My Girlfriend’s Fortune: 3,141,592,653,589


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A golden parachute came my way when I was just an unknown actor. A massive one, big enough to cover all of South Korea.

“Are you asking me to act as your boyfriend?”

“If possible, even as a husband.”

“Are you kidding me right now…”

“I just transferred ten million won to your account. That should be enough to trust me, right?”


If I can just keep acting. I’d gladly sell even my soul.

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Leftail rated it
May 7, 2024
Status: c26
Grade: 9/10


Goodness gracious, quite. A spectacular novel is this one, I like it, simple, straightforward, cozy but detailed at the same time, I personally enjoy the relationship between both the MC and the FMC, they actually feel like people, an honestly, its fun, refreshing to see someone so shameless fake it until they make it, but to the next level.

RECOMMENDED, its quick and fun, a nice quick read.
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Lulu2003 rated it
October 27, 2024
Status: Completed
I liked it, it's pretty intetessting with a very very skillful female lead.

I also loved the ML, his character is pretty interesting and sometimes he suprises me with his actions which was pretty fun.

it is a short story where you get a bite from everything: acting, Management, romantic moments, Family healing etc.

I find the side characters really interesting and you could really see their development through out the story which was really fun considering the length of this novel.😄

the ML and FM had also theis own character development:

... more>>

ML became more and more confident throughout the novel, he showed more and more expressions and became much more fitting for his position. The FL also became softer, and humanlike, she also could heal a little bite from her Trauma with the help of the ML😊.


I didn't gave it 5 stars, cause I have read many novels like ToCF, LoM, ORPOV and many others, which I gave 5 stars, and this novel is much shorter and couldn't compare to them, that's why, not because it is bad or anything😅

the only "bad" thing about this novel is that it is too short. The Author had many funny ideas and wanted to write about many different topics, but the length of the story wasn't enough and because of that, many things couldn't be properly described, which was pretty sad, cause I was really interested in these stories 🥲 But it was also enough, like you could read it without any problems, I just liked the stories and wanted to read more😪

I really hope you could try and read the story, cause it has many good aspects, and there is many cute moments between the characters. There isn't also that much of drama, like every problem would be in 2-4 chapters already solved, which I quite like cause I don't want any misunderstandings. <<less
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ANgelSHarma11 rated it
January 18, 2025
Status: c65

The ML is 30 yrs old wizard no further explanation possible. The guy is initially seen as bad at acting but then somehow is gets better when he meets fML ok sure he is hardworking, next he somehow gets good at studying somehow he is good at cramming due to scripts and to end it of now he is good at fighting and by the way all this happened after meeting fML not the 30 years before. I refuse to believe he is anything but a wizard for being virg*n at 30 yrs old.


The chemistry between them is good but that's all there is no reason for their development like really u just believe everything he says cause he signed a contract. Its a feel good which miserably fails at delivering anything serious without "oh but it ended all good". The fML is rich but the problems aren't solved by throwing money at things but using brains like giving someone car keys only to forget now u can't drive the car cause u gave it away.
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rcpsycho rated it
January 5, 2025
Status: c62
Honestly, the simplistic title caused me to hesitate to read this for a while, but my expectations have been pleasantly exceeded by a significant margin.

While the overall plot of "pretend relationship turns into real romance" is a trope that has been used in countless stories, this novel in particular is very well-written and shows excellence in both comedy and the budding romance.

The innocence of the characters doesn't quite match their age, but there is an explanation for why they're both rather inexperienced, so that allows depicting familiar beginnings of a... more>> relationship despite its unusual nature, without skipping too many steps.

In terms of the setting, this doubles up as both a chaebol novel covering the culture of extreme hierarchies, family intrigues, and spending that seems excessive from the outside, and as an acting novel, focusing not just on acting as a wealthy boyfriend, but the actual acting roles as a job.

Unfortunately that means that neither of those will be covered as deeply as in novels that focus on a singular aspect, but the main subject of the novel is the romance anyway, and these themes provide plenty of flavour.

I have so much more that I could write, but it already seems lengthy and I don't want to spoil the details either. After all, it's the moment-to-moment that matters in a story with a clichéed outline - the conclusion is simple enough to guess. <<less
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webt00nwarrior rated it
January 8, 2025
Status: c62
The very obvious and simple premise of this novel makes it the perfect sandbox for the author to craft masterful interactions of characters. Thats why I like reading this despite its relatively simple plot. The characters all have their own quirks and live true to them, all while MC tries to navigate the new world he is parachuted into. Theres no hugely intricate crafted world or intense drama subplots in this chaebol world... and I hope the author keeps it that way which makes way for its focus, the characters.

The... more>> story revolves around the main romance which is obvious and hopefully it keeps delivering cute moments as their relationship builds. This is only the beginning as I hope the Author will continue to surprise. I gave it a 5 because I liked reading the characters and their interactions, even though theres room for improvement in overall complexity. I am a sucker for simple but enjoyable things. <<less
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