Knight Collector


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In a world where valiant knights are more than just pieces in a game, the battle for honor begins.

Lauren finds herself trapped in the labyrinth of ‘Knight Collector,’ a dating sim game. Each ending – bad, gambling, escape, knightly – unfolds like a chapter from a book she can’t close. Happy endings remain just beyond her grasp, elusive and taunting.

Each game over is a lesson, each restart a new hope. It’s not just about winning; it’s about understanding the heart of a knight.

But Lauren, ever the determined soul, whispers a vow to herself, ‘This time, I’ll escape.’ Her mission: to win the hearts of five knights, a quest she thought daunting, yet now, curiously easier than imagined.

Is the game changing, or is she? What secrets lie in wait? Will Lauren finally find her escape, or is there more to this game than meets the eye?

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기사 컬렉터
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Latest Release

Date Group Release
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02/01/21 Underworld Workers c2
01/12/21 Underworld Workers c1
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