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“Duan Zhu, Ji Bie.”

The story of The Iceberg Young Master and the boy Xiao Ji, whom his family adopted.

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4 Reviews sorted by

Heliconia1 rated it
August 22, 2024
Status: --
I liked it!! Quite a different kind of writing. Sweet with not everything spelt out. The MC might feel a bit unemotional - Not at all - He is so intense and real - I am amazed at his strength - in making the best of his circumstances while while clear on his principles. I am giving this 5 stars!
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FrostyDragon rated it
June 1, 2024
Status: Completed
Good story even though the ending is a bit weak and abrupt.

Not the best among Ka Biqiu's works, but as always, her works are better than your average danmei. It's a lot of 'show, don't tell' and emotions shimmering below the surface. The narrator is somewhat unreliable, and there's a lot going on that might not be obvious for the inattentive reader.

I've read this story multiple times and am happy it finally got a translation.
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fionassfeng rated it
May 16, 2024
Status: Completed
Not great. I didn’t check how many chapters were in this novel beforehand so after I had read the twenty-third chapter, I was still waiting for more. Turns out, there are only twenty-three chapters! I felt like the story hadn’t even taken off yet and somehow the ending already came.

Regardless, the protagonist, Ji Bie, lacked a personality. He was uninteresting and bland, but maybe that was due to the fact that he had always been overlooked in his family life so he didn’t receive much familial affection. That doesn’t excuse... more>> the lack of personality, in my opinion. Maybe I’m being too harsh. The male lead, Duan Zhu, is an arrogant and egotistical young master. It makes sense that he’s that way since he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, but he really irked me with his presumptuous attitude. Anyway, I didn’t like either of them much.

The novel was as bland as the protagonist and I didn’t see a point in it at all. I think the conflict of the plot was when the whole thing got found out, but I didn’t even realize that was the whole story. I thought it was just a minor bump in the road.

Overall, the writing wasn’t offensive so do read it if you’d like to, but I would NOT have expectations for this novel. I don’t even think it qualifies as a novel, to be honest. <<less
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May 16, 2024
Status: --
This was a sweet story that focuses on the romance and MCs character growth from being an invisible extra in the house to being a more confident young adult. The ML is devoted and doting, without being overly powerful unlike a lot of other novels. There's a melancholy overtone in the majority of the story but it ends on a happy note. The length of this novel fit the narration well.
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