Let’s Meet in Court


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Seo Yi-soo, a young prosecutor, is faced with a distressing situation when her journalist sister mysteriously disappears. While delving into the clues left behind by her sister, she stumbles upon a shocking revelation involving the country’s largest law firm, Yoon & Kang.

In her quest for information, Yi-soo approaches Yoon Hyun-seong, her senior from college and the son of Yoon & Kang’s representative, proposing a contract engagement. Aware of his legal expertise, she suggests a one-year engagement contract.

Their relationship begins as a mere arrangement to fulfill their individual objectives. Yi-soo, without harboring any doubts, firmly believes in this pragmatic alliance. However, her unwavering faith is shattered in an instant.

As she rejoices momentarily, fate throws an unexpected twist at her. The air fills with a captivating blend of wood and cigarette smoke. Hyun-seong, with a cigarette poised between his index and middle fingers, invites her to experience it. His lips gently graze the cigarette, revealing a lazy yet alluring smile. His eyes exude indifference, while the veins on his hand appear prominently.

As the tip of the cigarette turns red, Yi-soo’s heart races, feeling as if it were shattered into pieces.

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  2. Romantic Mystery/Thriller (bxg)
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  4. Oh it's arranged marriage... Again
  5. Good Korean Novels

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4 Reviews sorted by

Passlebook rated it
December 25, 2023
Status: c37
First, I'd like to thank the translator for (His or Her) amazing work. It's not common to read a novel with fluidity !

This novel has all the points that characterize a thriller like one of many drama who highlights lawyers and politicians... and also a Romance with smut that is not superficial or annoying.

Very promising.
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wormbooker rated it
September 10, 2024
Status: Completed
Contains some spice. This definitely was not only focusing on smut. There's plenty of plot that drives the story. The smut was reasonable (ie. It wasn't just random plot devices that led to f*cking) but I will say that it's bland, there want really anything explicit about it. The premise of the story was interesting but I do think there were untied ends and it might have been cut short.

The one thing this novel does to well that I have to give credit to is the fact that the characters... more>> are well fleshed out. Korean novels tend to have flat characters or rely on stereotypes (ie. The cold CEO or the pretty but feisty female lead). This author strays away from just physical characteristics and spends a decent amount of time developing the (main) characters. There wasn't really a point where the characters' actions felt out of place or unjustified due to characterisation discrepancy. Are they the best characters? No.


The villain wasn't unexpected. The big secret that we were trying to uncover was pretty good. Nothing out of the imagination. The wrap up was a little hasty. You're telling me this mastermind villain was easily caught by the police in the span of 2 chapters and ended up dying before he really served his sentence? A little unsatisfying. There was little character development for him so he didn't even come off as creepy or psychotic as intended. The author alluded to the foster father being involved in the case but it was conveniently ignored when the villain was arrested.


Was it the best novel? No. Was is a decent one that won't make you think it was a waste of time? Yes. Would I read it again? No, there are definitely better novels out there. <<less
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novelForReal rated it
December 24, 2024
Status: --
Thanks Keopi for translating!!!

The story was well written. The FL and ML are both very cute and I really like the romance aspect of the story. The crime aspect started out strong, but everything at the end wrapped up too quickly.

It felt like there was some loose end that didn't get tied up. Still recommend for a good read.
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sithkazar rated it
April 6, 2024
Status: c3
I've read the first three chapters and it's ok. But it's just not drawing me in. There is something distracting about how its written. Honestly, it's hard to believe it's translated. The author uses clauses generously and it seems like the thesaurus was used to describe everything.

I'm not saying its bad. I haven't really read enough to call it bad, but it feels tedious to read in ways I normally find English romance novels. The best way I can explain it is that everything is overly discribed in a poetic... more>> way.



Soft jazz melodies filled the air, emanating from a vintage turntable. A black LP record spun leisurely, casting a mesmerizing spell. Above, a magnificent chandelier, a masterpiece crafted by a renowned architect, illuminated the ceiling with its opulence, worth billions of won. At the bar table, an array of top-shelf spirits and exquisite c*cktail liqueurs lined up. Bottles that were rare finds in Korea and whiskies whose worth was determined by their sought-after reputation. Amidst this lavish ambiance, there was only one individual who could be dubbed a patron. Before him sat Glencairn glasses and a bottle of Royal Salute 38-year-old whisky. Seeking solitude, he had even dismissed the bartender to bask in his own company.

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