Marquis of Grand Xia


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“The palace doors are like an endless abyss, once through the barrier between that life and this, I can be nothing more but a stranger.”

A shy teen’s life is forever changed when he finds himself in a different world one day; a world similar to his own except for the existence of True Qi and the Martial Path.

However, before that he has to deal with his impending castration and life as a fake eunuch in the 1000 year old empire of Grand Xia!

Watch as Ning Chen battle the Mongol Horde, fight through the depths of Hell and take on God himself with the aid of the mysterious Heavenly Scrolls as the awe-inspiring Marquis of Grand Xia.

Will this shy teen remain as innocent and carefree as before or will the hardships of war forever scar him and perhaps cost him his very life?

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The Master of the Great Xia Dynasty
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18 Reviews sorted by

sanushilshad rated it
February 18, 2018
Status: Completed


If you are looking for a novel similar to silly alchemist, then it would be best that you stop reading.

The empress dies, all the marquis dies, northern mongolien commander dies, twilight (the master of sword city) dies, blah blah to put it simply everyone dies including the cute little horse (killed by pluto) and the life of MC is tragic.
And there 'were' immortals in the past before pluto (god) wiped them out and crushed the path to immortality.
And the MC acquires the phoenix's source thus turning into phoenix himself.
There is no serious romance it's just tragedy after tragedy for the MC.

But it's a super novel which will make you cry. We don't have a MC with cheats like a grandpa or grandma inside a heaven defying ring or bead.

The achievement of MC is all due to his hardwork. And the talent of MC for cultivation is pathetic, but he works hard to stand up against others.
There are no arrogant young masters. Each antagonist is well fleshed out and even more ruthless and brillant than the MC.
There are no gold mine oppurtunities for the MC in the novel.
The female leads have thier own goals and personalities and is willing to undergo scarfices for their goals.
The MC doesn't overpower his mentors or friends throughout the series. And in fact have to put double the efforts than his friends to just reach them.
But his friends does die off which is tragic.
Even his first love Mu Chengxue scarifices her entire memories to save the MC, in return wandering the world not knowing who she is.
And another love interest the ghost girl looses her emotion and is wandering the world after helping the MC.
And even the MC dies only to be saved by prince yan (prince yan also dies fighting demon but got pulled from the reincarntion pool by the MC in return for his life essence using a forbidden spell) and ghost girl.

Edit: Meh, it's went to sh*t from the middle. A PERFECT novel RUINED by the author himself.

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JJ JIN rated it
August 11, 2017
Status: c6
Six chapters in, it is difficult to judge this series.

This is about a guy from Earth who by some means (not mentioned yet) went back in time to Xia dynasty.

He found himself in a terrible position, where his manhood were at risk.

He mingles his way out of the situation, but bump into the Empress who steals his money :P

This is a fun read so far, will certainly keep following!
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selweron rated it
September 15, 2017
Status: c16
Interesting, intriguing, slipping tongue, fierce, sweet, cute, fabulous! Great reincarnation story into a world of Grand Xia. Way easier read than Grandmaster Strategist without any such massive boring info dump. We can expect MC learning martial arts and becoming a strategist as well as a great general in future it seems (because of all the hints about Grand Xia facing doom just like in the Human Emperor). Also it is quite fresh and entertaining about how he implements modern knowledge into these undeveloped times.

The comedy is also top notch and... more>> doesn't interfere with the flow of the story :)

Oh, by the way, the females are introduced in a very good way and their behavior/conversations with our MC is so cuuute most of the time. Unlike all other harem stories, I really see majority of the girls as MC's future waifus! Even the Empress.. *Cough* *cough*

All this packed into 16 chapters. Damn, we need more releases, there's literally NOTHING wrong or bad with the novel so far, it would be hard to rate it below 5/5

Recommended! <<less
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shuiko rated it
August 31, 2017
Status: c12
This is really interesting. If I had to give an example of why this story is good. It's a mix of Duke of Deer Mountain, and some of even The Grandmaster Strategist in terms of political intrigue.

Super funny, with a great cast of characters. If only we got the 5x chapters a week right? Shame.
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Blackrabbit0634 rated it
October 10, 2017
Status: c63
Not exactly bad but I came here for the comedy & I was expecting something like "The Silly Alchemist" but too bad after

The MC gets crippled the story took a serious atmosphere & the comedy gets lesser every chapter

though the story isn't bad itself it isn't what I'm looking for currently so I'd probably put this in my waiting list for when I'm in the mood for a serious story..
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Nedrey rated it
March 30, 2018
Status: c85
Great turned mediocre. It started off very well with good writing and potential to really stick it, but turned into mediocrity when the author started trying to be creative by incorporating crappy martial arts and romance tropes into it.
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CrIsI rated it
July 16, 2020
Status: c183
I love this Novel, just that they stopped translating it so I have to read on sities with broken english. And seriously, the MC might not be an immortal but he has an infinite luck, the times he got at death door could be numbered with 4 arms and I'm still below chapter 200, he's really clever but also cold and indifferent to people, in general his enemies and the ones he doesn't know, lets say the "What does their past hardship have to do with me?" tipe of person,... more>> but considering that he works in the Imperial Palace it is also a needed trait, he too has his own circumstances so he doesn't care about others if not his loved ones, to them he shows his carefree and kind side while to those he respect he is loyal and... polite (most of the times), doing everything possible to save or help them when in danger.

Actually don't know how the spoiler thing works, but don't worry it's not spoiler so y can read (was just curious to try it)


What I like:

- there's No Romance, at last until chapter 200, where I am, when I read these combat and cunning based Novels I don't like a romantic subplot so this "positive trait" might only be liked by me.

- Good Story, tought the narrator doesn't say how the MC trasmigrated nor his past person, in a way is also good, maybe it will be reveled in the future and is part of the plot.

- Character Description is done most by action, you come to understand how MC and others thinks early but not in the first chapters, you have to wait for some things to happen, the narrator is quite useless here.

- There are others but I don't want to write anymore...

What I don't like:

- The translation stopped : ( ((

- well, nothing at the moment.


Now, imma tired of writin', so in short, read it if ya like combat, cold but kind MC, and no romance. <<less
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strongcoffee rated it
November 23, 2018
Status: c76
It started out very good. It was as funny as one Webnovel can be and then it just lost the plot somewhere. Forced Romance, Melodrama and predictable events. This is what makes a Novel stale as its hard to write cliches and lot harder to pull it off for more than 100 chapters.

I will say read it as the beginning is really good and see if you like it for yourself.
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Boon rated it
July 6, 2018
Status: c133
5/5. Surprisingly good.

I really like the humor of this author, so I was chuckling throughout the novel.

The MC is a great character. He is actually funny and fun to follow. I always need a hero to root for in a novel, and with the MC showing sacrificial love and determination to the death really makes him a character to root for.

... more>> The romance is done well, all the relationships are done really well. The characters and their interactions are well thought out.

The storyline starts out with the standard transmigration, but that is not forgotten like most other novels. The cliche transmigration and then a standard power up tool is usually cliche, but even after reading 100s of the same this still feels original. While the MC kicks butt, he is not OP and the fights don’t lack tension.

This is a great novel (so far) with intelligent enemies, a compassionate MC that is fun to follow, and lots of action with well thought out characters and plot line. The translation is also very good.

This gets full marks. <<less
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Reindeer rated it
March 10, 2018
Status: c78
If one were to ask what my favorite genre is, I would no doubt answer comedy. Interestingly enough, it isn't the comedy that made me stay and love this novel. While someone argued that this was the novel's main strength, I beg to differ. The comedy, although somewhat strong, lacked in presence and not as apparent as compared to novels like The Silly Alchemist and A Will Eternal. I figure that the author also noticed this as well and decided to just let go of it and instead focus on... more>> its tragedy side, which on my part was the right choice. I do agree though that the author seems to be quite amateurish at times, making a few silly mistakes like actually changing a novel's genre midway or suddenly introducing a love interest, but what I can appreciate about it is that he makes use of those mistakes and make them not so mistake-ish after all.

The action scenes are nothing special and not really all that clean but the atmosphere is well delivered. The romance is kinda not there yet, or maybe it is (?), the point is that the author isn't focusing on it quite yet. The tragedy is not really devastating tragic yet but the good tragedies I've read doesn't start off all out tragic as well. After that something happened to the MC

he fell off a cliff and ever since then he's been wheelchaired

, he's been quite miserable and hardly smiles anymore. I really like the edge it's giving off. The comedy is still there but not as frequent as the start of the novel.

The MC doesn't get to show off his modern knowledge very often, but the few times he did so were well done. He doesn't completely forget that he's from Earth and also knows that if he shows too much people will notice him more, although various people are already trying to silently kill him after inventing simple bombs (which to be honest is quite low on his things to be worried about list). What I like the most about the novel is that it is really good at delivering the atmosphere and, for lack of better word, epicness. Like how two people meets where one is heading north and the other south. The novel also has this kinda meta vibe that it gives off, showing a tragic version of an MC who transmigrates into a comedy novel.

I've just about said all that I could think of and the bottom line is that I really like this novel and would definitely continue to read on. All things considered I'd give it 5 stars. It's not perfect but it's good at what it does and I think that's all that matters. <<less
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kjoke rated it
February 27, 2018
Status: c69
The story starts out lighthearted with a rather mischievous but overall kind MC. Later on the story get's increasingly darker with continuous setbacks for the MC. I'm not quite sure yet where the story is headed but if you came here for the 'Comedic Undertone'-tag this story might not be for you. Personally I like it though.
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jlkc rated it
January 19, 2018
Status: c60
There is something so human about this story. Unlike many other cultivation stories where antagonists appear left and right to get their face slapped, the characters in this story are alive.

I preferred the story being about the MC in the imperial palace, but I guess we'll see where this goes.
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TotesMyGoats rated it
December 5, 2017
Status: c39
The first 30 or so chapters were really good and funny, a definite 5/5 but then the comedy dropped off the face of the earth and the story started heading in a strange direction. After that point the writing started to feel really try-hardy. The author should have stuck to what he was good at, the comedy, rather than trying to write a serious, plot-thick novel. It just feels a bit amateur especially when there are much better novels like Ze Tian Ji in a similar vein. I'll put this... more>> away for now but I might come back to it. <<less
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ipapotihus rated it
November 7, 2017
Status: c30
As good as The silly alchemist. Not the same type of funny though. This character is far from being slow.

The story got a good pace. Their seem to be character development and a couple possible romance. The woman get a positive view of him and he his not dense, but all the relationship here not there yet.

I would love a higher pace of chapter, my only regret is to have picked up this novel while only 30 chapter are translated. I don't wanna wait :' (

Edit: The translator picked up... more>> the pace. Its really great!! Thanks a lot! :D

The comedy got tune down after a while, but the story is still really interresting. Not only you should give this a try, you should found and send me a link of a version of machine translated raw! So I can read them all. <<less
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Gsichtselfmeter rated it
June 14, 2019
Status: c134
This story is hit AND miss. It has a mixture of very well thought out characters and important story characters that are clearly an afterthought.

The empress and the prince are impressive characters and their interactions with the MC are very funny and deep. The "love interest" is absolute bullshit. The MC meets some random girl and a few chapters later they almost marry. Another few chapters later the girl is absolutely unimportant again and doesnt come back anyome.

Furthermore the story starts as a kind of ancient harem comedy and translates into ancient chinese war and empire building. What disappoints me the most is that the MC is an absolute hypocrite that changes between ruthlessly killing everyone and not caring about anyone and "all war is evil, lets all be friends".

Overall the author is able to write well, but heavily lacks in the story building aspect and loves to go off track.
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dtfyg rated it
January 15, 2019
Status: c75
1* for plot, 4* for character development, 2* for world building.

Started reading with high expectations due to high reviews, but was greatly disappointed.

MC's personality is still unclear up to this point and plot is just a bunch of cliches + MC being Martyr scenes

... more>>

In the 1st arc (Palace to falling), MC supposedly has a cowardly and has the typical "Im from earth so I can act shameless to escape injury/death" beliefs. Idk how many times MC has tried to sacrifice/self mutilate in this book but I can tell it's not a small number. At this point, he's basically a textbook "Hero". he's selfless, helps every girl he meets, can't bear killing, etc

2nd arc: His personality does a 180 and plot is dead. He just stays at an academy with no purpose in life and then for no apparent reason, suddenly decides to go North. ok.. There he meets a person who according to author is very similar to him and is apparently cruel, ruthless and cunning. Well Ok I understand, getting disabled for life warrants some personality change. But then he goes around once more just destroying his body for other people...

Also, do note: Up to around c75, we've still yet to get any mention of MC's background on earth yet he is somehow able to remember both how to commercially produce soap and how to create bombs and gunpowder.... Author, seems like some really important details to just leave out doesn't it? With how immature his personality is (He's afraid of Zhong Sun even after all she's done for him) I can only assume he was some sort of super genius back on earth...


Overall, a very angsty book with no real direction in plot. Kinda like a slice of live but with a lot more angst. Honestly just felt like Ze tian Ji 2.0 with inconsistent MC and more cliches <<less
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dtfyg rated it
January 15, 2019
Status: c75
1* for plot, 4* for character development, 2* for world building.

Started reading with high expectations due to high reviews, but was greatly disappointed.

MC's personality is still unclear up to this point and plot is just a bunch of cliches + MC being Martyr scenes

... more>>

In the 1st arc (Palace to falling), MC supposedly has a cowardly and has the typical "Im from earth so I can act shameless to escape injury/death" beliefs. Idk how many times MC has tried to sacrifice/self mutilate in this book but I can tell it's not a small number. At this point, he's basically a textbook "Hero". he's selfless, helps every girl he meets, can't bear killing, etc

2nd arc: His personality does a 180 and plot is dead. He just stays at an academy with no purpose in life and then for no apparent reason, suddenly decides to go North. ok.. There he meets a person who according to author is very similar to him and is apparently cruel, ruthless and cunning. Well Ok I understand, getting disabled for life warrants some personality change. But then he goes around once more just destroying his body for other people...

Also, do note: Up to around c75, we've still yet to get any mention of MC's background on earth yet he is somehow able to remember both how to commercially produce soap and how to create bombs and gunpowder.... Author, seems like some really important details to just leave out doesn't it? With how immature his personality is (He's afraid of Zhong Sun even after all she's done for him) I can only assume he was some sort of super genius back on earth...


Overall, a very angsty book with no real direction in plot. Kinda like a slice of live but with a lot more angst. Honestly just felt like Ze tian Ji 2.0 with inconsistent MC and more cliches <<less
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Khaossaga rated it
March 13, 2018
Status: c81
I really like this series. So far is a lot more wuxia than xianxia which is awesome, since I prefer wuxia over xianxia but there aren't a lot of them out there. The story is well planned out and the MC isn't OP at all. He struggles on his adventures and its very refreshing to read.
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