I, Who Was Persecuted as a Commoner’s Child With No Magical Power, Actually Possess Infinite Magic


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Rest, a boy born between nobles and commoners, was diagnosed as having “no magical power”, but that was a falsehood; in truth, he possessed infinite magic. Treated and persecuted like a dog due to being a commoner’s child, he refused to remain a victim forever. “Someday, all of you will realize… that I am the one with infinite magic!”

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Chaosrune rated it
January 10, 2024
Status: c23
A very cliche novel, with a classic jp MC that is excruciatingly kind, to the point when he literally eats his food like a dog from a bowl in the ground in every meal and doesn't do anything, and has no intention to get revenge.

Of course girls fall in love with him because he is this kind, and strong, and just happens to save them at the nick of time from monsters.

I don't really recommend people to read this novel, unless you are new to light novels and you haven't... more>> seen this plot hundreds of times already, or you have nothing else to read, at least the translation here is very good, and will not kill your brain cells trying to read it like most mtl novels here <<less
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TheKaldo rated it
February 13, 2024
Status: c33
Mismatched occurrences:

  • Spoiler
    • graphic abuse is just brushed off,
    • weird pacing,
    • even whether MC is reincarnated or just remembering memories is not clear. Sometimes explicitly says he doesn't remember specifics from previous life, then goes on to describe his previous life, as to justify his thinking process in that exact moment without coherence or any continuity with the story.
I love cliche stories, but this feels like set of cliches smashed together out of context.
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