M*rder Mystery VR


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It’s the year 2222 in Japan, and while it feels like the near future, civilization hasn’t quite progressed as much as people hoped – or perhaps it has, depending on how you look at it. Rai Mei Itsukushima, the protagonist of our story, is a self-proclaimed IT geek with no particular outstanding qualities or a significant other. He’s earned the moniker “Mr. Middle-aged” without any real accomplishments to his name.

However, in this era, he becomes involved in the development of a dreamlike experience and deduction game that uses VR technology called “mu*der Mystery VR” (abbreviated as ‘MMVR’). By manipulating brainwaves, it creates a virtual reality within a dreamlike state.

The game is set on the spaceship “Heliopolis” during an interstellar voyage, where a mu*der occurs. Players take on the role of one of the characters and must witness the outcome of the event.

‘MMVR’ has garnered high praise and has shown no glitches, and its official release seemed imminent. However, just before the launch, Rai Mei receives feedback that his son, who participated as a test player, is behaving strangely.

Although the headquarters does not seem to take much notice of a single vague comment, Rai Mei can’t help but be concerned. He decides to join ‘MMVR’ as a player in the beta version during its trial run.

“I’m too old for this,” Rai thinks.

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M*rder Mystery VR ~SF電脳空間でミステリー体験? VRの世界へようこそ~
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10/22/23 Jaybrooke Translations c2
10/22/23 Jaybrooke Translations c1
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