Ore, Twintail ni Narimasu.


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For the sake of the Earth, I will become a twintail!

Mitsuka Souji is a normal high school student with an extraordinary passion for twintails. One day, Twoearle, a beautiful, mysterious girl who claims to come from another world, appears before him. And at the same time, monsters appear in the town where Souji lives!

“Fuhahahahaha! We will gather all the twintails of this world!”

They are creatures from another world who feed on the power of the human spirit, Elemera. Twoearle entrusts Souji with the Daydream Armor “Tailgear,” which is powered by his intense twintail element, and he transforms into a young girl twintail warrior, TailRed!

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Gonna be the Twin-Tail!!
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Latest Release

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10/19/16 Ultimaguil v6c3
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09/28/15 Sauri’s TL Blog v5 prologue
12/30/15 Baka-Tsuki v2c1
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2 Reviews sorted by

LivingCorpse rated it
April 23, 2016
Status: --
Weird, I'll just be honest with it. The Plot is really weird! I mean just look at the basic premise :

Guy Loves Twintail => Become Twintailed Loli => Saving The World Twintail from Creature that seeking twintail powered energy among other stuff.

Now take a moment and think about it a second... Right? The author must be either drunk or high when they came up with this stuff. There's even an Anime for this too!

But I say this ridiculousness is what makes it enjoyable. Overall it's a decent comedy series.... more>> A mix of Sentai Heroes and Magical Girl genre also with a little dash of Romantic comedy. <<less
12 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
LARGames rated it
June 1, 2018
Status: v2c1
Man, I really hope someone picks this up again. And I have no idea why someone would translate later volumes while the earlier ones aren't translated. I can't even get to the newer ones because that would require skipping everything to get there...

I loved the anime and the first volume of the LN was even better. We get so many extra details that were left out. Sucks that I can't continue it now.
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