Rebirth in the Interstellar Meow Meow Meow


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Ruan Shu was uncared for, unconsidered, the least noticeable presence in her family. Unexpectedly crossing over, she became the daughter of the strongest marshal in the interstellar empire, but she was born as part of a scheme.

She thought she would still be despised, as she seemed destined to be disliked by everyone. But gradually, she realized something was wrong.

Her father’s circle of friends gradually filled with her photos and videos, and her brothers seemed to increasingly enjoy having her around.

Sometimes, the men in her house would even fight over her!

Military Department’s Big News: “Remember our battle-crazed Marshal Ruan? Today, he’s showing off his daughter in his circle of friends again!”

All the citizens of the Star Beast Race: “Haha, you have the nerve to show off your daughter and brag about your sister, why not let us rub her head?”

Marshal: “Get lost!”

The most shocking thing was that His Majesty, who had never posted online, one day uploaded a photo.

His photo, showing his distinctively jointed hands holding a plush kitten, was captioned with just one word.

Emperor of the Star Beast Empire: “Mine.”

Then, the entire network crashed…

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  1. Cats Here And There.

Latest Release

Date Group Release
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03/02/24 All Things Fluff c56
03/02/24 All Things Fluff c55
02/29/24 All Things Fluff c54
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3 Reviews

New Mystiqueeee
May 09, 2024
Status: Completed
Hey, I feel like it's not enough huhuhu. Tbh, I don't know how many times I got teary-eyed because of this. It's not that it's really sad or tragic, in fact it's very heartwarming and touching. It's often hilarious and also moving.

The story is more or less diverse when it comes to the plot. Given that all of the characters (except from the FL) are part of the military, of course it's very understandable that there are wars every now and then. Then there's also some internal conflict, zerg invasion,... more>> some dark forces and rebels creating chaos and such. But the thing is, I like how it's continuous. What I mean is, the author didn't forget to solve the conflict one after another. She/he really put some effort and imagination to make it creative and unique. It's not confusing at all.

As for the FL, she's more or less like a Mary Sue, like the heaven's daughter. But I like her. This group's pet character design, loved by all, love it. However, although she's physically weak, I like how rational, gentle, considerate, and emotionally strong she was.

As for the FL's family, huhuhuhu I love them all so much. I don't know who's my favorite among them, but anyway, only children need to choose. I choose them all! Their interactions as a family (I mean, with the FL only lol) were sweet and touching. But yes, I admit, this kind of interaction is only sweet in fiction, in reality, it's kinda cringey (at least I feel like having goosebumps if any of my family members became very gentle and considerate).

I also like everyone (everything) that dotes on the FL. The elders, her friends, her plants, the phoenix, etc. They are all so cute and very protective of her.

Lastly, about the romance, of course I like the ML. It's kinda immoral to ship the 4 year old FL to the over 100 year old ML but anyway, the moment he appeared, I know he'll be the one. Anyway, as for their age gap, I'll forget about it since their age system is different after all. Nevertheless, the way the ML dotes on her was sweet and how he always wants to kidnap her back was really funny. Raise her like a daughter huh. Only treats her like a sister huh. At the end, he's the winner in life, the source of envy (and hatred) of all lol.

Overall, it was a very good story. More focus on familial love, patriotism, and self-healing. But aspects such as friendship, responsibility, and love were also there. 10/10. I wish there were more extra chapters.

P. S. I still don't know how the 2 eggs and a chubby baby tiger fits in the FL's stomach. <<less
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Dec 22, 2023
Status: Completed
Really fluffy read, Ruan Shu is the literal group pet/cute child I want to raise in their world.

Adorable story, it's mostly about her childhood, family and friendship. Romance is only in the extras after she is an adult.
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Mi shiru
Mi shiru
Apr 19, 2024
Status: Completed
MTLed the rest of the story, a pretty easy read. Pure fluff with feels here and there especially at the beginning, the latter part ties loose ends (as far as I understand bcs MTL) but is paced well enough that it doesn't feel rushed. That's pretty surprising for a CNovel at 600+ chaps.

This is for those who want only good things to happen to the protag. The said protag is adorable and always puts family first. Said family always puts protag first too. Romance doesn't come into the mix until... more>> the last 3 extras.

What I found a little off-putting:

  • Spoiler

    Almer is ML. It might be a mistranslation of MTL because the earlier part he wanted to be MC's father and steal her away, then at the latter part he realized he misunderstood his feelings and thought he wanted to be her older bro (But no! He was also a pig that wanted to eat the fresh cabbage Shushu!). MC always thought of him as her first and best friend so this at least saved me from the moral dilemma I was about to dive headfirst into lol

  • as with most CNovel of this genre, the Republic is great, the Republic is right, everything good is from the Republic. But at least it's tuned down a lot compared to other CNovels so it didn't get annoying.
  • also as with most CNovels, repetitive phrases and sentences praising MC's beauty, intelligence, red watery eyes, fluffy hair... ahem.
What stood out (in a good way) :

  • Many things happen in the background, lots of timeskips, and funny moments in between.
  • Battle scenes do not get dragged out for long.
  • The overarching plot gets resolved in the quickest way possible (lol).
  • Author attempts to expand on the hows and whys of their world.
  • Lastly, the cute babies.

    (If babies were as cute as the Ancient Blue Planet Race's cubs, a certain Republic's declining birth rate would be solved in a flash!)

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