In The Midst Of An Intended Marriage With My Time-Limited Lover


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What do unmarried women need most?

A Powerful family? Higher Education? A Close Friend?

No, it’s money.

Ines Elrdin is a successful investor.
She has the ability to see the misfortune of the people who come in contact with her.

One day, while she chased money with the ability to see other people’s misfortune, it suddenly disappeared!

In order to regain her ability, she must come in contact with Callard Arcidion. the master of the magic sword.

“I found it, my luck.”

And thus, Ines’ obsession with Callard begins…

Just in time, a proposal is sent from the Marquis of Arcidion.

“Please marry me!”

The person who sent the proposal was none other than Callard’s younger brother.

“When would be a good date for the engagement?”

“If the Lady doesn’t mind, I’d like to get married right away…..”

Ines tapped the armrest with her fan.

“The person I want to be engaged to.”

Ines nodded at Callard, who was sitting far away.

“It’s not you, but your brother.”

Associated Names
One entry per line
I'm Unmarried with a Time-Limited Lover
I Am Living Unmarried With My Terminally Ill Lover
시한부 연인과 비혼 생활 중입니다
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1 Review

Feb 18, 2024
Status: c3
The story is ok so far, there's not many chapters that are translated well but FL raised her family from ruin with the money she made but refuses to get married since it would mean everything will now belong to her husband in that Era, her title, Bank account, etc.

Honestly I'm only rating this one early to point out that the first review calling FL a money hungry wh*re comes across as incredibly sexist especially since they only read one chapter and in that one the two main characters had... more>> just met each other in a bank that was being robbed. I don't think the author has anything against women but Smaforte12 sure does. <<less
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