Rapunzel in Wonderland


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A girl called ‘Rapunzel’.

Trapped at the top of a tall tower under the strict surveillance of the ‘White Queen’, whom she calls mother, Rapunzel spends her boring days longing to go out into the wide world seen beyond the tower’s window. In her loneliness, the only solace is her handsome, secret visitor, ‘Chester’, who avoids the prying eyes of the White Queen to come visit her each night. However, even he can’t satisfy Rapunzel’s curiosity.

Then one day, the ‘Queen of Hearts’ appears before Rapunzel, claiming to be her real mother. The Queen of Hearts claims that Rapunzel was kidnapped as a child and lived under the illusion that the White Queen was her real mother. Through the Queen of Hearts’ sacrifice, Rapunzel finally escapes to the world outside the tower.

This is the story of a girl’s adventure that weaves together mysterious spaces and characters from various fairy tales, including Alice in Wonderland.

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