My Gaming Friends Are Returnees, And Are Obsessed With Me


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After dropping out of college due to a false #MeToo accusation, I immersed myself in gaming.

However, for some reason, my friends are extraordinary.

…Why are they so obsessed with me?

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My Game Friends Are So Obsessed With Me
내 겜친들이 귀환자인데 집착함
Related Series
The S-Classes That I Raised (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Hunter/Gate/Tower/Etc. Series - Not Read Pt.2
  2. Peak Yanderes

Latest Release

Date Group Release
07/10/24 SSS Grade Tls c127
07/06/24 SSS Grade Tls c126
06/27/24 SSS Grade Tls c125
06/25/24 SSS Grade Tls c124
06/23/24 SSS Grade Tls c123
06/22/24 SSS Grade Tls c122
06/21/24 SSS Grade Tls c121
06/20/24 SSS Grade Tls c120
06/19/24 SSS Grade Tls c119
06/17/24 SSS Grade Tls c118
06/16/24 SSS Grade Tls c117
06/15/24 SSS Grade Tls c116
06/14/24 SSS Grade Tls c115
06/13/24 SSS Grade Tls c114
06/12/24 SSS Grade Tls c113
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101275368 rated it
May 14, 2024
Status: c43
Made an acc just to give this a bad review.

It's fine at first, but some of the characters delay telling the MC who they are for a while, which is quite annoying.

That isn't even why I dropped it there.

One of the girls who is an idol, likes another girl, who she doesn't "know" is a girl, and who is in the same guild as the MC and her.

I usually wouldn't mind this, but it was done so badly, and out of seemingly nowhere, that it almost made me drop it right then and there.

But due to random things happening with no apparent reason, I dropped this. MC doesn't flirt with any of them, don't know what the other dude in the comments was talking about. Anyway, it just objectively, past ch 10 or so, isn't good.
21 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
January 22, 2024
Status: c8
The writing is decent enough, minor issues with translation (likely AI mtl) aside.

Main character is adequate but a tad inconsistent, moving a bit too quick from being a bundle of nerves to ur standard kindhearted JP talk-no-jutsu MC. Supporting casts are detailed and distinct, which is good considering there will be more of em.

Story is formulaic, likely, and development hasn't started after 8 episodes. It is consistent with the genre and type, but I hope there's some variety to it. Given that the world building delivered a few fresh... more>> twists to the standard korean hunter setting, it might be justified to follow and keep watch.

Tentative 3/5 for now. <<less
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Psy0 rated it
May 6, 2024
Status: c68
This basically a story about your typical average looking Korean guy who somehow got himself involved in a massive end of world plot. He is powerless in a world of Hunters, gates, tower, time traveler, sliders?, and numerous Returnees with immense superpowers and severe PTSD.

Our MC is a "normal" person, but as fate would have it he is at the center of it all. His death may lead to the end of the world. Our MC is dense but not clueless.

The author showed a very interesting completely messed up world... more>> but doesn't go deeply into world building or the dynamics among the different powers. The romance is a bit forced, comedic, and messy. Our guy has a harem of potentially world ending yanderes and he's still flirting between them. When will he get a clue? Actually he eventually realize but how will he get off the rollercoaster?

This story has massive potential but is really distracted by a romcom focused novel. That's why it's a 4 star and not 5. Still it's not a bad read. <<less
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Rockey rated it
July 6, 2024
Status: c110
This novel is underrated in my opinion. It has quite a few tropes and small moments that some find lackluster or straight up annoying, but not all.

Apparently most people can't handle dense for the sake of story progression. (At least that is my guess as to why there are so many low star reviews.) This is something I personally don't find much trouble with. Especially considering that the author gives an explanation for mc's behaviour. (Unfortunately, it's bad though.)

If I were to drop a novel after something annoying to... more>> me appears and give it a low mark, more than a half Korean novels would fit into that, as I despise misunderstandings. (This novel has very few if you're curious.)

Back on point, the translation is very good considering it is Mtl. It was so good, to the point that I at times forgot it was mtl at all. (Still Mtl thought)

My actual rating for this novel is 4/5. Some of the reasons for that are mentioned above, but the main part is personal taste.

A minor spoiler:


There are too many girls in the harem.

While some might not be bothered by it, I am. As there cannot be a happy ending for such novel.

But don't let me discourage you from trying it for yourself. It has quite a few great romance plotlines and the traction between the heroines are really fun to read.

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