Refrain from Obsession


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In the novel, the sh*t car character ends up being scrapped.

Furthermore, it’s inevitable for the family of the sh*t car to also meet ruin.

However, I have something to say.

Speaking as the daughter of that tr*sh.

“I want to say that my life has also been difficult because my father was a piece of shit.”


Aer, who survived from drowning, recalled memories of her past life.

She realized that the place she lived in was from a web novel called ‘Under the Moonlit Moonflower.’

Moreover, she was enraged by the fact that she was a minor character who barely appeared in the story. So, she tried to secure money before her family’s downfall, but…

Why are they so obsessed and going crazy?

If it’s the obsession of an awakened individual, it’s very persistent.

Because of her father’s foolish obsession, the house was always cold. By seeing her father longing for his mate, she realized how tedious an awakened person’s fixation could be.

So how could an Awakened’s obsession be seen as a good thing?

“So. You, and you. You.”

Since you’re the ambassadors of obsession, could you please stay away? I don’t even like the smell of an Awakened.


Aer looked at the man laughing quietly beside her. The affectionate smile remained unchanged.

Surely it wouldn’t be …..

Why does it feel so intense?

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집착 사절
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