Left Behind Swordsman


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“I’m just a guy who can swing a sword. If I dive into a dungeon alone, I might never make it back out. Haha.”

Ziel, the leading swordsman of an S-rank party, finds himself abandoned during the expedition of the ultimate difficulty dungeon after a chaotic turn of events.

Ziel already suffers from a fatal lack of direction. To make matters worse, the glasses he relies on have been utterly shattered. With no hope of finding his way back to the surface, his only viable option is to wait for rescue.

“Hmph… The so-called ultimate difficulty dungeon isn’t so impressive after all!”

Yet armed with his inexplicable confidence—something peculiar to the directionally challenged—and his extraordinary swordsmanship, Ziel presses forward. He charges deeper and deeper, forging into regions of the dungeon that history itself has yet to record. Even when terrifying monsters appear, he slices them down with ease, despite barely being able to see them.

He soon encounters others who share his lack of directional sense.

Bit by bit, the dungeon’s true form begins to reveal itself.

And then comes a crushing realization: “Wait… haven’t I been moving further from the exit for months now?”

Meanwhile, back on the surface, the adventurer party that left him behind finds themselves caught in a troubling situation…

A light-hearted fantasy following a protagonist who’s almost—but not quite—the strongest in his world.

Associated Names
One entry per line
S-Rank Swordsman Who Was Left Behind By His Party In The Hardest Labyrinth Heads to the Unknown Deepest Depths While Being Completely Lost ~ My Instincts Tell Me That This Way Probably Leads To The Exit.
The S-Rank Swordsman Left Behind in the Ultimate Difficulty Dungeon: Completely Lost He Accidentally Reaches the Deepest Unknown Depths—"I Think This Way Might Be the Exit, According to My Gut"
最高難度迷宮でパーティに置き去りにされたSランク剣士、本当に迷いまくって誰も知らない最深部へ……。~「戻ってこい」と言われてるかどうかもよくわからない。俺の勘だとたぶんこっちが出口だと思う~ (old title)
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