The Retired Supporting Character Wants To Live A Quiet Life


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Instead of causing chaos with my knowledge of the original work, I assisted the protagonist.

I successfully completed the story and now planned to retire and live peacefully.

However, it seems the protagonist still needs my help.

An academy professor? That’s nothing much.

But why is the state of the academy so strange?”

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The Retired Supporting Character Wants to Live Quietly
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New MyRAMEN rated it
June 10, 2024
Status: c30
Sure, the Academy premise is a bit wack, with how such an incompetent headmaster ruining the Academy stayed so long at the empire's most elite school, but the story is great. I do suggest reading till chap 10 at least, as although I didn't hate the story at all, like the toxic guy who 1 stars everything, in the beginning chapters I was still debating whether to keep reading this story. Once the story actually starts for real though, it was pretty good and comedic novel.

The story also has many... more>> illustrations for the characters. Usually I hate when novels come with illustrations as they often are much worse than what I imagined, but this is one of the first times ever I appreciated the pictures. I think the only other times I genuinely enjoyed them were mystery novels if we dont count picture books like manhuas. The art is phenomenonal and gorgeous. If one was to complain on anything, it'd be how every adult female character has a bust size of melons. The illustrations are found periodically in the comments when new characters come up instead of the actual in writing pop up, so beware of that.

There are still other caveats though. Such as the only real student interaction being with one student currently, no other students are even named!!! It's crazy for an Academy novel. The story follows along the head professor who is in charge of multiple professors of the combat department. The perspective and story focus are more on the adult side rather than the students. This makes it very unique, as even in the 900+ novels I now tried on NU, this is the only one who did it. There's been some teacher/professor ones though, but not one that manages other professors and an Academy. And even the teacher ones usually end up being bad other than a few. This story currently is essentially a revival from an incompetent academy to an overly competent one and a mix of character relations from the days he was in the hero's party, such as the overly kind hero, a yandere Priestess, a MC traumatized king, powerful nobles, etc

Though as a novel on the teacher side vs the student, there are still scenes were he gets involved with the teaching minority. This is currently with the only characterized student, whom he gives insanely difficult real-life missions to give her hands on experience. He is an overly competent instructor, but it's not like a normal instructor would make for an interesting story right?

The other big potential negative is a future harem outlook. It is highly likely the story will become a harem. And in turn will likely drop the rating due to how shitty the quality often drops. But this is one of the few novels I have hopes for managing it, but there are also so many significant potential love interest female characters that you find it doubtful.

So far, I've really loved the novel, with how iffy and debating I was at the start, I'm surprised on how invested I am. Even if one doesn't like the novel, it can't be below 4 stars as there is no cliche and generic bland writing. It makes me very salty the only current review is a toxic guy who 1 stars everything they remotely don't like, and has 12 likes due to this...

I've never 5 starred a story revolving around an academy... as they are often very generic and a dime a dozen, but I really do have hopes for this one. I pray the author doesn't ruin the story later like so many others. I am not one of those who 5 star everything either, in all the 900ish novels I rated the 5 stars I gave are likely less than 20 <<less
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New Visser rated it
May 21, 2024
Status: c6
It's another well written overly powerful/competent instructor/warrior in a world filled with morons... might even have some harem bullsh*t later if you look at the pictures? (this is a major negative for me)
Hard pass, anyone with ANYTHING else to do should be doing it instead of reading another one of these idiotic forced bullcrap/drama stories.


chapter 5 and 6 is when we find out the elite spy/combat training academy/institute of the empire, who was at eternal war with demons a few years ago, is run by people who want to avoid injuring students so badly they arent even allowed to use arrows when practicing archery. the students instead make fwooosh sounds to simulate attacks. there are over 20 instructors and tens of thousands of imperials who could have stepped in to fix this. instead they wanted the hero or his best friend MC to fix it for them. sh*t writing like this should be illegal

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