Martial Peak


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The journey to the martial peak is a lonely, solitary and long one. In the face of adversity, you must survive and remain unyielding. Only then can you break through and continue on your journey to become the strongest. High Heaven Pavilion tests its disciples in the harshest ways to prepare them for this journey. One day the lowly sweeper Yang Kai managed to obtain a black book, setting him on the road to the peak of the martials world.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Wu Lian Dianfeng
Wǔ Liàn Diān Fēng
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Ancient Strengthening Technique (3)
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118 Reviews sorted by

66382910364 rated it
September 25, 2021
Status: c6009
The book is finally over. Just one year ago I couldn't imagine myself reading any sort of book, yet now I have read ~20k chapters (very rough estimate) of this and want more.

Firstly, I recommend starting with the manhua as it is much faster to read. Although it leaves some small details out, none of them are important later. I started the manhua when it had 1011 chapters and caught up a few days later when it had 1022 chapters (it updates at like 16 a week). Didn't start the... more>> novel until the manhua had 1100 chapters. So I recommend reading the manhua until you run out of manhua, and then read on Divine Dao Library (DDL) until you run out there, then reading on either Comrade Mao (wrong chapter numbers) or WNMTL.

What I think the story does best is the world and cultivation system established. I've never found the cultivation realms confusing and always felt I was able to understand what powers each realm had. This is a problem that has made me annoyed reading many other manhua, so although I'm not sure if it is a common problem in novels, it was a big plus for me. As I was reading I enjoyed imagining what would happen next, where he would go, how the world of the novel connected together. As he went to higher worlds I had vivid images of what each place was like in my head. It's hard for me to put into words what I like about the novel by all this, but I really enjoy imagining things that could happen in its world.

The main character, Yang Kai, is pretty consistent in how he acts. Although sometimes he can be quite s*upid, he usually has the right idea of what to do. One thing I really didn't like doesn't matter much after a few hundred chapters, but what happened at chapter 4375 and what YK had to say about it seemed to conflict his character and was hard to read. He isn't overly cruel and spiteful, except for a few cases. He is a very stereotypical main character of a cultivation novel. There is romance and a harem.

Most of the novel follows a general pattern where he cultivates to the peak of a world then goes to the higher one. The highlight of the novel for me is when he goes back to lower worlds and is a cultivation level they haven't heard of before.

Nothing horrible ever really happens to the MC, but there are a few sad moments I can remember, specifically

Yang Yan waking up her true body and Yu Zhuo's death.

MC basically has unlimited plot armor covering him and the people around him. The main problem I had while reading the novel was its length. Sometimes I would try to put off reading the novel because some things would be dragged out way too long. Greatest example of this is chapters 2800-2900 which I took the liberty to skip altogether. Fights are often dragged out unnecessarily when he should win easily, sometimes he repeats descriptions of things (I don't know if this is widespread throughout the novel I saw it in a recent chapter).

There are a few places that the novel contradicts itself but its 6009 chapters it seems bound to happen.

Biggest problem with the novel is that

he never married Zhang Ruoxi

. But fortunately, you can pretend it happened since it never said it didn't.

This story was a wonderful journey, and I am happy that MoMo made it as long as he did, even though he may not have planned to and it was annoying for past me to read. Looking forward to reading the manhua as it continues, and seeing parts of this story again. Sorry for the rambling and not proof read review. I'm probably biased since this is the first novel I have read. I usually read manhua/manhwa/manga. <<less
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OP_Female_MC rated it
May 14, 2020
Status: c16
I have read many translated web novels before, many of which had irritating spelling/ grammar mistakes or just poor edited/ translated, but I know being a translator isnt easy, we all make these kind of mistakes and I appreciate the work they do so I live with it. However the translator of this novel irritated me to the point where for the first I registered to a site just so I could comment and let out my frustrations! Every other sentence is a TN note or Editor response to the... more>> TN note. We dont need a blow by blow from you interrupting the flow of the story. The comments arent even at the bottom of the page, but right in the middle of the paragraphs! Come on dude, its just too excessive. I dropped this book twice because the translator was just too annoying.... The story itself seems ok, generic cultivation novel, but cant get into it for reason stated above. <<less
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Galfort rated it
April 17, 2020
Status: c1139
There are people who treat this novel like a magnum opus and its clearly not one of these, its ok at most, don't take me wrong, I liked it, but after a while logic and cultivation levels (power levels) do not matter anymore, I found myself speed reading through some arcs wanting to finish them quickly because I thought they were clearly an illogical nonsense.

Every novel protagonist have some degree of "plot armor" and it's not wrong because it's normal, the problem arise when this literary resource is abused by... more>> the author and this novel use it a lot.

EDIT: At chapter 1139 cultivation level still don't matter, MC have so many inheritances, luck, or whatever that he can fight and kill people one whole realm (not minor realm) stronger than him without sweat and not using all his cards. <<less
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Hmde28 rated it
April 4, 2020
Status: --
It was good at first until it reach to the point that everything is redundant which is really tiring to read. Almost all females are cringy as f*ck except Yang Yan who is useful. This novel only focuses on the ML which basically going to ancient ruins/dungeon then getting all the benefits while fighting all the people who have underestimated him or maybe saving a female in distress/some people. It is really REDUNDANT! He went to higher realm just to save his useless woman nothing else. I don't know why... more>> some people give it higher rating and not getting tired of reading the same plot which is really boring. <<less
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khanz113 rated it
January 16, 2019
Status: c450
1==>What I don't like about chinese novels is that they always put too much plot armour to bear which turns even a good story into a crappy, shitty story.

2==> MC is tr*sh, gets lucky and obtains rare artifacts, cultivation methods, OP SKILLS, then kills arrogant young masters. After that ascends to higher realm and still remains tr*sh.

3==> Authors repeat the same scenarios with different characters just by a little tweaking as making MC ascend the higher realm.

4==> chinese authors just don't know how to write with good artistic style and... more>> when to put"the end" to the story. Simply by seeing the number of chapters and status of the story you can easily guess that it is gonna be pretty bad story as stories with numerous chapters just don't make any sense. The story in those kind of novels will be all over the place. This story"martial peak" has 4313chapters and it still is in ongoing mode. Who would waste time reading these kind of stories. We have to wait for chapters according to translators schedule. This story is being translated since 2015 and only reached chapter548. In this sense readers will die of old age but the stories won't reach their ending. <<less
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MachiV rated it
July 7, 2023
Status: Completed
Starting is still ok, surviving thru wits and persistence. Last arc is simply dragging it out, full of plot holes and plot armour. Never had a novel that I was so glad to finish reading.
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b3rz rated it
March 1, 2020
Status: c1100
The story is interesting with all the usual stuff you get to read in Chinese LNs, but if you just glance at the wiki and reach around ch1000 you will clearly know what you are getting into. (Kinda like DBZ, but with even more chapters).

On another aspect, if you check the backlog, 4 years to reach 1100 (cur. 5100), you're better off learning Chinese than waiting 15+ years to catch up (the translation pace is good but with over 5k chapters, that's a really long way)

Consider carefully if you... more>> really want to spend a lot of your time reading this novel. <<less
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cubetoedge rated it
August 22, 2019
Status: --
intriguing story much better than most CNs the only problem is the character development basically the Hypocrite Mc!!

the plot starts with a shrewd ruthless smart MC but as it progressed he became a pe*vert and a rapist who woulld meet women r*pe them and if he likes then he takes responsibility if he doesnt like he leaves them and the other party is understanding!! So great!

okay as the novel started the MC was straightforward he treated friends and enemies how they should be treated but as it progressed he became... more>> one ungrateful son of b*tch. He goes to a sect with friendly or neutral stand loots them secrectly and then decides to run off when they are in peril at times he helps them but takes benefit out of their ordeal which he himself created after looting their treasures and this happened so many times believe me if these 2 points of MC were not present this would have been a good novel. <<less
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Rath rated it
August 20, 2019
Status: --
The best comparison is that this novel is a better version of Against the Gods. It even earned double the stars that I would give ATG...

It's a decent story overall ruined by mindless tropes that's in most fast food xianxia. Like all xianxia, it is amazing in the first world but turns to sh*t instantly once he goes to a higher realm. The story still has its moments and I still keep up with it even through the frustration.

This forced plot of randomly pulling someone too different areas or worlds... more>> gets overused in this novel and its something I've been long tired of in this genre. <<less
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Skiventzy rated it
August 13, 2019
Status: c814

He has the good looks, the intellect, the body, the "fastest car", he gets all the girls. His name is Yang Kai, and he is the MC of this story. Everybody loves Yang Kai :p.


[+] I like this novel, against my better judgement. I like it is an easy read and it flows nicely. There are many entertaining fights and the adventure and world building is continuous. There are very few dull moments because things progress swiftly. Cultivation is simple and does not hinder the story. There is a little harem going on here, but it is done pretty well. The romance angle is strong enough, so that it becomes a major motivation for the MC actions. It is not only about cultivation, only 96%.

[-] The story has some obvious shortcomings. The entertainment values and easy life for the MC are more important than real struggles and suspense. This is partially because the MC, Yang Kai, has an impressively overpowering cultivation item, like a super power. The MC has to struggle more in the earliest arcs, but soon he becomes very powerful and confident. It is almost like he knows he has ridiculous level of plot armor and what ever happens, his collection of cheats will clear the way for him. Even if things look very bad, he rarely if ever runs away just to be safe. He also finds treasure more often that I find unpaid bills.

[+] Even if he has selfish and narcissistic tendencies, the MC can be surprisingly honorable and trusted friend, so he is sometimes stuck in situations where he ends up helping people even if it risky. He even genuinely tries to keep his promises and is generous to people, while he is adventuring alone in the dog-eat-dog cultivation world. He is a good guy MC.

[-] The most serious critique I have for this series is, that after all the world building by ch.814, I find it hard to accept that all the cultivation groups in this vast universe are so similar everywhere. The cultures and languages are the same, so that our smartypants-MC can easily decipher and guess what other cultivators are thinking or how they will react to different situations. It would be much more interesting if there were real communication barriers and cultural differences. Or would that be too complicated and difficult for the average reader? It certainly is complicated for the writer, so we do not see it here.

[+] Intellectually speaking, I should really hate this novel, but instead I like it. The reasons are laziness and emotional. I like an easy read at the end of the day. I have also followed this for a couple of years, so I want to follow up and see what is going on with Yang Kai. I also like action movies, and those are generally rather simple and s*upid, so in comparison to those stories this is practically high literature.

[- - -] However, it is daunting to think there are (at the moment) 4549 chapters published in the original language. How can any story stay good or even moderately interesting indefinitely? The time of commitment would also be incredible. With this translation speed it would take 12 years to reach these current original language chapters (300 chapters per year = 12 years; 400 chapters per year = 9, 5 years). I will probably continue martial peak until a decent payoff point and drop it then. There are better and shorter stories out there.

The + and - were list was balanced until this last extra long minus.
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iamnotahater rated it
May 14, 2019
Status: c690
The release schedule is too slow for DDL at the current pace to catch up to the COO it would take 13.6 years. That is after 100+ chapters were already done by another team. It's important to know before starting because this series has zero chance to be completely translated.

Now for the story itself. The character is half-degenerate half white knight. Which mostly matches the real world people are complicated rarely is a person all good or all bad so while others attack the character as choatic and not consistent... more>> I don't take that as a bad thing.

However, the rest of the story is sort of uninteresting it starts off well with well flushed off characters but as it goes along the MC and Author become less interested in the world and the relationships that surround him and more interested in cultivation. The author even writes it such a way like the MC has needs (hasn't shown an interest in a woman for years according to the novel) he then looks to satiate his lust and moves on.

He then follows the standard wixia practice of leaving the area finding a fortunate event leveling up. I really hope it changes and keep in mind this review is only upto what has been translated to 690 but what started out as an intresting novel sort of fell into a standard level up wixia. Disappointed 2/10. 1/5 <<less
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RooRooMEB rated it
July 13, 2018
Status: c3878
I like the story over all. I can say that because I've read almost the whole thing, unlike some people who give it a 1 star because it has 4000 chapters erg.

My biggest issue is that he lost a charater that he shouldn't have, I think the author just forgot. BUT MY BIGGEST, BIGGEST ISSUE IS AFTER HE GETS THE THING, he still always leaves everyone behind like a dumb a...

And if your going to take ur side characters, you can take ur wives to erg so annoying...

This is a... more>> recurring arc novel, but each arc has its own interesting things. It pretty much goes weak to strong area, like video game, beat the boss invasion. Find out there are greener pastures, go exploring, set up, bring family and friends along, after is top dog of the area. Sees them for maybe a few months and then does it all over again. Which is a little annoying after he gets the thing he doesn't need to leave them be hind but he still does. Sigh.

What I like is that there are lots of interesting things, that the author puts in there to read about, I really wish that they would make some of these into anime. I can't say what those interesting thing are, but there are a lot of them. I don't like how he kinda drops stuff after a while, that should still be important tho. Over all I liked it, though suffering through machine translation for almost 4000 chapters is balls.

Also even if he has a bunch of girls, he really only has relationships once in a while. Which is interesting, though the author seems to make his personality go back and forth on this point all the time... <<less
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iToon rated it
August 29, 2023
Status: c5870
Im starting to lose interest in this novel. At time, I feel like I couldn't get enough of this, but other time, I feel like reading all the way to the end would be so tiring.

After the MC head to the Star Boundary, I feel like the story is going in circle. He started out as a nobody, but eventually not only caught up but surpassed those cultivators who had already started cultivated thousands, if not ten of thousand of years before him in a matter of dozen years, and... more>> they had to depend or even looked up to him.

Sure, he is talented, heaven-defying, and a lucky guy, which is indispensable for cultivators, but if some patterns kept on repeating itself, it became quite predictable and I was somewhat able to tell what was going to happen with the following chapters.

Im taking a break from this but will eventually finish this novel as I am someone who won't just drop something halfway. <<less
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EvilDevil rated it
January 7, 2023
Status: c718
You can push till 700+ but not more than that.

First 400 around are good but after that it goes downhill.

Reasons I don't like it.

... more>> 1) MC doesn't wanna interact with girls, but he teases all of them for one reason or other and they (girls) start developing feelings - again and again, every few chapters. And they're all beautiful (which is fine, but why don't they have some decent criteria other than just being strong and teasing them)

2) MC gets into trouble ever so often, especially after he ascends. Trouble finds him for no reason, even when he wants to avoid it. Having trouble once in 50 chaps is ok, but in this new trouble every 10 chaps. (Not literally) <<less
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adalV rated it
November 22, 2022
Status: --
basically meng hao but worse and more reliant on cheats in beginning, later it changes into sh*tshow where all previous world building goes to waste, all harem members attain high cultivation lvls by existing... well its not like it matters when MC skips dozens of lvls because "his battle power is higher than his realm" aka usual martial novel bs but in higher form

novel could be good if author didnt put in so many fillers, didnt drag it so much and ended with "only" like 1500 chapters, cause 4k chapters... more>> arent worth it for subpar martial arts novel <<less
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dominusdeus17 rated it
January 9, 2022
Status: c2698
Honestly I enjoy this novel. It's not super special but it does everything right. I was never bored reading this which is the most important thing I think. Does Yang Kai always come out on the winning side, yes.

I think the biggest loss I can remember him taking recently was that he had to eat a precious treasure raw instead of refining it in to a pill. OH NO!

but that's the charm of this kind of novel. The bad guys are obviously bad, they do bad things and almost always get what they deserve. Sometimes it's nice to read something where there is little to no moral ambiguity. The MC isn't a saint but I feel like he has definite morals and protects his own. The current update rate and transaction quality are great. Easily above the bar. It's hard to translate stuff particularly from Chinese to English but they do it at a rate of almost three chapters a day and it is always very understandable (higher praise than it sounds like). The story arcs are always interesting and fun. His harem (something that you aren't going to go without in this kind of novel) is fairly tasteful and aren't treated as trophies (at least as much as possible for a harem) the novel was never very focused on romance but I do enjoy a little bit at least. It makes the protagonist seem more human and relatable. If you like cultivation novels this is one of the better ones out there. I don't know why this is marked as xuanhuan because it is more of a xianxia
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slizka rated it
January 7, 2022
Status: c301
Yeah, so, nothing great. Lots of cultivation infodump, slow story progress, useless "romance" stuff that is just simply disturbance to the story and the intimate parts, those are the worst, always feeling like making you a voayer behind closed doors (hearing but not seeing, uhhg..)... All in all, there are better novels and I really don't understand the hype around this tr*sh novel...
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jack hoang
jack hoang rated it
December 28, 2021
Status: --
It's not good but not bad either, you can read this if you have nothing else to do, I don't like how the MC treats his lovers, they are basically "objects" that he carries around, literally. He once put all his lovers into a pocket dimension then carried them around with him, only taking them out when he wanted to do do "stuff" with them or just to show off to everybody around him since all of them are gorgeous.
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That corner dude
That corner dude rated it
August 11, 2021
Status: c3844
I don't know about quality and sh*t but I find the novel quite enjoyable. I'm starting from around 1400 to 2250

The explanation of the situation can be overwhelming, you can just skip some of the unnecessary parts.

The good one is MC isn't a s*upid and the story is also quite serious so you won't really find unreasonable arrogant young master or any kind of ret*rded mobs somewhere else who just blatantly mocking and underestimating MC without any reason. Most of the character has their own goal or reasoning even though... more>> simple but they are not just a dumb plain obstacle made purposely for MC to growth.

Just like other people said it's not a high quality or even masterpiece, there are no complicated arcs and unexpected twist that can induce the excitement like adrenaline shot but its still a good read to fill your idle time.


Some addition now I already on chapter 3844.


Up until now nothing special happened. You might get bored because I feel the same.

Starting of Star Boundary arc, it's the same as before. YK with his 'heaven defying luck' having a lot of 'fated' encounter that smooths his cultivation progress. Unavoidable conflicts here and there and of course he cleaned it beautifully. From weak to strongest, yet again. And again, it's the same like before on the last big arcs. The main villain is trying to conquer the world so YK eventually become stronger then make great contribution under the crisis of the world and starting to become the main lead in the world. He then again become the hero, defeat the invader and lead everyone to victory. Of course he ended up become one of the top stronger cultivator there.

Some miscellaneous

YK take another 2 wives here, a dragon named Zhu qing and a succubus named Yu ru meng. Actually there's another one a human named Ji yao but her relationship aren't clearly explained in current arc. They already did some hot stuff, with interc**rse excluded (cockblocked by ru meng).

YK got an adoptive son named Yang Xiao. A dragon egg he successfully hatch. The kid inherit YK wisdom and personality with some twist, like he doesn't inherit his playful personality and get easily embarrassed from sexy stuff.

YK also got a new little sister named Yang Xue.


Yang Xiao and Yang Xue later develops a romantic feeling. And idk which chapter but Yang xiao promised to Yang xue to visit Yang family to ask in marriage. Although idk how it ended later.


Now some very personal complains from me :

A few plot holes appears and some forgotten stuff aren't mentioned again, same like before.

Some good harem candidates aren't chosen. For example Zhang Ruo Xi and Yang Yan which is kinda dumb. The author actually choose a random generated dragon woman and slap some aphrodisiact (i hope I spell it right) effect on their bloodline and make them f*ck literally in open space in broad day light. What a bizarre first encounter, hopefully her character design on manhua won't disappoint me.

The harem build up is garbage to satisfy man domination toward women (I swear I'm not a feminist). Why not just make all those girls that have close relationship with YK to join his harem? After all his wives doesn't have much impact with the core plot of the story. They prolly just exist as an eyecandy and a plot device whether it's situational, forced or not forced. 9 are weak number, even some beta japs MC can have more than that. Being a good morally person is just a bullsh*t excuse.

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April 19, 2021
Status: c4900
The novel is good at first but when the author forgets his previous statements it gets me upset and find it hard for me to read this anymore. I find it boring because of some filler arcs and the final arc is just so-so.

MC was so good at first because he didnt care about others but when the story goes on, he will become a timid sect master. He kills some powerhouses at first without blinking an eye but when the story progresses he will act as if he’s scared.... more>> And like the time when he goes to Black Ink Battlefield, what the f*ck is that he tells the whole secrets on what’s going on his home turf to some strangers. I dont know why the author did that and I just dropped it because of that. And for some you’ll really find it inconsistent.

like when the author says OH have low, middle, high realm. 8th rank OH can’t fight 3 7th rank but when a 9th rank OH weakened black ink they had a heavy casualties 300 7th rank and 5 8th rank powerhouses died hahahaha. What bullsh*t is that, thousands of 7th rank and hundreds of 8th rank teamed up just to kill a mere 9th OH weakened enemy.

ex. As per the author show how the real works

9th OH Black ink = 100 8th rank and thousands 7th rank

8th rank Heavenly Demon Spider = 3 7th rank

7th rank Zuo Qian Hui = 11 6th rank plus an overpowered 6th rank MC who can defeat a 3 6th rank peaked OH

What the f*ck is that bullshit! I can understand if its between a middle and high OH because author said that the power between them is heaven and earth. Anyways that’s what the author said so us readers will just read what he wrote. But I find it hard to read anymore. Just sayin <<less
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