Mediterranean Hegemon of Ancient Greece


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This is a time of great powers: The vast Persia, Sparta that was founded by force, Athens with its trade and business, Thebes the rising star, The ambitious Macedonia, The twin heroes of the Western Mediterranean, The rising Rome and so on.

This is an era of brilliant stars: Agesilaus II – the last king of Sparta, Epaminondas – the Rising General of Thebes, Philip II – the founder of Macedonian’s hegemon, Dionysius – the tyrant of Syracuse, Camillus – the Roman dictator and savior…

This is an era of contention among a hundred schools of thought: Plato – the great philosopher, Antisthenes – founder of cynicism, Pythagoras – school of number, Democritus – the encyclopedia scholar, Hippocrates – the father of western medicine, Aristophanes – the great dramatist…

What will the hero bring to the world when he comes to this age as a humble mercenary through rebirth?

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Cổ Hi Lạp Chi Địa Trung Hải Bá Chủ
Mediterranean Hegemon of Ancient Greece
Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Reincarnation in the past
  2. Kingdom Building in Ancient Times
  3. male protagonists
  4. Needles in the haystack
  5. Time Travel 101

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53 Reviews sorted by

lefinensis rated it
December 27, 2021
Status: c443
An intriguing read at first, but as the story goes past chapter 400, tons of characters are introduced for filler chapters that doesn't really have anything to do with history or the main plot. The author doesn't really give a sh*t whether the pacing of the story is destroyed or whether the reader can actually follow the events and geographical details in question. All that the author cares is to churn out garbage after garbage of filler side stories to distract you from any relevant main events because the author... more>> doesn't give a f*ck even if the story is incoherent. He gets paid with the word count, while you have to scour all the previous chapters just to figure out who the f*ck is this f*cker who gets f*cked up a chapter later while the main character is missing for more than twenty chapters. And you had to f*cking trudge on how idiotic behavior and incompetence of irrelevant side characters just so the idiot author can continue reintroducing the main character as someone who saves the day.

If you hate slow shitty filler filled story that only wastes your time, and is filled with idiotic irrelevant side stories that doesn't even entertain, don't f*cking read this shit. <<less
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Vagrant rated it
August 6, 2021
Status: c300
A hidden gem for sure. I can even compare this novel to "the romance of the three kingdom" since there are a lot of great stuff that I love from three kingdom presents in this novel, added some modern fresh air:

1. The author has immense knowledge about the mediterranean era. This is not just some wiki search but actual study, and you can feel it in his writing.

2. The battles actually have proper tactic, not army A fight army B while the leader compete who is more op in those... more>> fantasy chinese bs novel.

3. All the generals and soldiers behave like actual commander and fighter. They are not dumb-down at all. Their ideas in the conference, although clashing with each other, reveal their wisdom and experience. Our protagonist also dont just come up with a strategy->everyone call him a genius. MC has to work a lot and proves himself in the battlefield to earn their respect. "Respect" here means that they see him as an equal, not as an idol. They also learn and make MC's strategy their own, like all competent general should.

4. The MC Devos and his lover is both likeable. I really appreciate the author for not making this a harem. This story is character-driven, and Devos is a man of his own, not driven by someone else.

The only nitpicking I have in this novel is a disease almost all ln or wn protagonist that return to the past suffer: genius jack-of-all-trade. Like, are they all Da Vinci or st? Well, at least this is not fantasy so his opness is nerfed a little bit. <<less
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chrysanthemum enthusiast
chrysanthemum enthusiast rated it
June 6, 2021
Status: c302
I like the story. The battles are quite fun and intriguing and the characters are... interesting enough. I don't like tech-uplifts since it's annoying. In tech-uplifts the MC will go back to the past and somehow remember how to make gunpowder, printing press, cannons, etc. Where on Earth are people studying that they know these things? Also, they take the main focus away from the story. Instead of the story being about war or intrigue, the story becomes filled with explanations about the invention and how it's so useful for... more>> multiple pages. Basically, tech-uplift bad and I have the correct opinion about them.

Anyways, I'm giving this story 4 stars since nothing is perfect. The government of Theonia is a one-party system which relies heavily on its members being not corrupt. Almost absolute power is also vested on the leader so if a terrible leader were to take power then it'd be a disaster. <<less
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Roonyddevil rated it
May 27, 2021
Status: v8c20
If you are looking for a good kingdom building and focussed on history, strategy, town management thats your pie.

People looking for modern science vs mediaeval period should refrain from reading as you would be disappointed.

Why I said this is in line with my expectations and rating as a modern man and in the age of internet MC should have come across some basic knowledge of different types of weapons. MC develops a type of mangonel but forgot about trebuchets, battering rams etc. He even has a peace period of more... more>> than 10 years but does not even develops basic black gunpowder. Considering he has a large ruling area and manpower he should have developed some early industrial era. But the author is bent on sticking to strategy plot armour. In my opinion a modern man will wreck havoc in 10+ years in ancient time as they didnt even had the idea of sitwrep.

The world building is great as the author has a good grasp of ancient greek period.

There are some issues in character building but overall not so bad. <<less
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Mahesvara_ rated it
April 1, 2024
Status: c49
I really can't enjoy stories unless they had good character interactions. The characters are realistic and reasonable which is good but they can't pique my interest at all and their interaction with MC is very shallow, they call each other friends/comrades etc but lacks of feelings and even the romance doesn't give any satisfaction, the author doesn't show what the other characters is thinking, I don't know if they really loyal to the MC or they're just flattering him. They're too ambiguous.

All in all... I can't trust any characters around... more>> him because of it and this isn't a good feeling.

Aside from that I don't like how the MC is just all about knowing the history and management, especially with those convenient characters around him, so his management skills felt underwhelming. I prefer MC with a scheming mind which I didn't get from the MC here at all.

This story is about the MC obtaining all the authority and fame because there's no better character around him. So much opportunity around but for some reason only the MC takes it and other characters also let the MC take it. The leaders around him just felt too average for me. <<less
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Max_jd rated it
February 14, 2024
Status: Completed
One of the best kingdom building novels.
The only bad thing: the ending, and the squandering of potential in terms of modern technology.

The ending: Abrupt and inconclusive. It doesn't do the novel justice.

The modern technology: this is something that really made me despair throughout the novel. I'm not even asking you to introduce gunpowder, (I gave up on that around chapter 700) but at least something as simple as paper. It's an insolito that you introduced it with the novel already practically finished.
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promet rated it
June 24, 2023
Status: c538
A good story if you were looking for a casual historical semi-documentary. As a novel? Not so much.

Generally speaking, it's good as a kingdom building story. The author has really researched the historical setting, and while my historical knowledge isn't enough to judge the accuracy well, it seems rather high. There's lots of tactics, strategy, politics, and other things related to running a country. As far as kingdom building and such things are concerned, it is an excellent story. Also, the author deserves respect for pulling off an ancient European... more>> setting very well despite being Chinese (let's be honest, we know many Chinese authors are racist and condescending when it comes to depicting Europeans in their stories... which would've been a giant problem in a setting limited solely to Europeans, though we have Africans and people from the Middle East as well).

It's pretty similar to Release That Witch, especially in the way we have multiple POVs that help introduce either the country or the current situation, as well as enemies, except that we don't really have any fantasy elements, and the protagonist only brings common sense with him to the ancient times, not some specialist knowledge. Which is good in my opinion. I like it. It's pretty similar to alternative history genre of actual paper book and is on a similar level.

Unfortunately, it has a very significant weakness: there is little basis for emotional connection with the characters. In other words, you don't feel for the characters much, let alone care about them. It isn't that bad at first, but as the scale grows, this sense of "disconnect" grows. For example:


the first waifu of the MC still has a bit of a buildup (nothing special, but passable), but her relevance to the story steadily decreases (fortunately, she remains relevant). Meanwhile, the second waifu was quite a bit of an asspull, especially since the author completely skipped the courtship and premarital stage and simply stuffed her into MC's house using a time skip. Lazy, clumsy, awkward, amateurish, and just plain boring.


Therefore, I recommend you read this if you like kingdom building or alternative history. I don't recommend reading it for any other tags.

Also, if you are already bored around chapters 150-200, expect things to get even more boring in the long run. I initially stopped reading it just past chapter 250 out of boredom, resumed from that point after a year or two, and again decided to drop it after 538. <<less
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awful, just godawful prose

if you can stand this, go ahead:

"Haha! Are you scared? My friend." Cyrus the Younger came forward and gave Patikias a powerful hug, and he did not mind Patikias' dusty and sweaty body at all. Then, he turned around and got on the horse and shouted, "Friends, are you afraid?!"

... more>> Of course, the followers of Cyrus the Younger expressed their courage one after another.

"Even if Artaxerxes had more soldiers, he is still the timid Artaxerxes! Don't forget, a small hound could scare him to pee!" Cyrus the Younger's vulgar words made the people around him laugh.

"And I have you! And my army! Together we defeated the mighty Athens! The Athens that had repeatedly defeated us in Persia!" Cyrus the Younger's eyes swept through each person and the men straightened their chest.

"We still have the brave Greeks! They fought side by side with us!" Cyrus the Younger looked to the right where the Greek heavy infantry began their slow formation. Seeing this, he felt confident, "We are unstoppable! We are invincible!!" <<less
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Temp950 rated it
December 21, 2022
Status: c131
The story itself seems interesting enough, and its clear the author either did a decent amount of research or knows enough about the subject to write on it and not seem out of his depth. But the main issue so far is the translation. It started out decently, but by chapter 11 it devolves into nonsensical sentences here and there with the rest being poorly translated. Its MTL with editing on top. However, the editing is spotty, with many sentences making little sense grammatically. It seems to be getting better... more>> as the translation goes on, although there are still mistakes. But the overall story and concept is so right up my alley that I find myself still reading it. Perhaps the best thing I like about this is the attention to detail when it comes to writing a novel set in a historical period. I've read some similar Japanese novels where the protagonist goes to an other world and uses his knowledge of history to revolutionize the way they fight. But a lot of those seemed to be based on a really shallow understanding of the subject. Here its clear the author spent quite a bit of time looking into how things were done in those times and how society functioned. Sure there is a good bit of make believe required and problems seem too easily solved at times, but its not to the point where it seems silly. <<less
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SleepingOtter rated it
June 24, 2022
Status: c550
Wow this novel is good. I read all translated chapters in like a week. The author really knows the time period well. Hell, I learned quite a bit and had a Map of ancient Magna Graecia open on a second tab. The author fleshes out a lot of the historical figures extremely well. The kingdom building is one of the best I ever read and I love that it doesn't become a mindless Technology uplift. The subordinates are sometimes too loyal, but that is not a big problem.

He gets betrayed multiple times, but never by someone in his inner circle.


His enemies are intelligent and manage to get victories. Of course as soon as the MC himself steps on the battlefield he quite satisfactory stomps them into the ground.

The "harem" is not a big problem for me since the two marriages are reasonable and one is even political.

The translation has some errors a proofreader could have catched but is overall pretty nice. (There a lot of translator notes)

The negative points:

  • The update rate. 5 chapters a week is more than some novels, but with the amount a chapters still untranslated it feels way to slow. At that rate the novel would be fully translated in 2025.
  • There are no other. The novel is so good that any other negative point would be nitpicking
P.S. For the translator: Advanced chapters are way too expensive. 25$ for 15 chapters is straight up robbery. Especially with the length of a chapter. 15$ for 25 chapters would be more reasonable and something like 15$ for 40 chapter would bring you a lot more patreons. Just saying.
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yugmodnar rated it
July 8, 2021
Status: c400
This is a great story! It starts out with a couple chapters of exposition and frequent typos, but it gets better. The translation is perfected (or they get an editor) later on.

Edit: Loses its charm in volume six. The protagonist is very passive and reactive which slows down the progression and causes unnecessary betrayal/assassination/conflict arcs.

Relatively minor spoilers for volume six: ... more>>

The author does a time skip in which there is 3 years of peace to stabilize Theonia. However, apparently little to nothing happens except Davos nurturing traitors, causing cities to fall into protests, and alienating his nations allies. His spies don't even notice discontent, treachery, or even huge armies gathering to attack his nation until they are already nearby

I can only assume the author took on more than he could handle and needed a less capable protagonist as a result. <<less
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mordicus18 rated it
April 6, 2021
Status: c269
It is good. At times, there is to much good luck but I just let it fly over my head. I more excited to see how much his empire and religion will florish and impact over nations.
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Yenzo rated it
October 10, 2021
Status: c73
This story should be a great read. I'm not a historician but I have been told that the story has a high historic accuracy. Reading the details about the use of weapons/formations and the differences between the countries I am willing to believe this historic accuracy.

Other than that the MC seems likeable and is willing to use his brain. So both the world building as well as the MC are great sellers for this story.

There hasn't been a lot of character development, but this might be because I've only read... more>> till c73.


Not really part of the review:

Unfortunately I had to drop this because the grammar in the translation gave me a headache

Ofcourse it is nothing compared to MTL, so if you're not disturbed by bad grammar it shouldn't be any problem.


I do find it lacking in all aspects compared with real 5star novels like Lord of the Mysteries. On the other hand it's way ahead compared with most of the "top 10" novels. Which results in a 4 star rating. <<less
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