My Wife Came From A Thousand Years Ago


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“I want to go home.”

“You may not be able to go back.”


“Because it’s a long way to your house.”

“How far is it?”

“About twelve hundred years away,” Xu Qing directed a sympathetic gaze towards the young girl who hailed from the Tang Dynasty, “Everything you knew has become history.”

Family, friends, and enemies— all silenced twelve hundred years ago…

Associated Names
One entry per line
My Wife Is From a Thousand Years Ago
Related Series
What To Do If The Heroine Escapes From The Book (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Manhua
  2. Reincarnation / travel to the distant future
  3. Romance Slice of Life
  4. Romance without harem
  5. Isekai stuff that I would totally read again

Latest Release

Date Group Release
02/10/25 BOTI Translation c162
02/10/25 BOTI Translation c161
02/09/25 BOTI Translation c160
02/09/25 BOTI Translation c159
02/08/25 BOTI Translation c158
02/08/25 BOTI Translation c157
02/07/25 BOTI Translation c156
02/07/25 BOTI Translation c155
02/06/25 BOTI Translation c154
02/06/25 BOTI Translation c153
02/05/25 BOTI Translation c152
02/05/25 BOTI Translation c151
02/04/25 BOTI Translation c150
02/04/25 BOTI Translation c149
02/03/25 BOTI Translation c148
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5 Reviews

Jul 09, 2021
Status: c4
TLDR: It's very interesting, but also very uneven 4.0 stars

I almost stopped reading halfway into the first chapter. It felt like I was reading a power point presentation, not a novel. There's also mechanical problems where the text had footnotes that have no matching information. Thankfully the writing improves quickly.

The writer does a pretty good job of portraying a 1200 year old woman coping with the modern world., but her lack of curiosity did break suspension of disbelief. At the very least you'd expect her to have a ton of... more>> questions. The passivity of the FL and the goofy attitude of the MC/ML leaves me a little worried this will go 60's sitcom. I dream of Jeanie comes to mind where you have the powerful but clueless Jeanie. The MC so far resembles Darren from Bewitched, desperately trying to make sure the FL doesn;t use her abilities.

Bottom Line: So far so good <<less
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Jul 09, 2021
Status: c3
Since there are only 3 chapters translated so far, so there is not much to review as far as plot. As an introduction, it has left me wanting more. I've rated it so high because of the translation quality. It is very well done and a pleasure to read. Interestingly enough, the translator website says that they do mainly machine translation. I couldn't tell. The reading flow is organic - not stilted like most MTL.
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Aug 11, 2021
Status: final sidec
This novel tells the story of a Jianghu girl that suddenly got transported to the front of the male MC house. He subsequently teaches her about modern living and rules. Both lives together, falls in love, marries each other, then have kids. If you are looking for slice-of-life romance between two high EQ adults without dramatic twists, then this is it.

The male MC is a modern freelancer who lives by blogging and trading stocks. He then makes live streaming videos together with female MC, before the latter decides that growing... more>> flower is more interesting. Hence, there's no huge conflict in their lives.

There's also no significant misunderstanding, because both could restrain themselves and solves problems through discussions. Despite of their thousands year age gap, they are strangely suitable in this way.

On the downside, the story feels rather anticlimactic. Author tends to brush off potential conflicts into unimportant side events, such as when the male MC helps his friend to fight criminals, the crucial issue of female MC's inexistent identity card, and so on. <<less
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Jan 10, 2023
Status: Completed
Not bad, but isn’t exactly all that good either. Initially enjoyed this, but it’s honestly too much of a bore to read when hardly anything happens. I guess that’s to be expected of a modern-day/urban slice of life novel, but there’s little to no excitement to be found in this novel. I did enjoy the MC and FMC’s relationship as the slowly progressed in their understand of themselves and one another, but that’s about it. Took me well over a month to finish this as I simply felt no urge... more>> to read it as I’d quickly find myself losing interest. Worth the read, but don’t set your expectations too high. <<less
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Dec 20, 2024
Status: c15
Interesting premise to the story, but if there's one thing that I hate is MC's that act like total idiots.

... more>>

The MC thinks if someone is from ancient times, she now must know some supernatural movement skills or have mystical powers.

Then he makes the female lead call him 'young hero' when she thanks him for anything... ffs..

Then when the female lead hears that burgers are not healthy and cats shouldn't eat them, obviously the female lead would be confused why they ate unhealthy food and cats had their own 'healthy' food. So next time they're eating and the female lead asks for healthy food the MC offers her cat food jokingly...


Like if they wanted to make the male lead as insufferable as possible then they've achieved it.

I'm hoping the male lead will grow up mentally because the idea behind the story is very good, but so far into the story I can only give it 2.5/5 stars grudgingly. <<less
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