Rakshasa Galaxy: I Became the Character Who Dies Right at the Start, So I Did Whatever I Wanted and Somehow Ended Up a Hero


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Before I knew it, I became Leo, the character who gets chomped up by aliens at the start of the ultra-hardcore epic RPG ‘Rakshasa Galaxy’.

And, just my luck, right at the moment before getting eaten.

So, I thought I’d go out in style with an epic speech, but for some reason… I ended up becoming a hero instead!?

This is the story of a guy whose every move turns into a joke, featuring muscles, battles, and an ever-growing dark history.

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羅刹の銀河 ~取り返しのつかないタイミングで冒頭で死ぬキャラになったので本当に好き放題したら英雄になった~
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