Level 99 Villainous Daughter


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I was reborn as the villainous daughter, Yumiela Dolknes, in the world of an otome RPG game. Yumiela only had a small role in the original story, but after defeating the Demon King, she will appear as the Hidden Boss with a bonus specs to solo fight the Hero party.

Having a gamer-spirit, I’ve been raising my level since I was a child. By the time I enter the academy where the game stage is, I was level 99.

I wanted the heroine and the capture targets to defeat the Demon King, but they just flirted around and didn’t raise their level. Moreover, they treat me as if I’m the Demon King just because I have dark hair and use dark magic.

It’s a story where I aim for peaceful days.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Akuyaku Reijou Level 99 ~Watashi wa Ura Boss desu ga Maou de wa arimasen~
Akuyaku Reijou Level 99: Watashi wa UraBoss desu ga Maou de wa arimasen
Level 99 Villainous Daughter ~I’m not the Demon King but the Hidden Boss~
Villainess Level 99: I May Be the Hidden Boss but I'm Not the Demon Lord (LN)
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Date Group Release
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05/26/21 Moon’s Tavern v2c26
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04/25/21 Moon’s Tavern v2c23
04/19/21 Moon’s Tavern v2c22
04/01/21 Moon’s Tavern v2c21
03/21/21 Moon’s Tavern v2c20
03/17/21 Moon’s Tavern v2c19
03/01/21 Moon’s Tavern v2c18
02/15/21 Moon’s Tavern v2c17
02/08/21 Moon’s Tavern v2c16
02/01/21 Moon’s Tavern v2c15
01/23/21 Moon’s Tavern v2c14
01/19/21 Moon’s Tavern v2c13
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68 Reviews sorted by

November 27, 2020
Status: v2c2
Bruh, I liked how the story started, but maybe the author could've been a bit more slow paced on the main story, maybe a better character development...

I don't know, I didn't like how fast it was.
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October 24, 2020
Status: v1c27
it's a good meh. A goodish way to waste an evening. It doesn't have any big flaws story wise, the main character is quite good. You understand why she would act as she does or think the way she does (tho her aversion to killing people seems a bit artifichal). The main issue is the lack of world building. It makes the world and inpart the side cast feel shallow as we never get told why they would think as they do.

we never get told why levels exsist? How magic... more>> works? If light is the weaknes to dark what is the weaknes to light? They discriminate against dark hair but how many have dark hair? Is the heroine just a biggot or is there another reason why she hates the mc? As of now you can put the story in almost any universe and it would still work.

So far the manga or what its called is doing a better job it seems. <<less
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FearFire rated it
August 23, 2020
Status: v2c2
I have no clue what happened to the story I feel like somewhere in the 20s I just started reading the chapter and was like what? Did I skip ahead like 30 chapters? Nope, I didn't. Feels pretty horrible tbh translation quality still great just the story oof. Solid 4 before that, but I'm dropping it feel like the end of volume one was just rushed? Incomplete? Somewhere along those lines.
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OlivineWK rated it
August 6, 2020
Status: v2c2
The premise might have been somewhat interesting, but the execution is average? The dialogue is a bit weird sometimes, as if parts of the conversation are missing. The main character herself is.. okay. I mean, she's OP and thankfully we didn't have a detailed minute-by-minute play on how she got there, but it feels like a bit of letdown that she doesn't do more with her powers.

The other characters are... okay also. They fall under the typical tropes, but they drop in and out of the scenes quickly that you... more>> don't really feel much about them.

I would recommend this if you're bored and looking for something light/quick to read since each chapter isn't too long and the pacing moves fast. <<less
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MyRAMEN rated it
August 6, 2020
Status: v2c2
Honestly this was really hard for me to think up a review for that I put it off for a day. This is because I liked the book but the writing itself is meh so I dont want readers to just end up skipping it as they might like the book... This is female lead isekai novel with her reincarnating as #1 villain in reverse harem romance rpg game she used to play. She will however not be a villain. The society however contrasts this as she is the target... more>> of discrimination and bias because she has black hir and can usr dark magic. Side characters are all shallow and some cringe while plot is also somewhat boring. Reason I liked this book was because I think the MC was written pretty good for an isekai as most are garbage, making the story interesting enough. Overall the story is lighthearted and a time passer, suggest this for people who read a lot and need something to pass their time <<less
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PrimeZurker rated it
July 23, 2020
Status: v1c27
Its short, almost all of the important details occur "off screen" and it comes to an abrupt unsatisfying end. Other than that, give it a read if you have nothing better to do.
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Scholek rated it
July 23, 2020
Status: v1c27
The villainess genre is my favourite, so even bad stories can be enjoyable for me and I ended up liking this story because of strong bias. With that said, this story is oddly simplistic, exceedingly simplistic. The characters all lack depth. The world-building is weak. The villains/antagonists are strangely ret*rded, discriminatory, or foolishly hardheaded. The main character's driving force, lifestyle, personality, and raison d'etre have the strength of wet toilet paper. I honestly liked this story, but objectively the plot and characters are startlingly weak.

It's not all that bad. It's... more>> refreshingly straightforward and the main character has her charms. I was entertained by several different events. It was a very short and fast read: it didn't waste my time.

I'm left with significant confusion about this series after finishing chapter 27 of this webnovel translation. Chapter 27 is titled "Epilogue", and true to its name it is the end of the first volume online according to the raws found at "https://ncode. Syosetu. Com/n0284ev/". There are another 2 webnovel volumes after this first volume and I have no idea why. It seemed to me that the story had suddenly ended completely after chapter 27, but I suppose the author did leave a single point of foreshadowing.

In addition to my confusion about the extremely short webnovel volumes is my confusion about the LN volumes. The story is so short and simplistic that I am not sure how the author could write 3 entire LN volumes with enough cognitive complexity to entice Japanese readers to purchase them with money. That was nothing short of a vicious roast, but I'm very intrigued about it. Perhaps I will purchase their light novel volumes one day to see myself (highly possible). It almost feels as if the webnovel version I just read was a quick rough draft, written without a single care in the world, perhaps just for the purpose of loosely planning out their real story to come. <<less
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July 9, 2020
Status: c25
Not terribly original and most of the characters are fairly flat and there is little insight into their motivations, even though at least some of them are written as if they had some. There is a bit of untapped potential there, although of course they could be a little deeper in the first place as well.

Mostly a typical overpowered dense MC without common sense, although most of her lack of it is actually explained through a lack of education and social interaction. The execution of the humour is done very... more>> well however. I don't mind reading similar stories over and over again, though one of the side effects is that they are usually not as entertaining anymore. This one however had me laugh loudly during almost every chapter.

Unlike many other novels with similar premises, she doesn't immediately make a reverse harem out of the original capture targets, which keeps the novel from getting boring. Despite proving her power early on, she has to deal with quite a bit of social adversity, and the novel strongly focuses on discrimination. So far, the plot is still progressing and it feels like there might be quite a bit more planned, unlike some other novels that rush through the main development and then continue with pointless filler arcs.

Overall, it's not a masterpiece, but still quite entertaining and definitely worth the read for anyone looking for light-hearted entertainment. <<less
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OfficePony rated it
June 15, 2020
Status: v1c22
Cute, but the dialogue is dry AF. Character growth is minimal, world building is... lacking, and the execution always feels a bit off.
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blackmask rated it
April 1, 2020
Status: c11
awkward plot. MC don't care even being taken advantage and it kind feel like MC don't have at all or maybe s*upid. It really not funny as I read. I kinda disappointed. The plot is a bit ok but the way it presents is disappointing.
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ReadsWebNovels rated it
March 23, 2020
Status: v1c8
Fun, but everyone but the MC is brain dead. Honestly, I think this story would be stronger if the author started following the MC in her own individual story with the Demon King Revival/Noble Academy story line as a background element for foil purposes.
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xuexin rated it
March 22, 2020
Status: v1c8
The plot is interesting, but the execution is lacking. The heroine and the capture targets have 0 IQ. Actually, scratch that. Everyone except the MC has 0 IQ. There were many instances I wanted to facepalm.
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Xu rated it
March 20, 2020
Status: v2c1
Writing this review after finishing the first volume, on the raws. 7.75/10

Good novel to read as a pastime, not the most amazing plot, setting, or writing I've read, but it also has no glaring flaws, it's good enough to keep me intrested, and reads nicely (haven't found major plotholes, but also not taking it too seriously). Recomended if you're into the genre, and looking for something to read.

The characters aren't particularly deep, the antagonists are pretty run of the mill "reincarnated in a otome game" dumbasses, which is my main... more>> issue with the novel. I personally am fan of the strong female lead archetype, so I like her; love intrest is kind of a generic good person, but I don't really mind him, I've seen worse.

Misunderstandings and comedy are not of the annoying type, so that's a win to me. MC is a bit like a dense romcom protagonist though, since she's a girl it doesn't feel too stale though, she's also not aggravatingly dumb, which helps.

Translation has some mistakes here and there, and some weird sentence structures. But it doesn't disrupt the reading too much (the novel is pretty straightforward in the first place). <<less
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March 11, 2024
Status: v5c1
There's a lot to like about this series. If the premise sounds interesting to you, I'd certainly recommend it.

However, I feel like it pretty sharply falls off after the first volume. The MC is dense as hell which is charming and makes a lot of sense in the first volume, but as the series goes on it becomes increasingly exaggerated and starts to grate.

In the first volume I can totally see and believe why Yumiella and Patrick like each other and work as a couple, but as the series continues,... more>> Patrick basically just becomes a baby sitter who wrangles an unruly child as Yumiella becomes so flanderized with terminal gamer brain. The text keeps saying that they love each other, but after the first volume, they do a poor job of demonstrating it.

The series isn't trying to take itself seriously, even in the standard of its contemporaries. This is fine of course, but when the joke constantly ends up being the MC's same quirky traits, it just becomes tiring, especially when the world and plot warps around it to make it work, even when it becomes unflattering.

It's hard to explain exactly what goes wrong without spoilers. Ultimately, the later volumes take a character, setting, and premise that I love and was excited about and made me rather frustrated and tired with them by the end.

Still, the first volume is quite good and worth reading. I suspect that's where the manga and anime will focus and probably end. It's a good stopping point for the series overall that ends without any major loose ends. <<less
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February 29, 2024
Status: v4c11
Loved it.

I kinda understood why people say only the first volume is good. The comic is what if the villainess is LV99 and each volume is a story. V1 is the complete academy story and each volume an adventure. If you don't like the cast you won't like after the volume 1 because almost everything depends on knowing everyone.

Because the story of the volume ended lots just liked it and it's fine.
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mainizgeldi rated it
October 12, 2022
Status: --
my hopes were dashed. They treat MC like garbage. Later, when his power is revealed, he still continues to face two-faced people. After the so-called princes mistreat MC, the queen proposes to her sons and ML politely refuses (?). Why ? Why did you go to this shitty school in the first place anyway? Doesn't even explain why. It is said that he has no combat experience even when he has to kill tens of thousands of monsters for his level. This is ridiculous. Also to seduce him still "... more>> I am very smart marry me. I am very rich I can buy you any jewelery you want (we are talking about the most powerful individual in the world). I can rule the whole continent marry me " bruh bruh bruh. Really bad. 1 point. <<less
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bluestar99 rated it
July 19, 2022
Status: v3c26
For whatever reason I really enjoy this novel and keep coming back to it. A fairly lighthearted, unserious and humorous read.

The MC is just an adorable, socially awkward meathead I can't help but like. Beyond the MCs friends, the supporting characters in the first volume or so have a terminal case of s*upid which can be grating. Once the first obvious arc raps up, there's some occasionally heartwarming slice-of-life bits as the MC progresses on her hero's journey to become a more affable DOOMslayer with no less equally ridiculous... more>> achievements.


MC routs an army, foils a coup d'etat while a destroying a demon army, fights God, fights herself, becomes Jet Li's The One and fights GOD GOD


The manga is quite good as well. An enjoyable read overall. <<less
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SightnSound rated it
June 24, 2022
Status: v2c29
Normally I feel the reviews on NU are pretty spot on generally but this novel is pretty disappointing.

It starts off pretty well with a generally interesting premise but the first volume finishes rather quickly and the main antagonists change in volume 2. This is where it gets much worse. The second volume is uninteresting and I really don't get the villain's reasoning as it seems pretty weird.

While the translator seems to do a decent job with this but there is no editor (or bad one) and it makes for a... more>> somewhat sloppy read.

I didn't continue with the 3rd volume just because I stopped caring. <<less
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February 18, 2021
Status: v2c16
I liked the hummer in the story at the beginning even but with a so so ending for the first arc the story should have finished. The author began a second arc where it is clear that he or she doesn't have any new ideas or jokes. I wonder how the novel still not completely finished. I'm bored and can't read enough.
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Lili1478 rated it
February 2, 2021
Status: v2c1
This was an okay read.

The characters are bland and have little to no character development. The main character is a kuudere and a pretty bad one at that. There isn't much character in her thoughts and actions. No real feeling inside. Kuuderes usually have no feeling on the outside and are actually very emotional on the inside. MC just emotionally inept and thinks of this world as a game. She is mostly just very detached.

ML is also lackluster. He has little to no character development either and the romance is... more>> rushed with little depth.


They literally just kissed and got married. Not satisfying at all.


The writing is subpar. It feels rushed and there is little detail in the writing. More simplistic than most fanfiction.

This could have been so much better if the characters were more developed and better paced.

Other than that, I did enjoy myself and filled in the necessary blanks as I read. There was a lot of potential in this and the manga is far better at bringing out that potential.

I am also happy that there is a kuudere villainess!

I think I am done reading it. I finished volume 1, but it is not good enough for me to continue on. Besides,

the heroine and 3 of the 4 male leads died for no reason.

There is nothing much to develop for me to care about what happens in this story anymore.

The English translation is meh. You can read through it just fine. It is just that they make a few blaring grammar mistakes and don't use quotations. It was sometimes hard to tell who was talking due to this. Moon's Tavern desperately needs an editor.

Overall, read if you want. It is pretty popular and a lot of people can look past its faults.

Happy Reading!! <<less
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