Lee Seop’s Romance


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10 consecutive years ranked 1st in job performance! The top employee following the fastest and youngest promotion path! Which was Kang Min-kyung, not TK Group successor Tae Lee Seop. Min-kyung was the only person who had beat him and put him in second place. And now she was his new personal assistant.

The epic office romance between Tae Lee Seop, who doesn’t want to do anything, and Kang Min-kyung, who must somehow succeed.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Iseop’s Romance
Lee Seop’s Love
Yiseob’s Relationship
이섭의 연애
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Slice of life/romance genre (kr novels)
  2. Reads I enjoy
  3. Want read
  4. Some of the novels I've read so far 3.0
  5. several novels

Latest Release

Date Group Release
10/11/24 NovelUtopia c105
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10/07/24 NovelUtopia c103
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09/15/24 NovelUtopia c93
09/13/24 NovelUtopia c92
09/10/24 NovelUtopia c91
09/08/24 NovelUtopia c90
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