Land Reformation in Another World: Public Work Starts With Earth Magic


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Michio Tsuchida, a 35-year-old single man. One winter, while returning from the office, he got stabbed by a kitchen knife in the process of saving a girl.

The pain of stabbing spread throughout his body, making him lose his senses. The next time he opened his eyes, he found himself as the fourth son of a viscount in another world.
The story is about a reincarnated boy who enjoys his new life while using his past knowledge to reform his territory.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Isekai Ryouchi Kaikaku: Tsuchi Mahou de Hajimeru Koukyoujigyou
異世界領地改革 ~土魔法で始める公共事業~
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  1. Japanese novel
  2. Other
  3. clan/city building
  4. Alternate-World

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08/04/21 Your Fantasy Translations prologue
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ErikHarrison rated it
October 20, 2021
Status: c40
It's not a lot of fun to read.

  • Weird pacing
  • Overanalyzes bad magic system
  • "Undeserved" POV timings
  • Weak characters/motivations
First arc is spent explaining. Could barely get to premise at ch40.

There are better SoL cheat novels out there my friends
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