I, Who Was Reincarnated as a Mob Soldier in a Game World, Want to Hide My True Abilities~ Before I Knew It, I’m Surrounded by Main Characters, but I’m Just a Mob, Right?~


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A young man reincarnated into the world of the popular game ‘Brave of Astalisk’. However, his position was that of an insignificant mob gatekeeper named Silva, who had no connection with the main characters at all. Silva tried to live while keeping his distance from the main characters so as not to disrupt the scenario with his actions, but by chance, he ended up saving his ‘favorite’, Charlotte Oroland, from a crisis. Since then, Silva, who unintentionally became close to Charlotte, gradually gained recognition from the main characters, despite being a mere mob gatekeeper.

‘Please, let me just be a mob!’

Today, Silva’s plea echoes once again. However, he cannot ignore the approaching heroines—this is the story of the strongest mob living in the world of his beloved game.

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