My Place Is a Restaurant and My Regular Customers the Strongest


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Having reincarnated in another world, I succeeded my parent’s footsteps and carried on their restaurant business. Our restaurant where I reproduced recipe of my previous existence prospered, but that livelihood of mine spelled the end on a certain day. Being conscripted by my own country after being invaded by a neighboring country, I ended up standing on the battlefield. Since I couldn’t possibly possess a cheat, I could not be peerless in the battlefield and greeted a moment of desperate situation. The one who saved me that time was…

Associated Names
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uchi wa shokudou, jouren wa saikyou
Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Chicken Soup
  2. Short stories
  3. I like dat
  4. Protagonist surrounded by loyal people/creatures
  5. Isekai

Latest Release

Date Group Release
09/25/19 Scarletmadness oneshot
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