On This Day, I, the “False Hero”, Expelled Him, the “True Hero”, From the Party


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The true power of the ‘False Hero,’ who lost everything, awakens!

Foil, bestowed with the job of the ‘False Hero,’ followed his role and expelled his best friend from the party. However, he was supposed to be defeated by his awakened best friend, the ‘True Hero.’ Saved by Iris, an elven girl who knew his true face even as a fake hero, Foil remembers his desire to be acknowledged as “Hero” and decides to embark on a new adventure to secretly save people.

The tale of salvation by the shadowy hero released from the destiny of being a “villain” begins!

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Kono Hi, “Itsuwari no Yuusha” Dearu Ore wa “Shin no Yuusha” Dearu Kare wo Party kara Tsuihou Shita
The Fake Hero Crashes the Party
この日, [偽りの勇者] である俺は [真の勇者] である彼をパーティから追放した
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