Oh, It’s S*xual Desire


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Lin Yuwen woke up one day and suddenly saw a number above everyone’s head. The teacher had it, the class monitor had it, the student council members had it, and even her crush, the male god Mu Lan had it. What could it be? Lin Yuwen couldn’t figure it out for the life of her. Later, when Mu Lan pressed her against the wall and f*cked her to death, Lin Yuwen looked at the number above his head, which had already exceeded three digits, and finally, she realized “Oh, it’s s*xual desire.”

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    1 Review

    Feb 04, 2024
    Status: Completed
    Cute, meaty novel!

    No heavy plot, the novel just revolves around them two.

    All consented! Although they're a bit 'wild'

    ... more>>

    FL is your standard cute, pretty and smart with some odd quirks here and there, ML is well... Your typical male god ML.

    One day she woke up seeing numbers above ppl's head and it just so happened that ML's was a bit different than others, always in the single digits, except when in front of her.

    This intrigued FL and she started 'experiment' with ML to see how, why and what makes the numbers fluctuates.

    Also FL is a bit pe*verted, she read meaty novels... Just like us so she's not totally an 'innocent lamb'

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