author idiot by doing that? Its like giving an ending before it happen, for ex: "In the future those chick will become great artist", its like saying, whatever happen in the middle current timeline and future time line is not important at all, because the future are already set in stone, no matter what happen to those chick in the middle timeline, she will become artist in the future (thrash the process). Where is the fun in reading that kind of accurate prediction ? Damn this kind of writing style need to be stopped for the reader and author sake too. In my case its turn off my mood quickly and stop the reading instantly those LN, make my mood gone to zero in a second. <<less
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slightexag rated it
July 17, 2023
Status: c140
Mia gets by through the power of lucky misunderstanding and those around her are all too willing to be deceived about her supposed Machiavellian schemes to save the nation. I think that's great and leads to a lot of funny situations and internal dialogue.

However, while vol 1 (1-67) is excellent, vol 2 is a major step down. Most of it involves the crew going to another country to solve some political stuff. What Mia does as a princess makes sense in vol 1 because she's in her own country and... more>> has power; however, it's hard to swallow the fact she can get the crew together and still have princess privilege abroad while solving problems she has nothing to do with. The conflict, characters, misunderstandings, everything that made vol 1 great are all missing because the premise and execution are very weak in vol 2. The misunderstandings and solutions are localized and make sense, but then become way too generalized, as if the author has decided something is going to happen and then tries to paint an elaborate but nonsensical path to get there. For instance, there is a fight between two main characters in vol 2 that makes literally no sense at all to happen. However, it feels like the author wants the results/effects of the fight and so forces it to happen when two sentences should be enough to stop it. The conflict is "fate" in vol 1 but becomes goofy man in a monopoly mustache level ridiculous (and not in a fun way) in vol 2. The worldbuilding is pretty bland and so the other country doesn't seem very fleshed out, which only amplifies how empty and poorly constructed the whole arc feels. I'll read on into the next volume, but the quality seems to dip as it goes on. <<less
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RedsBlue rated it
January 6, 2024
Status: c3
it's selfish and not in a fun way. I'm fighting my way through hopping it gets better but I dunno, I just can't connect with the lead. It happens and might come back to it later.

Came back later. My thoughts are mostly the same. I although it's a better story then I thought. So, instead of 3 it's more of a 3.5 perfectly readable. Solid, but not really exploring anything new. Perhaps her kingdom might have been better off as a republic. Except maybe peacefully becoming one instead of an... more>> off with they head french way. <<less
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