Overpowered Archmage Doesn’t Hide His Talent


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Archmage Kaplan possessed the body of a boy who was betrayed by his childhood friend.

In the boy’s diary, he found by chance that he wanted to become a great magician.

“Shall we try one more time, then?”

‘Let’s do it.’

In the end, those who are good at magic should use it well.

Associated Names
One entry per line
먼치킨 대마법사가 재능을 전혀 안숨김
Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
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Latest Release

Date Group Release
05/08/24 Fenrir Translations c120
05/08/24 Fenrir Translations c119
05/03/24 Fenrir Translations c118
05/02/24 Fenrir Translations c117
05/01/24 Fenrir Translations c116
05/01/24 Fenrir Translations c115
05/01/24 Fenrir Translations c114
05/01/24 Fenrir Translations c113
05/01/24 Fenrir Translations c112
05/01/24 Fenrir Translations c111
04/27/24 Fenrir Translations c110
04/25/24 Fenrir Translations c109
04/22/24 Fenrir Translations c108
04/22/24 Fenrir Translations c107
04/20/24 Fenrir Translations c106
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10 Reviews sorted by

New Frape rated it
May 26, 2024
Status: c56
The novel in itself is really interesting. But my main and sole problem with this is the translation.

To sum it up in one word.... it feels awkward to read.

He sometimes becomes she, and she sometimes becomes he. It gives the reader a hard time to understand the genders of each character.

And whats more, you can see the lack of effort that the translator/s puts in when you'll encounter ChatGPT prompts throughout the chapters. And they are still there even now.
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wickedswami rated it
June 18, 2023
Status: c20
TL;DR - If you want an OP MC story, maybe give this one a bit to get further along before picking it up. If you want an "MC is mentally OP but is physically incapable (sometimes) of actually being really OP in practice" story then hop on in.

The title of this is a lie. At least for the first 20 chapters so far it is. He constantly comes up with excuses to hide his power. The title should really be "Overpowered Archmage Doesn't Hide His Confidence". He constantly looks down... more>> on other characters and does nothing to prove he's better than them to their faces. At one point he thinks he should crush a girl for looking down on him, but decides to just let her be since his mana capacity is too low to do it right now.

He has hidden his power for these reasons that I can remember so far:

    • It would be a hassle if someone found out how good he is.
    • He doesn't have enough mana to defend himself from anyone who wants to take advantage of him.
    • They weren't worth showing his power to.
    • He just felt like it.
    • It wouldn't be fun if he put his name on the solution to a difficult puzzle.
    • There's no point getting glory for putting his name on the super complex puzzle he made.
On top of him hiding his power so far, his magic capacity is either too vague or inconsistent. Sometimes he does things that seem like they should exceed his limits, then the story goes back and says "Oh, this magic doesn't take much mana". Early on he gets tired doing a couple of basic spells, but he casually walks into his dorm and literally changes the furniture to suit his tastes. Another student came in and thought he just got better furniture, so it doesn't seem like he just changed the furniture a little bit since she thinks he has completely different furniture.

He has a low mana capacity, but he could interfere with someone's magic repeatedly and so finely that nobody caught on to what he was doing. He didn't seem tired at all after he did this, so I guess it's just another of the low mana cost spells that just seem like the should take a decent amount of mana for someone who gets tired after a couple of basic spells. He even casually cuts off a professor's projection magic then reconnected it without tiring himself out.

Also, telekinesis is a magic with an extremely low mana cost, which seems kind of wild to me that there aren't more examples of other people casually using telekinesis if it's so efficient.

Overall, I gave this 2 stars despite the paragraphs of complaints because it's at least somewhat entertaining and I can see how it could end up being pretty fun down the line once he stops using his mana capacity as an excuse. If they drag out him hiding his power or having a low mana pool much longer then I might drop the score more. If they make him actually stop hiding his talent soon then I might raise the score too. <<less
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Nneeil rated it
April 9, 2024
Status: c67
I think I'm going to stop here for the time being, and I'm quite upset to do so because there's a genuinely good story here. Despite the rough start, it does get better. And it lives up to its title. Flan becomes such an absolute chad and I love it.

However, the problem here is the translation. At this point I'm led to believe that this novel will never have a proper translation.

I don't want to bash or undermine anyone who's doing this work, but there's a glaring lack of effort.... more>> It's so glaring that a quick readthrough and 5 minutes to fix the chapter would have never seen me doing this review in the first place.

This is clearly an AI translation, and that in itself is not the problem. But I wonder, is there someone, anyone, who actually goes over the chapters before they're published?

This is not merely at the level of 'Oh shucks, looks like I missed a few typos and mistakes, tehee (๑>؂•̀๑) '

For the most part, the names are consistent, but the pronouns are an absolute mess. Oh my God, the pronouns.

I lost count of how many characters have been unjustly misgendered. And it happens in almost every chapter. It's easy to ignore if it rarely happens, or at least not so consistently, but damn...

And don't get me started how a 'third person' chapter randomly switches to 'first person', and viceversa. Sometimes within one paragraph as well, or even the same sentence. When there are mulitple characters speaking, it becomes torture reading. You don't know who's speaking. Who's who. Who's male or female.

I want to continue reading because I like the story, but I don't know if I will.

Also, seriously? You're paywalling 100 chapters? All of them unedited, no doubt. Ironically, I was liking the story so much that I would have likely paid to read ahead, if only the translation was proper.

I'll edit this review if the translation gets better of it an actual translator picks this up. <<less
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July Gevra
July Gevra rated it
January 27, 2024
Status: c52
Has a potential to become good to read, but story wise, more and more misunderstanding just keep appears from one to another, not to mention the machine translation, my goodness to this day I still don't know if Ivan was a man or woman it's haunting my sleep.

also why TL site charge money for unlocking unedited MTL chapter? Guess this novel's Chapter 52 title truly befitting this current situation.

I will back rereading this when the TL quality improved, come on translators, if you read this I know you can do... more>> better, only if you care though ✌️. <<less
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Personasama rated it
February 4, 2024
Status: c59
I like the story but I wish the translators would at least take the effort to remove the ChatGPT text prompts in the middle of chapters. For example, in chapter 59 there’s literally this line of text towards the end that says: “You asked me to act as a web novel editor and translate a Korean text into English. I will do my best to fulfill your request. Here is my edited and translated version of the text

Guys, plz at least just erase that if you’re gonna charge for this.

The... more>> story itself is fun though. <<less
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Dante7555 rated it
June 6, 2023
Status: c16
The number of misunderstandings just got so f*cking tiring the read.

Every goddamn chapter, there's another and another and another. The problem is that the misunderstandings just feels so forced, instead of being a coincidence it just feels like the author tried their best to add in situations for his character to have misunderstandings.

It's just so tiring to read tbh, maybe after everything is translated I'll come back, doubt it though cause even after reading the raws it's still frustrating.
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Ham616 rated it
January 27, 2024
Status: --
The monkey's paw curls... A novel I enjoyed but got dropped by the scanlator for some reason is picked up by another translator! But the "translation" is just machine translation, and the "translator" doesn't care enough to even check to see if gender pronouns are correct... leading towards characters somehow changing genders 4 times in the span of one chapter. Its unreadable MTL and the fact that they want to charge actual money for chapters is a joke and a complete disgrace. Its pure MTL without a second of editing... more>> or proofreading. Shame on you, Galaxytl.

Will update review if a real group decides to pick this up. <<less
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Pelouch rated it
July 19, 2023
Status: c31
I'm kinda hooked cause the protagonist is interesting, the premise is also captivating, unlike what the title implies he can't hide his talent at the beginning because his body can't possibly support it so there's not much to hide aside his experience and intelligence. He does however hide/refrains from flaunting those for a reason or another.

Still I'm reading it but I advise to hold off on this until it has like 60+ chapters so you can decide at the 30-40th something chapter of binge reading if this is worth your... more>> while, it's certainly not straight forward and it has a slow pacing so it hard to say at this juncture.

Edit: Well now that readingpia dropped this there's no point in reading unless you know Korean or don't mind MTL. Too bad I was enjoying it

Edit 2: thx to GalaxyTL for picking this up I hope we can go all the way

Edit 3: so after some stacking I was gonna read this aaaand it seems GalaxyTL died or something, can't find the story anywhere lmao. I guess is just not meant to be. <<less
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Novel Casanova
Novel Casanova rated it
November 12, 2023
Status: c60
A very, very quick heads-up and not a full review. This is like a 8 of 10 rated novel. You see the first 'pay-off' around chapter 50. Its at that moment that the MC truly doesnt hide his ability, shocking the whole academy and the world. Not that he ever was doing so beforehand, he was just gaining power for the big reveal so that hes in a position that doesnt disadvantage him. He's always said he liked to prove people wrong and that he can do it. I personally... more>> dont see any such contradictions here. He wants to show off but hes not s*upid.

Tho I guess none of this matters now since this is not being TL'd, you can search for the MTL it is fairly readable. <<less
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DimaShishandra rated it
February 7, 2024
Status: c62
Classic Korean MC - knows everything, can do anything, never loses confidence, always cool, is not interested in girls and etc... Of course all of it is 'spiced up' by absolutely dumb surrounding. Don't forget about plot powerarmor as well. MC is not relatable and looks ridiculously artificial.

Story itself is ok. Nothing really new. World building is there but even basic premise of 'knights>>mages' is not explained. So it's full of plot wholes.
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