Low Dimensional Game


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By accident, Lu Zhiyu found the entrance to a low-dimensional world, and thus began a totally different journey!

Free to control everything in the low-dimensional game, Lu Zhiyu felt like a gamemaster, and even God.

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Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. 5-Star Novels
  2. God Protagonists
  3. My Main Novels
  4. 3rd Person Viewpoint World Impact
  5. Godly Misunderstanding

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23 Reviews sorted by

apa rated it
October 14, 2019
Status: c380
Everyday I was waiting for a new chapter.. until it got boring

... more>>

Our boy Lu Zhiyu finds a white canvas noting in it from his house and this is how the story starts.

The story starts slowly with Lu Zhiyu trying to figure out a couple of things until he finally succeeded creating a new dimension in the canvas. First thing is the ants and they are left there to be for Lu to observe.. Soon some of the ants starts to genetically manipulate them selves (The queen) And at some point where it goes bit too far Lu decides to bring it to and end and breaks the dimension.. The queen who had been taking in all the powers from the Zero Dimension is now banished in there and forgotten for the entire time.. What is the one thing you get in there?? power. So now for thousands of years the ant has been getting PURE power and could probably even be stronger that the other "gods" but is never brought up.. Its like the ant never existed. pfppt

OK so that was a failure no we bring other animals, make rules and let them some what be.. all good they gain self awareness and become somewhat " human " great. we observe and so on and the story goes on on on.. Soon we get actual humans.. Wars, kingdoms, , and so on then the story goes on.. Its somewhat boring but I love it..

Now at the somewhat end or close to the end.. THE STORY GETS SOO BOOORIINNG.. the problem is that Lu who has lived alone as a GOD with the powers far from what humans could ever think of obtaining not only does he keep his sanity he feels like he is one of the humans.. I find this utterly and completely bullshit.. couldn't have he get some kind of grandeur some kind of god complex from it... ok I don't care. be what you are.

Then comes that when his student find out who he really is.. That he created them.. That her life was a lie all along that she was born from a test tube.. whoowee fuuukking a.. and what happens when they talk.. She tells him that some day she is going to be as strong as him and kill him.. that she is going to bring her self into Independence arght... then what happens she and the wizards that want to leave he creates a new world for them.. with no laws or interference from the "gods" and that's just what happens... they own world with no gods with no Lu.. haha guess what not only when does she Wendy the elf that found out about Lu and his "true" identity when she is trying to do something, becoming one with the world or something like this.. and she is getting rejected by the stars the "people in the stars" Lu goes there and stops them from rejecting here and killing.. he tells them to not to engage in the name of the Creator.. What gratitude does he get from Wendy?.. absolutely nothing.. the only thing she tells him is to f*ck off and someday I am going be stronger and I am going to kill you.. boooriiinggg.. the f*ck you would... never you would, not in a million years you could...

then there are the Angels.. his "daughters" what ever their names were.. I absolutely hate them.. not only do they not bring anything to the story.. they are ruining the story


soo yeah.. I could have been a good story.. until the little thing started piling up and in the end ruined the story. <<less
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allentey rated it
May 3, 2019
Status: Completed
One of good story about "what if he is a creator" due to not bias and treat all species equally. But suffer from the braindead ending. Cut 2 star from it. (That how bad the ending is)

P.s. U can check my other complete reading review.
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Alex Woods
Alex Woods rated it
January 8, 2021
Status: --
  1. People criticizing the novel want to read wuxia. This is not it.
  2. Here, the MC becomes as basically a God by 100 chapter. Its not instant buy he does it by researching and stuff.
  3. The MC is intelligent, none of the s*upid lustful stuff.
  4. He designs a fantasy world with all the elements present in a typical Western fantasy and explains it in prospective of a God, how he designed it in his way to immortality.
  5. As the book progresses, it shows how small actions of the MC affects the world as a whole.
  6. It explains everything
  7. All though the book he slowly increases his powers to immortality.
  8. Character development of other characters is very well done.
  9. MC doesn't struggle with other rules so, not wuxia. Struggle is between the inhabitants of the world by the MC.
  10. A girl tells the MC that she will kill him, he ignores her not because he is too forgivable. It you tell God that you will kill him one day, what will he do except laugh at you.
  11. If you want to see the MC struggling, training, tournaments, the old ancestor the book is not for you. If you want to see some brilliant world building the novel is just for you.
  12. This novel is everything that I like Chinese literature for, their innovative interesting ideas but the same old wuxia young masters shit.
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Sircus rated it
April 18, 2019
Status: c34
While the story has some interesting parts Its no wonder that the novel is only 456 chapters long. The MC became superpowerful extremely fast. We are told in chapter 14 that the MC now indirectly has the power to destroy the earth. Yeah... I can totally feel the tension from any possible antagonist at this moment. Like, where can the story even go from this moment on? It feels more like a wank trip from the writer what he would do with godlike powers. One Punch does it well while... more>> this story deals poorly with it´s overpowered main character. <<less
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HellSingFang rated it
July 5, 2019
Status: Completed
The beginning of this novel is a very fresh read.

Even later when it starts telling the stories of the created world's "Protagonists" it ended up 8/10 enjoyable. The 2/10 is boring and it show that the author started to use the same descriptions and telling us the same thing over and over. So, just to make the word count of the chapter.

There where moments in the story that I was so invested in it, that I could not wait to read what happens next.

And here comes the ending, my god... more>> (rubs temples)


At the start I didn't realize that it was the ending, until the next chapter which is part of the epilogue. I still feel the frustration. It's like you read your favorite story, in the climax of it, then the novel is Dropped.

-1 * for that.

But the epilogue is satisfactory and closes most of the story (personally ~95% of the whole dimension)

Overall it is an enjoyable read and it has it's moments where you are curious, sad, exited, happy. It is definitely worth reading and I don't regret spending my time doing it. <<less
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moneng85 rated it
May 17, 2020
Status: c466
A rating between 3.7-4.2

A bit unnerving at first, but becomes almost a different novel at the 100th chapter. Lots of flaws at the beginning, but also lots of well thought writings at the latter parts.

A good ol' immortal and creator setting, but not too deep on the melancholy part.
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October 3, 2019
Status: Completed
This was a great story. Even though most scientific facts were wrong, atleast it was self aware and didn’t try to come off pretentious. I was only sad that the MC remained OP throughout the novel like some “ modern MC finds other world treasure and becomes invincible” troupe, I would prefer if he faced some hardships, atleast at the beginning of the story. I rate this 4/5. Because it managed to create some females characters I hated for no reason.

... more>>

The 2 girlfriends he got from earth, who literally broke up with him simply because he’s a nerd and doesn’t know how to love, instead of teaching him and seeing if their relationship works. They literally just used him as a dildo and threw him away the moment they found out he’s not well versed in relationships. On Maria’s world, Wendy has been the most entitled selfish brat that literally thinks she’s the MC. I couldn’t even enjoy the extra chapters because of it. It’s like she was created to a d*ck to the MC for everything he does. At first, when she said his tower was ugly and thought he was an evil manipulator, I thought that was just her rebellious character. But then she requested an entire world outside simply because she didn’t want to live in his world. At the funeral, her first thought was everything was his fault and he disdains mortals, which shows she never thought well of him, even after he helped her eliminate the star souls as she ascended to level 7, she started ranting about how he’s being invasive and evil. Even after he left the world in peace, she started claiming he’s lost interest in them as toys and went to find new ones. This is the worst character to pick as a second MC, there’s nothing redeeming about her. She was an elf from the start, therefore she was privileged from birth, never has to struggle from the start like all characters in this novel yet she complains the most.


  • They are the worst, probably because it was fantasy and the author just wanted to speed up their development. As the plot itself, it can get boring at times, but if you like world development stories, then this is for you. Just know it’s over summarized and time periods can get confusing, but if you ignore that. It is great.
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HadesXIII rated it
May 19, 2019
Status: c98
If you keep reading it gets better, it's like when you were a kid and made 2 different tribes of ants and had them fight while dropping things on them. Now change it to different species and give them different power systems.
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onlycrimson123 rated it
March 14, 2024
Status: Completed
TL;DR: A flawed beginning, a masterful and beautiful middle, and a flawed end.

I loved this novel. Without question, there are numerous concepts within it that I would consider "perfect." As that is the case, the following review may be through rose-tinted glasses. However, I will only state the actual situations as they are.

I'm going to start with the positives because I'm so in awe of some of them. I will also only focus on the things that truly left me speechless as I don't have enough time in the day... more>> to list all of the good parts.

First of all, the character development. Oh my god, the character development of the main character is flawless. So perfectly executed, consistent, fantastic, and human.

I believe that very few people grasp this or hold the same interpretation of it as me, as I've seen many hate his decisions.

In my perspective, this is the tale of a man forced to have the title of god and the struggles of his mortal mind in accepting that. This novel begins with the main character as an average 20-year-old man. He feels euphoric over this sudden gain of godly power. He acquaints himself with the denizens of his world and becomes entrenched in the culture of the civilization. Then, time passes, and everyone he had ever known has passed, while not a mark of age has appeared on him. Despite this crushing reality, he tries again. It repeats. Again. Repeats.

Through centuries and then millennia and countless inevitable tragedies, the only emotion he feels is indifference. Indifference for the world in which he has no more acquaintances and indifference for his eternal yet empty life.

This is extremely consistent throughout the novel, with it epitomizing in him betting even the world itself in a gamble.

It's impossible for me to highlight all of the perfectly orchestrated events in the novel that demonstrate this, but it has left me sure that this is a masterpiece.

Second of all, the peaks. The portions of the story where I find myself blankly staring at the screen.

There are so many breathtaking scenes in this novel. Whether it is philosophical or simply badass, there is an overwhelming abundance of them. Out of the hundreds of books I've read, this is the one that I've found myself bookmarking the most chapters.

I believe this might be because of the diversity of its "epic" scenes. It isn't merely, "Whoa the main character showed off his unparalleled power." As it is in many other novels. Here, I bookmarked even short interactions between the main character and a random side character. That's because even those interactions are so beautiful to read! The philosophy in this seemingly shallow concept is unexpectedly extremely deep.

Third of all, the characters.

The cast of this novel is rather large compared to other novels. Of course, this is because the cast extends throughout an extraordinarily long time period, where some characters are introduced and die of old age in merely a few chapters. However! Despite their fleeting existence, each of them are like a comet shooting through the sky. Dazzling despite their limited time.

These characters have life and personality. Each and every character seems so personalized because the author takes us into their lives. We learn their dreams, their flaws, what they love, what they hate, and so much more. It's as if the author s**ked these people into the book. This is the reason that, no matter how large the cast became, I always found myself empathizing with their goals.

Now, this novel has its flaws, and quite a few of them. Below are my critiques.

First of all, the beginning.

There are two main flaws in the beginning.

Initially, the author attempts to force science into this extraordinarily anti-science novel. There are some ridiculous scenes such as the main character seemingly curing cancer with yoga. It is s*upid, but this is contained entirely in the first few chapters and the author never attempts such explanations again. Any time science is introduced to the book later, it flows rather naturally.

The other flaw is the main character himself. He is very human in the beginning, which is good in terms of making the novel well-crafted, but not very good in terms of making it better to read. Much of the early chapters of this book are spent following the main character's romantic escapades, which was pretty brutal on my eyes. However, once again, this is only seen in the beginning chapters. There is absolutely zero romance outside of it, and even that is completely done with by the first like 40 chapters. It also did wonders for his character development, but that is the kind of thing that can only be appreciated in retrospect.

Second of all, the end.

The end of this novel was... bad. The only reason I would consider it bad is because the last 40ish chapters were entirely unnecessary. Also, many things were left partially unresolved.

The reason I say partially unresolved is because they were teased but never expanded upon. For example, the main character's upcoming interaction with the galactic organization was never realized. Though it was obviously never realized because of the main character's advancement, it doesn't make it less annoying!

Third of all, deteriorating author and translator work.

Starting with the translator, they seemed to stop caring as much about this novel in the later stages. For comparison, it was like this novel started with a team of both a translator and an editor but then switched to just a translator. At the start, the translation gave a great reading experience, but it turned rather sour by the end. It was to the point where it severely impacted my reading experience.

Part of the reason for that is because this is a highly complex novel. There are a huge number of different "things" in it, whether that be races, kingdoms, inventions, places, etc. So, when the translation deteriorated, many of these things began to be lost in translation. An example of this is the elven race. By the end, they were interchangeably referred to as "elves", "fairies", and "long-lived goblins"! This is only made worse by the fact that fairies and goblins are both races in this novel.

However, this issue only occurred at the very end of the book and I didn't figure it was worth harping on too much.

Now, about the author's deterioration. The beginning of the book showcased an admirable ability of the author to tie things together spanning arcs and extremely long periods of time. That was almost entirely lost by the very end stages of this book. For example, the author wanted a goblin to have a reason to visit the main character, but instead of making a valid reason he just went, "Oh, the main character gave him a book a long time ago that I never told you guys about!" Kind of frustrating.

Now, below there are reasons that may be considered problems to some, but not to me personally.

First of all, the lack of conflict.

There are virtually no issues for the main character. He doesn't have any serious competition from the beginning of the book to the end. He proceeds forward in everything relatively smoothly with few hiccups.

The reason that I don't consider this a flaw is because I don't believe the main character's journey to the peak of power is a very important aspect of this novel. I find the charm of it to be more his development and the development of his universe. If he had equal enemies while there, it would likely sidetrack the pacing of the novel and give more screentime to whatever villains the author could invent. In my opinion, this lack of conflict gives more focus to the things that truly enthralled me in this piece.

Second of all, the focus on the side characters.

A very large portion of this novel's chapters do not contain the main character whatsoever. Many of the events also do not impact or involve him at all. This novel is extremely side-character heavy.

The reason that I don't believe this to be a flaw is for the same reason as the other one. I believe that the side characters, their lives, and their interactions are an extremely large reason for my fanatical enjoyment of the novel. If the novel heavily focused on the main character, it would destroy that lovely element.

However, this is also the reason that I believe the last 40ish chapters, or the epilogue as the author calls it, are entirely unnecessary. The main character is not present whatsoever. Even to the end of those 40 chapters, he never presents himself again. The world feels dull and somewhat pointless considering the main character is not even in it anymore.

Once again, I enjoyed this novel more than any I have read for an extremely long time. The aspects I highlighted in this review are some of the most masterful pieces of writing I have ever seen.

I recommend this novel so much to everyone, as long as you can bear with the negative points I wrote in this review. <<less
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MyriadBooks rated it
April 22, 2022
Status: Completed
Quite entertaining, its about a guy playing as God, creating world and its Numerous races. Then observe the world as it grows, most of the time the MC does not interfere with the world.

Since the MC most of the time act as an observer, the focus of the story often change from 1 character to another. For some people this might make them bored.

The MC went from normal human to an immortal being, as you read further you can feel his loneliness.

This novel is not Perfect, it has its flaws,... more>> but still quite enjoyable.

he true end is at chapters 409, beyond that is extra chapters, but those chapters explain what happens after the MC reach his goal and see the truth, unfortunately author Didnt finish these extra chapters. <<less
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March 27, 2022
Status: Completed
Slight Spoilers:

... more>>

This is a very unique novel in my opinion. It follows the tale of Lu Zhiyu as he essentially creates a world. The story follows the slow development of the world and the effect it has on its creator. This novel gets a bit philosophical at times as it explores the meaning of immortality and life. Also the novel ends at c409 and any chapter after that just follows the world development a little more without any real story additions. I can see why people might not like it but I believe this novel is one of the better ones for getting people to think.

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Eater69 rated it
December 12, 2020
Status: Completed
This is one of the best novel I've read. Granted, it's pretty slow at first, however, this is a very fulfilling read.
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ResNovae rated it
September 10, 2020
Status: Completed
This novel is a good example of something that could have been very but good but falls flat, failing miserably.

There is A LOT of useless exposition and forgotten characters I could write for hours about.

Basically every single character presented while Lu Zhiyu is on earth has no purpose besides increasing the lenght of the novel. He has two girlfriends, an ex, classmates, a elementary school crush and more, all of them have no purpose whatsoever.

I wonder why the author even wrote about his daily life in the beginning since later... more>> on it's completely forgotten.

Somewhere in the middle the novel is actually pretty good and I really liked some of the stories that happen in the various worlds as well as some of the characters presented but even considering the flashes of greatness here and there overall the novel has a lot of glaring issues that drag it down.

The major issue is that the story has no antagonist and no struggle from the beginning so everytime you aren't reading about some guys making history in one of the worlds you are basically reading about nothing.

My conclusion is that this is a decent collection of short stories but the authour inability to write a decent plot and develop the main cast of characters makes it an absolutely mediocre power trip of a sociopath MC and nothing more. <<less
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girisuherman rated it
June 18, 2020
Status: Completed
Good story, in fact, the MC is very OP, and character is good. As the MC is immortal and turning cold after thousand-year passed and then not interested in the worldly matter and only care about the experiment but I really don't like how it end.. Too much thing left unexplained as if the author run out of idea and hastily end the story
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February 25, 2021
Status: Completed
The world building is nice... Binge reading this was fulfilling but the ending though, was a bit disappointing. We barely even see the MC appear and even then it's just for a few chapters. Almost all of the book is about the world that the MC created. I guess for me it was kinda fresh so it wasn't that boring.

... more>>

After the MC finally becomes the "Creator", that's the end of the novel and I suggest to not read the last 37 chapters (the epilogue chapters) if you don't like a cliffhanger ending or don't want to know what happens to the universe the MC created after the real ending

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AtnShadid rated it
July 15, 2020
Status: --
Not bad, then again the MC gets too OP really early. So don't expect the MC to be the one in the plot, as it's more of him watching the world he made develop while providing some guidance to some people he feel that would be able to become a god of his world.
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LTigh rated it
June 4, 2019
Status: c130
The story started with a promising premise and some fairly intriguing chapters at the beginning, but it was all downhill from there.

MC is already an antisocial loner to begin with, and his sudden acquisition of power only increases his general dickishness and disconnect from humanity.

Seems like the MC is designed to appeal to a particular segment of the Mainland Chinese audience that delights in masturbatory power fantasies and pulling the wings off of flies while setting fire to an anthill with a magnifying glass, i.e., sociopaths. Throw in a God... more>> complex and some Harry Potter fanboyism, you've got the perfect storm of hot mess and increasingly dickish MC.

Author fails at pacing, thanks to Chinese web novelist getting paid by the chapter, thus dragging out some plot threads longer than necessary then abruptly wrapping it up because the author is unable to stretch out the action any more.

In all, a slap-dash attempt at a cash-grab, poorly executed story ruining a great premise, and a douche MC designed to appeal to the worst of Mainland Chinese web novel readers.

Gets two stars thanks to the initial premise and solid beginning. If I read any further and it gets worse, I'll subtract another star or two, and I really don't see it getting any better. <<less
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paradigmfriday rated it
May 19, 2019
Status: --
It's a nifty story but there's a review up there that says that the ending is braindead and honestly since I'm only on the 98th chapter and I can see many ways the author could s**t the bed here I'm afraid to say readers should go ahead and read. I'll just say its a novel concept done fairly well besides its extremely cringy beginning and the author trying way too hard to sound like he knows what he's talking about when it comes to the science before thankfully just leaving... more>> everything vague and magical enough that our BS meters stop pinging. All in all the story is a four but I'm giving it a five because honestly from what I've read it deserves to be more than a 3.4, I don't know about you...I generally don't finish these things anyway... their too long and thanks to webnovel too expensive... lol. <<less
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PoSunBanYi rated it
June 6, 2021
Status: c198
The novel so far is great and surprising, but I just came across this and I can't believe it's the same author from 100 ch ago:

" It is likely that someone will do something bad to you! ". Seriously. Did you suddenly regressed to 7.

(i deleted all previous childish but true points of the novel which I felt inmensely disgusted and betrayed)

... more>> Actual review (i only bit*h when an amazing novel makes me go mald) :

It's an amazing concept, but it stayed like that until 110 chapters into the novel, sad.

The thing is, author (NOT gonna remember his damned name) took way too much focus outside its principals, and then it went all the way to create little short stories that lead noway nor everynone all over the place for more than 300 chapters (about 7/10 of the whole novel) so it was boring and senseless, who could ever enjoy that.

All characters and 'coincidences' feels like could be made by an essay of a 14yo, and that's after the first hundred chapters or so, as I said- sad. <<less
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Pavilion rated it
April 6, 2021
Status: Completed
I have very mixed feelings about this story; on one hand the author is absolutely one of the most imaginative people coming up with this wacky, somewhat consistent, book that included everything you could possibly think of in it (fantasy perspective) but on the other hand they're really not that good of a writer as many of the plot strings and hooks were just abandoned and forgotten- not to mention the fact that the story by itself never really developed into any kind of.. How should I put it.. 'A... more>> creation' that we readers would develop feelings for and relate to.

The way this book reads is at first maybe 50 chapters the main character is relevant, after that he steps down and the story becomes about his creations, their life and choices they make as they learn the truth about their existence. Some of them take it well, some never find out, some obviously for a good reason flip out.

I'm too lazy to go more in depth right now but all in all it was relatively entertaining book in its own way. Don't expect some great 'battles of fate' or 'saving the world' -crap. It's really just not going to happen here. Its pretty tame and stale all the way though. <<less
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