My One And Only Love


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There is or not someone in your life, where every glance, every smile, every sentence, every word from him are all so special.

He used to be your teacher.

He used to be your idol.

He is also held in high esteem by his colleagues.

But one day, this person’s identity is only, your man.

If you fall in love with a person, how much courage do you need to confess to him?

If he is your teacher, how much perseverance and persistence must you also have?

Xue Tong is a third year student in English Language in University A. She was caught by the ‘adorable’ and youthful teacher Mu Cheng He while looking for her cheat sheet on the floor in the exam room. Then he becomes her substitute teacher in her elective subject Russian language. Her hatred for him increases when he requires her to study with him after class.

She slowly discovers he is a very charismatic and knowledgeable teacher. Thus, gradually, from anger, revenge and hatred, Xue Tong starts to develop a crush on her teacher. But she doesn’t dare to speak out for fear of prejudice.

She graduated but the love is still hidden in theirs hearts. No one told anyone, just quietly together, helping and comforting each other.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Du Jia Ji Yi
Exclusive Memory
Somewhere Only We Know (Drama)
Related Series
Together Forever (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Tiktok C-Drama Novels
  2. Because of drama
  3. Romance List for 20s Women
  4. Feel-Good Pages
  5. Straight Modern Romance

Latest Release

Date Group Release
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12/13/20 pretty777 c1 part7
12/12/20 pretty777 c1 part6
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11/28/20 pretty777 c1 part4
11/25/20 pretty777 c1 part3
11/21/20 pretty777 c1 part2
11/16/20 pretty777 c1 part1
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5 Reviews sorted by

Fei777 rated it
December 13, 2020
Status: extra 2
Hello everyone, I am My One And Only Love book translator☺️ I have finished reading all the chapters and I, as a book fan, feel that this book is not that bad— to say the very least, it's mediocre. I'm truly not being biased, but this book is really not bad for a light read just to pass your time as it has little to no angst. However, you will find a tiny bit of a heavier topic towards the end of the story.

I appreciate your ratings and I would... more>> be even happier to see your feedback, whether it is about the book itself or my translation. :) Why don't I rate this 5 stars since it is my own translation work? Because this is my real thoughts on this book.

Last but not least, thank you for reading and visiting!


Fei斐 <<less
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Rube rated it
December 9, 2021
Status: --
I went into it expecting a recount of the drama with some changes (cause creative freedom) but I was extremely surprised by how different it is from the drama. This novel is supposed to be romance and a slow one at that however the romance felt non-existent?

There were barely any interactions between the leads for their love to make sense. If felt like two love starved persons settling for the first special feeling they experienced. Whereas in the drama you see them interacting and eventually leading up to their relationship... more>> being more than teacher/student.

Xue tong also came across as a teenager throughout the novel which didn't make for a great read considering she was 21+ as the book progressed

Overall it's good short read I just prefer the drama (and I usually prefer the source material) <<less
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Unie zhang
Unie zhang rated it
April 5, 2022
Status: Completed
I love this novel very much. I'm so glad that I have my self a chance for trying to read this story.

Kind a fluff story but i've learned some new words in Russian, a beautiful poem by pushkin and some informations 'bout a bulgarian rose village in south Sofia, near Bulgaria. I searched in Google for satisfying my curiousity. Lol

A carefree sociable FL and a genius sweet charming Ml.

I love the interactions between FL and her friends too.

If you have time, give a try to read this novel ❤️
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dian888 rated it
October 28, 2021
Status: Completed
This is one of the classics in the BG romance novel universe, I still remember reading this years ago. In terms of a teacher/student kind of trope, this one comes out in top.

This is definitely a more light-hearted love story with some angsty back stories from the main leads. I can’t remember much of it anymore but I can remember that our ML, Teacher Mu, is definitely an ideal man (and was very revered amongst Chinese BG novel readers back then). Very happy that this has been translated since for... more>> more people to read! I think I’d give this 4-4.5 stars but because of the nostalgia and fluttery feelings I remember getting when reading this, I have bumped it up to a 5 star. Happy readings everyone! <<less
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DilshodaChase rated it
February 14, 2021
Status: Completed
This is such a sweet story with very cute FL and dedicated ML. The storyline is similar to Together Forever, but the characters definitely have their own personalities and ways with handling problems. It is a teacher student relationship so they have that obstacle to cross. Overall very fluffy and heartwarming story. Highly recommend. I don’t know how to give 5 star- so I might given less.
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